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NetworkThe Arizona Telemedicine Program (ATP) network is primarily devoted to improving access to specialized medical care throughout the State of Arizona through the use of telemedicine technologies such as digital imaging and real-time video conferencing. (more...)

Clinical Services

Clinical ServicesDozens of clinical specialty services are available over the Arizona Telemedicine Program network from a variety of member providers. Teleradiology, teledermatology, and tele-behavioral health are the most common specialties provided through the network. (more...)

Distance Education

Distance EducationThe Arizona Telemedicine Program offers many distance education opportunities for member sites. These include numerous grand rounds in a variety of disciplines. Programs can be viewed "live" via interactive videoconferencing. (more...)


trainingThe Arizona Telemedicine
Program offers regular comprehensive telemedicine and telehealth training course in both Phoenix and Tucson. Training is free to Arizona residents. (more...)


ADVICEThe Arizona Diabetes
Virtual Center of Excellence - ADVICE - is a comprehensive program for diabetes prevention, assessment, and management utilizing the Arizona Telemedicine Program Network. (more...)


Telemedicine ResearchThe Arizona Telemedicine Program's research mission is to assess a full range of telemedicine technologies including video imaging, networks, picture archiving and communication systems, and end-user equipment and appliances. (more...)

National Awards

The Arizona Telemedicine Program is regarded as a national leader in developing and delivering innovative telemedicine, telehealth and distance education programs. These efforts have been recognized over the years by numerous national awards of excellence. (more...)