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Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center
Name on building

The Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center (MIWRC) is a non-profit social and educational services organization committed to the holistic growth and development of American Indian women and their families. Founded in 1984, MIWRC provides a broad range of programs designed to educate and empower American Indian women and their families, and to inform and assist those who work providing services to the community.

MIWRC is located in the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis, which has the third largest urban American Indian population in the United States. MIWRC is the only organization addressing the gender and culturally specific needs of our community.

Programs are developed to reflect the needs of our families, and are tailored to address issues that significantly affect their well being; such as family services, child advocacy, child care services, legal services, affordable housing, parenting skills, chemical dependency, mental health care, cultural resilience, historical trauma and many other family and community issues.

Our Mission

"To assist American Indian women so they can enjoy a better quality of life for themselves and their families."

MIWRC building

MIWRC Families

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