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GISP Publications

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      GISP Books 

The following are book publications resulting from GISP Phase I - "Building the Knowledge Base on Invasive Alien Species


A Plague of Rats and Rubbervines: The Growing Threat of Species Invasions
Baskin, Yvonne. 2002. A Plague of Rats and Rubbervines: The Growing Threat of Species Invasions. Shearwater Books/Island Press, Washington, D.C



Global Strategy on Invasive Alien Species
McNeely, J.A., H.A. Mooney, L.E. Neville, P. Schei, Waage, J.K. (eds.) 2001. Global Strategy on Invasive Alien Species. IUCN on behalf of the Global Invasive Species Programme, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK


Invasive Alien Species: A Toolkit of Best Prevention and Management Practices
Wittenberg, R.; Cock, M.J.W. 2001. Invasive alien species: A Toolkit of Best Prevention and Management Practices. CAB International in collaboration with the Global Invasive Species Programme, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.


The Great Reshuffling: Human Dimensions of Invasive Alien Species
McNeely, J.A. (ed.). 2001. The Great Reshuffling: Human Dimensions of Invasive Alien Species. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.



1999 - 2000:

"The Economics of Biological Invasions" Edited by Charles Perrings, Mark Williamson, and Silvana Dalmazzone Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Mooney, H.A. and R.J. Hobbs. . Invasive Species in a Changing World. Island Press.

Mooney, H. A., and A. Hofgaard. 1999. Biological invasions and global change. Pages 139-148 in O. T. Sandlund, P. J. Schei, and A. Viken, eds. Invasive Species and Biodiversity Management. Kluwer, Dordrecht.

O. T. Sandlund, P. J. Schei, and A. Viken, eds.1999 Invasive Species and Biodiversity Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.Based on a selection of papers presented at the Norway/UN Conference on Alien SpeciesTrondheim, Norway, 1–5 July 1996 edited by Odd Terje Sandlund, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Trondheim, Norway; Peter Johan Schei, Directorate for Nature Management (DN), Trondheim, Norway; Åslaug Viken, Zoological Institute, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Dragvoll,Norway