Indigenous people of the Greater Southwest have nurtured an intimate understanding of ecologically based living that has evolved over centuries of close interactions with their bioregions. This relationship to the land represents a vast storehouse of environmental wisdom that must be honored and preserved. It offers the rest of the world, the ecologically sustainable orientation that is vital to the future of humanity.

The Baca Institute of Ethnobotany is a 501C3 nonprofit educational organization. We are dedicated to the preservation, collection, and research of the indigenous environmental knowledge and the cultural diversity of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Our educational programs are guided by the philosophy that the way to scientific advancement in conservation, botany, medicine, and sustainable agriculture follows an ancient path.

- Enrique Salmon, Director

Educational Philosophy

The Institute's innovative educational programs are designed to be experimental, utilizing the culturally diverse Southwest as our field laboratory. We offer community focused seminars and workshops for the lay person, more intensive field schools and internships for graduate credit, and specialized programs for Native American Communities and individuals. Our curriculum utilizes a collaboration of western science and traditional approaches to reintroduce Indigenous ecosystem conservation, Indigenous Environmental philosophy, agricultural knowledge, and culturally sensitive research techniques.


Programs for Native Americans

Our programs for Native American communities are designed to aid traditional peoples in their efforts to record and perpetuate traditional environmental, botanical, and agricultural knowledge. The workshops and seminars are organized and conducted by Native Americans. The programs are designed to:

  • Act as a vehicle for nurturing and exchange of traditional knowledge among Indigenous groups and the next generation of Native Americans.
  • Emphasize the value of cultural knowledge over "received knowledge," demonstrating the various career possibilities in traditional environmental knowledge.
  • Empower individuals and communities to become knowledgeable and committed custodians of their cultures and leaders in environmental awareness.

Programs for College Credit

We feel that it is vital to the future of humanity to bring the time tested Indigenous knowledge to the attention of the western scientific world. Therefore, we offer intensive field schools and internships for graduate and undergraduate credit. All courses and internships emphasize Indigenous environmental philosophy, intellectual property rights, and culturally sensitive research techniques. The courses cover a wide continuum of interests from medicinal plants, traditional sustainable agriculture, the intricacies of the human plant relationship, ethnobotany for the elementary and second grade classroom, field research techniques, ethnobotanical theory, plant and cultural ecology, Indigenous ecosystem management, plant systematics, plant biochemistry, southwestern plant history, and archeobotany.

Schedule of Courses: 99/00

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