MUST - A National Education Campaign for Older Adults and Caregivers
WELCOME to the Medication Use Safety Training (MUST) for Seniors Program - A National Education Awareness Campaign for Older Adults and Caregivers
Founded in 1982, the National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE) is a non-profit coalition of over 100 diverse organizations. NCPIE’s mission is to stimulate and improve communication of information on the appropriate use of medicines to consumers and health care professionals. NCPIE develops programs, provides educational resources, and offers services to advance the common mission of its members.

The Medication Use Safety Training (MUST) for Seniors program is designed as an interactive, national initiative to promote safe and appropriate medicine use by enabling older adults to avoid medication misuse, recognize and manage common side effects, and improve medicine use knowledge, attitudes, and skills to avoid medication errors.

MUST for Seniors can be offered to community-based, ambulatory older adults. Older individuals and family caregivers are also encouraged to use this site and to participate in the program by viewing the online PowerPoint presentation, video clips and other program messages and materials.

MUST Project Advisory Team
NCPIE wishes to thank the following individuals for their input in the development of the Medication Use Safety Training (MUST) for Seniors (MUST for Seniors) program...

Click here to Meet the Project Advisory Team