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Person Details

Superfund Basic Research Program

Dr. Roger Y. Tsien

University of California-San Diego
Department of Pharmacology
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0636
Phone: 858-534-4891
Fax: 858-534-5270



  • Dooley, Colette T., Timothy M. Dore, George T. Hanson, W. Coyt Jackson, S. James Remington, and Roger Y. Tsien. 2004. Imaging Dynamic Redox Changes in Mammalian Cells with Green Fluorescent Protein Indicators. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 279(21):22284-22293.
  • Hanson, George T., Robert Aggeler, Devin Oglesbee, Mark Cannon, Roderick A. Capaldi, Roger Y. Tsien, and S. James Remington. 2004. Investigating mitochondrial redox potential with redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein indicators. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 279(13):13044-13053.
  • Adams, Stephen R., Robert E. Campbell, Larry A. Gross, Brent R. Martin, Grant K. Walkup, Yong Yao, Juan Llopis, and Roger Y. Tsien. 2002. New biarsenical ligands and tetracysteine motifs for protein labeling in vitro and in vivo: synthesis and biologiacal applications. Journal of American Chemical Society. 124(21):6063-76.
  • Gross, Larry A., Geoffrey S. Baird, Ross C. Hoffman, Kim K. Baldridge, and Roger Y. Tsien. 2000. The structure of the chromophore within DsRed, a red fluorescent protein from coral. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). ( Exit NIEHS Website 97(22):11990-11995.
  • Kapahi, Pankaj, Takayuki Takahashi, Gioacchino Natoli, Stephen R. Adams, Yi Chen, Roger Y. Tsien, and Michael Karin. 2000. Inhibition of NF-kappa B activation by arsenite through reaction with a critical cysteine in the activation loop of Ikappa B kinase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. ( Exit NIEHS Website 275(46):36062-36066.
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