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Export Import Bank of the United States




News | News Releases | 2000

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February 16, 2000
Contact: Ken Murphy (202) 565-3200

Export-Import Bank Interested in Partnering with Private Capital Markets on Financial Risk Sharing for Medium-term and Long-term Loan Guarantees and Insurance Programs

Public Invitation to Submit Proposals Issued February 16, More Information at www.exim.gov.

The Export-Import Bank of the United States is soliciting proposals to undertake an unprecedented public/private sector partnership that would create a facility for the transfer or sharing of risk under its medium-term and long-term loan guarantee and medium-term insurance programs. Ex-Im Bank is issuing an Invitation to Submit Proposals (ISP) that would involve creating a risk transfer structure involving the private sector capital markets which would also be cost effective for the Ex-Im Bank.

Interested parties should obtain a copy of the ISP from Ex-Im Bank's web site at www.exim.gov/isp.html . A two-week period from February 16 - 29, 2000 has been set aside for the submission of questions regarding the ISP. All questions must be submitted in writing via e-mail to pat.hayes@exim.gov by February 29, 2000.

On March 7, 2000 a pre-proposal conference will be held at Ex-Im Bank to address the written questions submitted under the above deadline regarding the ISP. Interested parties that are unable to attend the pre-proposal conference in person may participate via telephone. Registrations will only be accepted via e-mail and should be sent to pat.hayes@exim.gov . Registration details and calling instructions are available in the ISP and online at www.exim.gov/isp.html.

Information about the ISP and about Ex-Im Bank in general, is available at www.exim.gov/isp.html. Specifically, this site contains a copy of the ISP, which describes the required parameters for proposals and a timeline for the development and submission stages. Also on this site is information on Ex-Im Bank programs, credit processes, fee revenue, activity and default history.





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