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Export Import Bank of the United States




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June 6, 2003
Contact:  Bo Ollison 202.565.3200


Ex-Im Bank to Host "Trade Finance Solutions for Lenders" Seminar June 26th in San Antonio, TX

The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) will host a seminar for lenders in the San Antonio, TX, area who are interested in offering trade finance services to their business customers and hence increase their profits.  Lenders will also learn how Ex-Im Bank can assist them in decreasing their loan risks involving higher country or credit risks while expanding their lending capacity.  For seventy years, Ex-Im Bank has been assuming risks that commercial lenders are unable or unwilling to accept.  The event will be held Thursday, June 26, 2003 at the City of San Antonio International Center.

The one-day seminar uses case studies and classroom discussions to facilitate the attendee's understanding of the varied and dynamic trade financing products and services offered by Ex-Im Bank. Attendees will learn how to prevent claim problems, handle restructuring and workouts, qualify to become a delegated authority lender, as well as how to enter new international markets with Ex-Im Bank's assistance.  This seminar will help lenders add significant services to their existing customer base and help attract new exporters and profits as well.

EVENT  :   Trade Financing Solutions Seminar for U.S. lenders

DATE  :   Thursday, June 26, 2003

      City of San Antonio International Center
      203 South St. Mary's Street
      3rd Floor Conference Center
      San Antonio, TX  78205

TIME  :  
    Registration:  8:30 am
    Seminar:   9:00 am - 4:00 pm

COST  :   $199 (includes materials and lunch)

TO REGISTER :   On-line registration is available by logging onto http://www.exim.gov and click on "seminars"   
               link or you may call (202) 565-3912 or fax your application to (202) 565-3723.

SPONSORS :   Ex-Im Bank, City of San Antonio International Affairs Department

Lenders interested in learning more about the seminar may call Ex-Im Bank at (202) 565-3912 or visit the Ex-Im Bank website (www.exim.gov).





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