January 16, 2009  
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Our resource list for rust fungicides/spraying guidelines/management

7/16/2007 (latest update) -- Information and guidelines for soybean rust fungicides and spray equipment, recommended methods of application, and crop insurance implications/guidelines are available now from several sources. Here at StopSoybeanRust.com, we keep this list of articles, guides and Web sites updated for your use.

Please use the links below to access the articles/sites. To suggest additions to this list, please send an e-mail to us.
7/16/2007: USDA Documentary: "The Rust Invasion" Part of Episode 17 of the USDA-CREES "Partners" news video magazine. A text version of the 5-minute video is here.
Our Approved Fungicides for Asian Soybean Rust list, powered by Greenbook.net.
6/5/2007: Purdue Publication SPS-103-W: "Managing Fungicide Applications in Soybean." Funding assistance from Indiana Soybean Alliance.

10/9/2006 -- Soybean Rust Management in the Mid-Atlantic Region -- a new 44-page full-color guide to rust management prepared and edited by the Communications and Public Information Office of the South Carolina Department of Agriculture. It is a cooperative venture among Clemson University Extension Service, North Carolina State University Cooperative Exension, South Carolina Department of Agriculture, South Carolina Soybean Board, Virginia Cooperative Extension and the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.

8/21/2006 -- Soybean Plant Disease and Management Guide -- new 16-page pocket field guide from the soybean checkoff and United Soybean Board. Includes I.D. and management information for soybean rust, soybean cyst nematode (SCN), sudden death syndrome (SDS), soybean aphids, Phytophthora rot and Sclerotinia stem rot. Request a copy of the guide from USB using this form.
5/11/2006 -- BASF 2006 Recommendation for Management of Asian Soybean Rust -- PDF of slide presentation with recap of 2005, predictions for 2006 and specific fungicide recommendations.
10/12/2005 -- USDA Position on Spore Trapping.

9/1/2005 -- New interactive key for Selected fungi on Fabaceae (legumes) from USDA Agricultural Research Service.

8/5/2005 -- New on www.sbrusa.net: Chronology of Positive Detections. Click on that heading in right-hand column of the site. You can view the table in order of date rust was confirmed (earliest or latest) or by state/county where found.

7/20/2005 -- New video "Soybean Rust: Scout before you spray" from the North Central IPM Center has step-by-step instructions on how to scout for rust and apply fungicides, if necessary. View online at link or order CD by sending an e-mail with requested quantity, shipping address (street) and phone number to Susan Ratcliffe at sratclif@uiuc.edu. Individuals using wireless networks, or a media player other than Apple QuickTime 6.0, may find this trouble-shooting PDF document helpful in order to view the video successfully.

6/30/2005 -- Updated soybean rust training module (2005) from ISU Crop Adviser Institute (CAI) in two CD-ROM versions for Certified Crop Advisers and soybean producers.

6/29/2005 -- Two new United Soybean Board/soybean checkoff rust guides:
Soybean Rust Management Guide(pdf)
Asian Soybean Rust Quick Facts(pdf)
Quick Guide for Uromyces (common bean rust) vs. Phakopsora pachyrhizi (Asian soybean rust) from Purdue.

New 5/9/2005: Resources from the University of Nebraska.
"Soybean Rust: How Great is the Threat for Nebraska?" April 2005 by Loren J. Giesler, Extension plant pathologist.
"Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust: What are the Product Differences?" April 2005 by Loren J. Giesler and Thomas J. Weissling, adjunct research professor.
"Spray Boom Set-up on Field Sprayers," University of Nebraska guide by Robert N. Klein, Extension cropping systems specialist.

New 5/3/2005: Soybean Rust Planning Tool from University of Illinois. Spreadsheet model allows the user to perform a sensitivity analysis of soybean rust impact for three acreage scenarios in 2005: traditional 50% corn - 50% soybeans (50:50), 100% corn (100:0) or 75% corn - 25% soybeans (75:25.)

New 5/2/2005: Two informational video news releases from the United Soybean Board and the soybean checkoff:
  • Early warning system key element in fight against soybean rust, length 1 min., 56 seconds.
  • Emphasizes the importance of scouting fields and being aware of sentinel-plot findings. Commentary by USDA-ARS rust researcher Reid Frederick, USB Production Chair and Minnesota soybean farmer Jim Sallstrom, and Ike Boudreaux, USB vice chairman and Louisiana soybean farmer.

  • New USDA soybean rust Web site is valuable resource, length 1 minute, 55 seconds.
  • Gives a behind-the-scenes look and short user's guide to the new interactive USDA Public Soybean Rust Web Site, www.sbrusa.net, again with Sallstrom, Matt Royer of USDA-APHIS, and Coanne O'Hearn, national survey coordinator, USDA-APHIS.

    New 4/30/2005: EPA Soybean Rust Pesticides home page.

    New 4/25/2005: The Ohio State soybean rust guidelines Web site.

    New 4/19/2005: "Using foliar fungicides to manage soybean rust" -- a comprehensive guide from a nation-wide team of experts, is to available to view and download on the Web, and soon will be ready in printed form in soybean-producing states. Information on how to get copies in each state will be posted on the site as it becomes available.

    +Rebroadcasts of Asian Soybean Rust Web seminars on important disease management topics. One CEU available up registration/viewing each rebroadcast.
    Provided by Dealer & Applicator magazine, Greenbook.net, and seminar series sponsor Bayer CropScience.

    +Ask The Experts section of StopSoybeanRust.com has several specific questions and answers about spraying and spray equipment for soybean rust.
    Posted 3/31/2005: Q & A on crop insurance from RMA
    +Questions and Answers about Crop Insurance and Asian soybean rust
    from the Risk Management Agency of USDA. Sent out 3/28/2005 to RMA field offices and other interested parties in order to get the information to all soybean policyholders. Memorandum that accompanied the Q & A.

    Posted 3/22/2005: Agronomy guides from Pioneer Hi-Bred
    +Asian Soybean Rust: Fungicides guide. PDF version.

    +Asian Soybean Rust: Fungicide Application Technology guide. PDF version.

    +EDEN -- Extension Disaster Education Network soybean rust page

    +Models and information from USDA ARS Areawide Pest Management Research Unit:
    Aerial Spray Nozzle Models
    USDA ARS Areawide Pest Management Research Unit home page.
    Aerial Application Technology for Crop Production and Protection research page, USDA/ARS.

    +Regional IPM Centers:
    Soybean Rust Fungicide Best Practices
    Fungicide efficacy and approved labels

    +Plant Health Initiative (of North Central Soybean Research Program):
    Fungicide options for Asian soybean rust
    "Asian soybean rust -- after your profit". Article by David Wright.

    +United Soybean Board:
    Download USB Soybean Rust Guide

    +Iowa State University:
    Posted 4/04/2005 --
    Integrated Crop Management special issue on Asian soybean rust, Feb. 28, 2005.
    Soybean rust and organic soybean production
    Fungicides for Asian Soybean Rust

    Table of labeled fungicide product information, application rate and volume
    Table of health and safety information for the fungicides
    "An introduction to (soybean rust) fungicides" by Alison Robertson, ISU Extension Plant Pathologist
    Labels for Sec. 18 fungicides for soybean rust in Iowa
    Note: www.soybeanrust.info is the new overall Iowa State site for soybean rust.

    +University of Georgia:
    Soybean Sprayer Application and Nozzle Selection

    +University of Kentucky:
    Main U of KY Soybean Rust page

    +University of Minnesota:
    Article: Asian soybean rust Q&A
    Main site: Soybean Rust
    Fungicide table for MN

    +University of Missouri-Columbia:
    Calibrating Field Sprayers Extension guide.

    Soybean Rust Guide

    +The Ohio State University:
    "Strategy required to win war against soybean rust" on application recommendations; source: Erdal Ozkan
    Bulletin: "Spraying Recommendations for Soybean Rust," latest Ohio State fact sheet by Ozkan, 4/18/2005.
    "Soybean Rust -- Survival guide for Ohio soybean producers" slide presentation
    Article: "Say good-bye to manually-controlled sprayers"
    Article: "Soybean rust has been found in the US, but will it survive? (includes recommendations for best practices)

    Soybean Rust Guidelines -- Main OSU soybean rust site

    +Purdue University:
    Soybean rust fungicide information

    Article: What's in a fungicide's name? Soybean rust control, expert says

    +University of Tennessee:
    Slide presentation
    by University of Tennessee Extension plant pathologist Melvin Newman.

    +Dealer & Applicator:
    Soybean Rust: It’s Here.
    Will there be enough fungicides to combat rust next season?
    Getting A Rust Education commentary

    + Bayer CropScience US:
    New Asian soybean rust technical bulletin
    -- includes 2004 data on application and timing from field trials in Brazil, and specific application recommendations for Stratego® and Folicur® fungicides under Sec. 18 exemptions for soybean rust.

    +TeeJet from Spraying Systems:
    "A User's Guide to Spray Nozzles" -- new 56-page, 4-color educational booklet.
    Download online (posted here 3/22/2005, 29 pages in PDF) or can be requested from distributors and dealers.
    New spray nozzles for Asian soybean rust
    Nozzle Selection Guide, comprehensive
    Selection guide for broadcast spraying, quick overview
    Formulas and conversion factors, including reference formulas, conversion factors for spraying solutions other than water, measuring travel speeds, nozzle-spacing conversion factors and suggested minimum spray heights.
    Calibration calculator to solve for rate, speed and spacing variables

    TurboDrop TwinFan Nozzle for multiple applications, new 3/15/2005 re: using same nozzles for glyphosate and fungicides
    Bulletin on spray nozzles for Asian soybean rust
    Choose the right nozzle
    Application guidelines
    Droplet size and classification data

    New 3/24/2005 -- PDF of "Control of Asian Soybean Rust"
    Spray technique for Asian soybean rust Web page
    Nozzle selector
    Spray quality classification

    + Hypro:
    New 3/15/2005: Asian Soybean Rust Education & Information Center,
    with link to PDF: "Delivering solutions for Asian soybean rust" and other resources

    +Ace Pumps:
    Application update for use of Ace Pumps to spray soybean rust

    +AGCO AgChem
    : new, free quick-reference pocket spray guide available. Call toll-free (877) 454-3346.
    On-line soybean rust information and recommendations

    +Airtram: About tramlines

    +Spectrum Electrostatic Sprayers Inc.

    +Murray Equipment Inc.

    -- Updated 10/12/2005. Marilyn Cummins, Editor, www.StopSoybeanRust.com
    For an easy way to stay informed, sign up for the Monday Bulletin e-mail newsletter from www.StopSoybeanRust.com. You also will receive our RUST FLASH e-mails alerting you to important breaking news as soon as it occurs. All are archived in Bulletins.

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