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The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Mitigation Directorate maintains and updates the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) maps.
To keep up with the latest developments in Flood Hazard Mapping, please visit What's New in Flood Hazard Mapping. You can also sign up for e-mail updates using the "Flood Hazard Mapping News e-mail updates" link at the top of this page.
For more information you may e-mail or call a Map Specialist in the FEMA Map Assistance Center; toll free, at 1-877-FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627)
Beginning on or after October 1, 2009, FEMA will provide a single paper flood map and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) to each mapped community. FEMA will convert all other distribution of maps and FIS reports for digital delivery. FEMA will continue to provide free digital map products and data to Federal, State, Tribal, and local NFIP stakeholders. FEMA announced this change in the Federal Register (PDF, 43KB), Vol. 23, No. 76, issued on October 23, 2008. Read more about the digital transition.
Through Map Mod, FEMA is transforming the Nation's flood maps into more reliable, easier-to-use, and readily available maps.
The Multi-Year Flood Hazard Identification Plan (MHIP) describes the strategy, schedule, and budget developed by FEMA for producing flood hazard data and maps to administer the NFIP. It is a living document that is updated annually through a collaborative process to engage stakeholders.
As part of its commitment to improve the Nation's flood hazard maps and in response to stakeholder feedback, FEMA performed a comprehensive review of Map Mod. This review is referred to as the Mid-Course Adjustment. As a result of the Mid-Course Adjustment, FEMA prioritized funding based on a goal of mapping 90 percent of the Nation's highest-risk areas.
Building upon the successes of Map Mod, FEMA is a developing a vision for flood hazard mapping efforts that will start in Fiscal Year 2009. The Risk MAP (Mapping, Assessment, and Planning) Strategy will enable FEMA to improve, maintain, and expand the flood hazard identification while leveraging more benefits and community action from updated NFIP maps.
The CTP Program is an innovative approach to creating partnerships between FEMA and participating NFIP communities, regional agencies, and State agencies that have the interest and capability to become more active participants in the FEMA Flood Hazard Mapping program.
Floodplain managers, engineers, community officials, citizens who are actively involved in updating flood hazard data and maps, and other interested stakeholders may obtain information on ongoing map change activities, priority map changes, Letters of Final Determination, and Base Flood Elevation notices.
FEMA's Mitigation Directorate offers various application forms, documents, and software to assist the public.
FEMA has developed several multimedia tutorials to provide in-depth training on different facets of the NFIP and to support FEMA's public education and outreach efforts as part of Map Mod.
Answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions are provided for the following user groups: Homeowners, Engineers, Surveyors, and Architects, Insurance Professionals and Lenders, and Floodplain Managers.
Website visitors experiencing accessibility problems are encouraged to send email to our Webmaster at webmaster@fema.gov.
Last Modified: Wednesday, 10-Dec-2008 16:35:16 EST