United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Careers | Job Search | Navigating the Hiring Process | Additional Guidelines for RNs
     Additional Guidelines for RNs

The following guidelines should provide additional assistance to you as you apply for an RN position at VA:

  • The VA application for RNs is 10-2850a, while the application for LPNs/LVNs is 10-2850c. Be careful to select and complete the correct application.
  • The application only has space for three employers. However, you are required to list all nursing positions you've held since you became licensed. Use the addendum sheet, posted in the VA Job Applications and Forms section of this site, if you have more than three previous employers. Remember to sign and date the addendum.
  • Be sure your references are individuals who acted as your supervisor. Do not list co-workers or friends. Also be sure to list your current or most recent supervisor.
  • If you are selected for the position and need to complete the VetPro credentialing process, there are various information fields that don't pertain to nurses or that require your special attention. Use this VetPro guide and the following tips when completing VetPro:
    • Professional Training field: It would be unusual for you to have to enter anything in this area.
    • Licenses fields: You need to enter information about every license you've had in every state, even for expired licenses. If you don't remember an old license number, can try to obtain it using this online Nurses State Boards link list.
    • Certification field: Certification applies to National Nursing RN or LPN certifications from specialty organizations, not ACLS, BLS, IV Certification, etc. Examples would be AORN, CCRN, ONC, WOCN, CEN, etc. Enter the information from your certification card and make a copy of your card to submit, OR it would be better to submit the "original" letter from your certifying body if you have it. For the future, when you renew your certification, there is a place on the application to ask for an additional verification of certification at no extra charge. Please ask for one for your credentialing package.
    • References field: Again, even though the field reads "References/Peer Review," nurses are required to provide references who acted as their supervisors, not co-workers or friends.

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