United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Careers | Career Life at VA | Testimonials
     Take a Look at What These VA Employees Are Saying

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"Despite the multitude of hospitals needing nurses, I chose to remain with VA. The work environment is great, the benefits are good, and, most of all, it's very fulfilling and rewarding to work with the veterans."

—Deloris, RN


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Karen Shoffner, Chief of Radiology Franciso Pinedo, Prosthetic Representative Intern Robin Graham, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist

Physician Assistants
Occupational Therapists
Physical Therapists
Respiratory Therapists
Mental Health Care Professionals
Technical Career Field Program Interns
Health Information Management Specialists
Human Resources Specialists

What VA Nurses Are Saying


"I was active duty military throughout nursing school, and I knew I wanted to work at VA after I graduated. My assignment to the cardiac step-down unit was intimidating at first, but my orientation was so great, I felt ready for the challenge. But my favorite thing about VA is the veterans. I don't have to read about history, I hear it firsthand!"

—Laurence, RN

"I'm honored to have been a VALOR participant. I cannot express the amount of knowledge, teamwork, and hands-on skills I accumulated through the program. I was eager to apply here after graduation and have loved being an employee ever since. The dedication to patient care makes every day a wonderful experience."

—Kristin, RN

"Despite the multitude of hospitals needing nurses, I chose to remain with VA. The work environment is great, the benefits are good, and, most of all, it's very fulfilling and rewarding to work with the veterans."

—Deloris, RN

"Working in the VA Health Care System has allowed me to travel across the country and expand my horizons with ease. Since 1998, I have worked in both North Dakota and Texas, and have not had to file for a new nursing license. VA scholarship monies, leadership courses, and mentorship opportunities also have enabled me to experience staff nursing, mid-level management, and now unit/clinic management levels."

—Jami, RN
North Dakota

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"My nurse managers encouraged me to become a Nurse Practitioner. Now I have a passion for helping other nurses advance their careers within VA. As Lead NP at our facility, I serve as a preceptor and mentor to both undergraduate and graduate nurses. I also serve as adjunct faculty at local nursing schools. I feel greatly blessed that I am a part of this amazing VA culture."


"A friend of mine told me about a new position in the emergency department at the local VA hospital and encouraged me to apply. At the time, I had young children and was not sure whether changing employers was a good idea. Taking this job was one of the best professional decisions I have ever made. My flexible work schedule has been very important to me, as I am active with my children's school. And I am thrilled with VA's technology."


"When we separated from active duty service as Captains in the USAF Nurse Corp, we both really wanted to pursue nursing careers dedicated to serving fellow veterans. Although we both became certified Nurse Practitioners while at VA, one of us opted to remain clinically focused, while the other switched to an administrative career path. VA has provided both of us with unparalleled advancement opportunity, career flexibility, and the education necessary to fulfill our career dreams."

—Terry, APRN BC

—Tammy, APRN BC

"Since starting my career at VA 25 years ago, my clinical practice has evolved much the same as the role of nurse practitioner: increased independence and autonomy. VA has been supportive over the years in providing me with the time, clinical training and other educational opportunities to enhance my skills and specialty knowledge. As a veteran myself, it is both an honor and a privilege to care for this patient population."

—Charles, APN

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"I am a new hire in the Department of Anesthesia, having recently completed my CRNA program. Being an anesthetist at VA has been a great experience thus far. With such a unique patient population, VA offers many challenges and clinical experiences that you cannot get at other institutions. The other CRNAs have been wonderful mentors and resources when I have questions regarding certain cases or anesthetics. I'm proud to be an anesthetist working in the VA system and look forward to continuing my career here."


"My job as a VA CRNA is not an easy one; veterans are a medically complex patient population. But I am proud and honored to serve each and every veteran. My service to them can't compare to the sacrifices they have made to serve our country, but I can attempt to pay them back with kindness and the highest quality of anesthesia care available. Working for VA is a very rewarding career; I grow every day in my anesthesia skills, as a health care provider, and as a person."


"I like and stay in the VA health system because of its true anesthesia care team concept. VA anesthesiologists do not place false barriers to my practice, and I'm able to use all the skills I learned as a CRNA."

—Pauline, CRNA
North Carolina

"I have been in practice 23 years in a variety of clinical settings and have been employed at this VAMC for slightly over a year. While working here, I have enjoyed an environment that allows and encourages nurses to use critical thinking to provide appropriate, compassionate, quality state-of-the-art care. The VA system provides an enjoyable, professional work environment with job satisfaction and loyal team members."

—Deborah, CRNA

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"I chose VA for its benefits, which were better than any other hospital that I researched. I also enjoy the camaraderie with the former soldiers – I'm a retired soldier myself."

—Ronnie, LPN


"I love working here. The veterans need good nurses, and they are so grateful for even the smallest need that's met. It's also a good experience to work here. There are many new advances in technology that we utilize that are not in place at other health facilities."

—Sharla, LVN

"I strongly recommend VA. Where else can you receive great annual leave, sick leave, and military leave, plus expand your knowledge and continue your education? Most employers offer 70 or 80 percent tuition reimbursement. At VA, you can get full help with your education with a commitment on your part. VA really supports its LPNs."

—Ralph, LPN

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What VA Pharmacists Are Saying

"When I was a pharmacy student with rotations at the Miami VA Medical Center, I was extremely impressed with VA's computerized patient record system. So I was thrilled to get a residency at the VA facility in Washington, DC. A year later, I decided to take a position with VA because of the wealth of opportunities I knew were here."

—Ivan, Pharm.D.
Washington, DC

"Coming to VA three years ago has allowed me to not only have a life again, but also to grow professionally and actually use what I was taught in school. I first took a position as a staff pharmacist, then moved into a clinical position seeing patients, participating in safety initiatives, and precepting Pharm.D. students. The Education Debt Reduction Program (EDRP) has helped immensely in reducing my student loans and making the switch from retail a no-brainer. VA is honestly the best place to work as a pharmacist."

—Bryan, Pharm.D.
New York

"I was thrilled to stay on staff at the VA Medical Center as a clinical pharmacist after completing my pharmacy practice residency. I enjoy working with other health care providers in an interdisciplinary environment. VA has provided me with many wonderful and unique opportunities, many of which I don't think I would have experienced as a pharmacist at other institutions."

Pharm.D., CGP

"I first came across the VA Pharmacy Residency Program in San Francisco while on my clinical rotations as a pharmacy student. I enjoyed my experience as a student at this site and knew that I wanted to be a resident here. My experience in the residency program has been truly invaluable and unforgettable. I've been pleasantly surprised at the variety of rotations offered. I was even able to complete a pediatric rotation at the University of California, San Francisco. In addition to rotations, I have had the opportunity to precept pharmacy students and help them develop their clinical skills. Overall, the VA Pharmacy Residency Program has given me the added knowledge and confidence I need to practice in a challenging clinical setting. I also value the great relationships I've developed with my co-residents, pharmacy students, pharmacy preceptors, and many other health care providers at the medical center."

—Tiffany, Pharm.D.

"I decided to accept a position with VA after my residency because they provide career development, as well as support the attainment of Board Certification and other specialty training. Pharmacists in the VA system have unique opportunities in pharmacoeconomics, cost containment, clinical practice, and formulary management. I have enjoyed my career at VA and look forward to continuing the development and attainment of my career goals."

Pharm.D., BCPS

"Imagine: Home before dark, no weekends, work one holiday a year, scheduled breaks and lunches, frequent recognition for a job well done, plenty of help from supportive colleagues, realistic clinical/managerial opportunities, and a low-stress environment. This is not too good to be true. This is my career at VA two years after leaving retail pharmacy. I made the change to a winning team that is practicing pharmacy the way it should be. You can, too."

—Adam, Pharm.D.

"VA's commitment to evidence-based medicine and improved patient outcomes has made me a better pharmacist. I was extremely fortunate to choose a career with VA, and I'd like to share my top reasons why:

  • Most advanced pharmacy practice in the country
  • Opportunity to participate as an interdisciplinary health care team member
  • Ability to work with advanced pharmacy technologies and technicians
  • Leadership opportunities and commitment to mentoring
  • Competitive salaries, Federal benefits package, and opportunities for student loan repayments"
    Pharm.D., BCPS

    "Just six years after I started in 1988 as a staff pharmacist at the VA Medical Center, I applied and was chosen for a job as a Supervisory Pharmacist. In 2001, I completed my Pharm.D. degree with financial help from the VA Employee Incentive Scholarship Program, and that same year I was promoted to Chief of Pharmacy Services. Throughout my career, I have utilized the many training and education opportunities at VA. Most recently, I attended the VA Healthcare Leadership Institute. I am now a candidate in VA's Executive Career Field Development Program with aspirations to become a Medical Center Associate Director. I choose to stay with VA because I have the opportunity every day to make a difference. I can teach, I can learn, and I can lead."

    —Kim, Pharm.D.

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    What VA Physicians Are Saying

    "Welcome to the new VA. As an innovator of one of the best deployed electronic medical record systems in the country and as a leader in bar code medication administration and other state-of-the-art technology, VA provides the highest quality care for our country's heroes. VA is one of the best opportunities for a stimulating and rewarding medical career. The great benefits and a balanced lifestyle also make VA a terrific place to work. You too can say, 'I love my job and look forward to coming to work each and every day!'"

    —Karen, M.D.

    "VA has provided me with an environment where I can develop to the full extent my capabilities as a physician, a teacher, a researcher, and a leader. The opportunity to participate in hospital committees allows me to have my voice heard as far as improving patient care and makes me feel like an active part of shaping the future direction of this hospital."

    —Jose, M.D.

    "I came to VA to serve my country and those who served. I had a successful private practice, but felt the need to give back to my country. Both my parents served in WWII and I did not get a chance to serve earlier. I consider it an honor to serve here."

    —Mary, M.D.

    "Working at VA is a gratifying experience in all aspects of my professional life. At the end of each day, there is enormous satisfaction knowing you provide a service for your country, the patients received up-to-date evidence-based care, and along this journey you had the opportunity to develop and improve yourself."

    —Parag, M.D.
    Washington, DC

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    What VA Physician Assistants Are Saying

    "People ask why I've been with VA for 20 years. The answer is simple: I get far more opportunity for direct patient contact and instant feedback, and the advancement opportunities are limitless. When I joined VA, I was a generalist PA. Since then, I've spent five years in psychiatry, six years in sleep research, and nine years in nuclear medicine. I now act as the chief PA of the hospital. I wouldn't have had this robust a career in a civilian hospital."

    —Russ, PA-C

    "In 1990 after 12 years as a physician assistant, I began working with spinal cord injury veterans, and it has been highly satisfactory ever since. I work with a team of outstanding physicians, nurses, and therapists who are deeply committed to the care of SCI veterans. I feel challenged every day, and I'm always learning something new."

    —Patty, PA-C

    "As a physician assistant with 28 years experience, I have spent the last 15 of those years at VA serving my fellow veterans. I have delighted in the teaching opportunities open to me as I precept students and provide lectures for fellows in our Spinal Cord Injury Fellowship Program. As for my own NCCPA exams, the continuing medical education that is available in-house has been outstanding in helping me to prepare. Ultimately, VA offers an incredible environment where I can provide the finest health care, obtain the finest medical education, and educate our future health care providers."

    —Notley, PA-C

    "I began working at VA right after graduating. Since then my clinical knowledge and expertise has increased tremendously. VA has proven to be a fantastic environment for continued learning after graduation. Plus, I have great job satisfaction. Caring for veterans is so rewarding."

    PA-C, MPAS

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    What VA Dentists Are Saying

    "After 10 years in private practice, I was bored to tears. Fourteen years at VA and every day presents new and interesting challenges."


    "There is no greater reward than to be able to meet the physical and spiritual needs of our veterans. The professional camaraderie and expertise of fellow dentists in the VA system has greatly expanded my scope of practice beyond that of my peers."

    —Doug, DDS

    "It has been my privilege to interact with highly talented and dedicated dentists from across the country, conduct basic and clinical research, plan and conduct VA-wide dental implant studies, train dental and medical residents, and travel internationally. What more could anyone want?"

    —Paul, DDS

    "It's important to me that I don't have to sell dentistry. Our veterans have an implicit trust in us. They know that our treatment plans are always in their best interests."

    —Marco, DMD

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    What VA Occupational Therapists Are Saying

    "Having worked in the private sector, I can honestly say that this is the best place I have ever worked. We have flexibility with our programs. We have a pet therapy program, work with both inpatients and outpatients, and we are involved in many hospital-wide projects. We truly make a difference, for veterans and in our profession."

    —Liz, OTR/L

    "VA is the first place I have worked as an occupational therapist where I feel like I have the time, resources, and support to provide the services the patient truly needs."

    —Jennifer, OTR/L

    "My primary duties are to provide direct patient care. However, unlike many other occupational therapy work settings, we're also encouraged to join the various committees that help run the medical center. I've been a member of the ethics committee, the safety committee, and other task groups that have offered personal and professional growth, as well as variety to my job."

    —James, OTR/L

    "When I started working at VA, it was just a job with a good salary and excellent benefits. As the years passed and I got to know the veterans, I became proud of being able to serve them. After almost 19 years, I enjoy every working day and return home feeling completely satisfied with my professional life."

    —Zaida, OTR/L
    Puerto Rico

    "I consider myself fortunate to work at VA. It's one of the few places where you can be true to the core values of occupational therapy, and there are limitless opportunities for learning and career growth. It's perfect for new graduates. Our therapists gain experience in various areas of patient care, we have many continuing education programs, and our highly qualified staff is always eager to provide mentorship."

    —Nancy, OTR/L
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    What VA Physical Therapists Are Saying

    "Nowhere else in the rehabilitation community do you have the professional autonomy to fully treat as you see fit to best meet the needs of your patients. Physical therapy at VA is a truly rewarding experience."

    —Karee, PT

    "I chose VA because there is a wide variety of settings to work in and the therapists are top notch. VA isn't just a place to work; it's my second family."

    PT, NCS

    "VA fosters a supportive working environment where new clinicians can develop their skills under the guidance of master clinicians in the field. I cannot imagine a population with which I would rather work. And, of course, the stories that the veterans share are unbeatable!"

    PT, DPT, GCS

    "I have been a VA employee for 26 years, and I can still honestly say I look forward to coming to work each day. The veterans' appreciation makes it all worth it."

    —Kathleen, PT
    North Dakota

    "I chose to work at VA after an excellent experience as a student. I was challenged by the staff and patients, and that challenge has continued throughout my career. I can't imagine finding another workplace with better teamwork and friendship among the staff."

    —Meg, PT

    "I came to VA shortly after graduating from physical therapy school because I had heard there were good opportunities for personal growth and development. While that certainly has proven true, it's no longer just a career for me, but a calling. As a veteran myself, I feel it is truly a gift to serve those who served us and positively influence their quality of life."

    —Brian, MPT

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    What VA Respiratory Therapists Are Saying

    "I enjoy working as a team member in the ICUs where my voice as a professional is heard. We are a critical component in improving the quality of life for veterans."

    RRT, RCP

    "VA encouraged me to fulfill my educational dreams and gave me a pathway to do it. I completed my master's in health education after a few years of service, and the opportunities have been endless since then."

    MS, RRT, RCP

    "With more than 25 years experience as an RCP, I have spent the last 10 years serving our Nation's veterans. VA offers many exciting avenues to practice respiratory care: critical care, pulmonary diagnostics, sleep medicine, and home care are just a few. As Home Oxygen Program Coordinator, I truly practice respiratory care. Seeing patients in clinics allows me to put my clinical experience to work by providing the best home respiratory care to our vets."


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    Mental Health Care Professionals

    "At VA, psychology is a respected discipline, and psychologists are valued as part of both the interdisciplinary care teams and the medical center leadership. As the Director of Training at my facility, I feel honored to continue VA's tradition of providing high quality training to our trainees and excellent service to our veterans."

    —Jeanette, Ph.D.

    "I can sum up the reasons why I joined VA in one word – opportunities. VA offers me the chance to do challenging, stimulating, and meaningful work. VA supports my continued professional education, allowing me to continually improve as a clinician. VA also offers excellent compensation and ample opportunities for professional advancement. Opportunities abound at VA!"

    —Matthew, LMSW
    Social Worker

    "I wouldn't be where I am today without VA. They helped me further my education, they provide the best retirement support around, and I can live anywhere I want."

    APRN, BC, NP
    Psychiatric Nurse

    "Working at VA is an honor. I am a veteran. I was raised by a veteran, and I enjoy helping my fellow veterans. I feel I'm really giving something back by working with our heroes to overcome their mental health struggles."

    —Leroy, M.D.
    Psychiatrist, Mental Health Clinical Center

    "Since the day I arrived as an intern, I have been inspired by VA's commitment to excellence in research and clinical care. I'm so excited to continue my work here as a full-time psychologist. I work with professionals who are at the top of their field, and I look forward to following in their footsteps."

    —Shilo, Ph.D.
    Psychologist, PTSD Outpatient Clinic

    "I began training at VA in behavioral science as a practicum student, then as an intern, and finally as a fellow specializing in PTSD. VA provided me with access to expert mentorship and clinical and research training. Senior researchers at VA have generously provided support, shared resources and information, and helped guide my career. VA has afforded me with national opportunities to further my understanding in my field. Most importantly, I work at VA without pressures that would compromise my commitment to my family and my life outside of work. As a staff psychologist, VA is my professional home where I am dedicated to excellence in clinical service and research."

    —Matthew, Ph.D
    Psychologist, Deployment Health Clinic

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    Technical Career Field Program Interns

    "VA's Technical Career Field Program is on-the-job training at its finest. I received one-on-one training, attended classes at corporate office, met interns from across VA, and rotated through hospital services outside of my field to gain a deeper understanding of the system. The information I received and networking contacts I made were invaluable."


    "I am a proud graduate of VA's Technical Career Field (TCF) Program. The experiences provided to me during that internship have proven to be priceless now that I am a VA HIM professional. At VA, I get to work with the most advanced medical information technologies available. VA's electronic health record is the best around and the envy of the private sector. I can't imagine working for any other health care system."

    HIM Specialist

    "After 10 years of active military service, I knew I wanted to find an employer that served our Nation's veterans. My time as both a Prosthetic Representative intern and as a VA employee has been very rewarding. Every day my expectations are exceeded and I am fortunate to have found the VA Technical Career Field Program."

    Prosthetic Representative

    "VA has afforded me the opportunity to be trained by the best prosthetic experts in the field. As a Technical Career Field intern, I spent 18 months in a very rewarding and educationally exciting environment. In my first job as a Prosthetic Representative, I gained invaluable experience and knowledge in the field. Now as the Chief of my own Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service, I can confidently say that the TCF internship was the best career move I could have made. I have enjoyed a challenging career, met very interesting and knowledgeable people, and accomplished tremendous career growth."

    Chief, Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service

    "VA's biomedical engineering internship in the Technical Career Field (TCF) Program allowed me to get a jump on a very rewarding career with an excellent network of mentors, other trainees, and engineers. I was given opportunities to assist in the technical assessment of various medical systems, manage the installation of medical systems, and participate in quality assurance for the Biomedical Engineering program. Now, I manage the biomedical section of my VA facility. Each day, I see how my career makes a difference in the lives of veterans."

    Biomedical Engineer

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    Health Information Management Specialists

    "I believe VA's HIM program is the best in the field. I've worked on projects and tasks that have directly impacted not only our department, but my entire facility. Throughout my career, VA has afforded tremendous opportunities for advancement. I started as a Medical Records Administration Specialist and then became Supervisor of Coding and Analysis. Today, I am a member of my facility's leadership, serving as the Compliance and Business Integrity Officer."

    Compliance & Business Integrity Officer

    "In 2000, I was eager to work with an electronic health record (EHR) system and was surprised and delighted to discover that the world leader in EHR design and implementation was in my own backyard! After joining VA, I found that VA provides HIM professionals with many opportunities to bring their HIM subject matter expertise to an already robust EHR. Because VA's technology systems are implemented in all of its facilities nationwide, HIM professionals can move geographically to different areas and positions throughout their career. Plus, we have unlimited opportunities to expand on our professional HIM training and experience because VA offers many online classes."

    HIM Specialist

    "VA's excellent training and mentoring programs have helped me grow professionally. I started as a Health Information Management intern in the Technical Career Field (TCF) Program and have climbed the ladder to my present position as Chief of my HIM section. I feel very fortunate for the opportunities VA has given me to gain invaluable HIM experience and to advance my career."

    —Adam, RHIA
    Privacy Officer, FOIA Officer

    "After a year at VA, my facility provided me with the opportunity and funding I needed to pursue a degree in Health Information Management. Since then, I've worked at facilities in Omaha, St. Louis, Amarillo, Kansas City, and Washington. Today I represent VA through national and international groups, assist in developing VA's electronic health record, and help others pursue their own career goals. I am grateful for the countless nationwide opportunities for advancement that VA has afforded me throughout my career."

    HIM Specialist

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    Human Resources Specialists

    "After 18 years in Human Resources at VA, I can truly say that I've never been bored in my work. It's very challenging and no two days are the same. I began as a coding clerk and moved through different positions as an assistant and as a staffing specialist. I currently work for the National Recruitment and Staffing Services. In my opinion, this is the best it gets."

    HR Specialist

    "If you like helping people, then Human Resources at VA is the place to be. I can't think of any other career I'd rather have. The number of ways I make a difference in people's lives is extraordinary. I help prospective employees obtain positions at VA, explain VA's educational opportunities, and consol grieving spouses when processing beneficiary information. I even train new supervisors on employee relations and provide HR expertise to managers looking for guidance. VA provides me with countless opportunities, plus the added benefit of proudly serving those who served – our veterans."

    HR Specialist

    "As a member of the Human Resources team at VA, I have devoted my entire career to recruiting and hiring people who can provide our veterans with the best care possible. When veterans themselves seek employment at VA, I take great pride in helping them find a job that will use the knowledge, skills, and abilities they gained from their military experience. Veterans are a valued part of the total applicant pool, and it is an honor to interact with them on a daily basis. I truly have the best career."

    HR Specialist

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