United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Careers | Career Life at VA | VA in the News
     VA in the News

By a number of measures, VA is providing some of the best health care in the Nation, and the news is spreading fast. Read some of what's been written to date:

ABC News
Veterans Affairs Healthcare System No. 1

Washington Post
VA Takes the Lead in Paperless Care

Time Magazine
How Veterans' Hospitals Became the Best in Health Care

What's Behind the VA Hospital Turnaround?

DefenseLink News
VA Outranks Private Sector in Health Care Patient Satisfaction

U.S. News & World Report
Military Might

Washington Monthly
The Best Care Anywhere

Annals of Internal Medicine
Comparison of Quality of Care for Patients in the Veterans Health Administration and Patients in a National Sample

Pharmacy Times
Cutting-Edge Pharmacy with the VA

For Blind Rehab, It's Best to Be A Veteran


An Inside Look …
Learn more about working at the Department of Veterans Affairs by perusing our internal publications:

VA News
"VA News" is a weekly video program designed to provide timely news and information about the Department of Veterans Affairs. (Windows Media Player and Real Player formats)

Current and back issues of our employee newsletter are available for viewing as PDF files.

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