United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
     VA's Cutting-Edge Research

of Research If you have a passion for research, then you'll be passionate about working for VA. One of the largest medical research organizations in the United States, VA conducts more than 10,000 research projects at 115 different VA facilities. VA research centers focus on basic and clinical studies in a variety of medical and subspecialty areas, such as stroke, cardiology, mental health, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, AIDS, cancer, amputations, spinal cord injuries, and rehabilitation. Other research programs foster multidisciplinary research, pilot studies, and training for teams of scientists exploring a wide range of topics.

The goal of all VA research is to improve the health of our veteran patients and lay the groundwork for improving patient care within VA. Over the years, VA researchers have received many prestigious citations for their work, including three Nobel Prizes and six Albert Lasker Medical Research Awards. And they have revolutionized the field of medicine through many discoveries, including:

  • The first liver transplant
  • Computerized axial tomography
  • Radioimmunoassay
  • Implantable cardiac pacemakers
  • CT scan
  • Nicotine patch
  • Seattle Foot and other artificial limb technology
  • The identification of a previously unknown nerve cell dysfunction involved in multiple sclerosis

Get the latest details about our clinical research initiatives by visiting the VA Office of Research and Development Web site, as well as VA's Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers (MIRECC) Web site.

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