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Request a DUNS Number

The DUNS number is a unique nine-character number that identifies your organization. It is a tool of the federal government to track how federal money is distributed. Most large organizations, libraries, colleges and research universities already have DUNS numbers. Ask your grant administrator or chief financial officer to provide your organization’s DUNS number.

If your organization does not have a DUNS number, use the Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) online registration to receive one free of charge. If your organization is located outside the United States, you can request and register for a DUNS number also online via web registration . The information you need to get your DUNS number is:

  • Name of organization
  • Organization address
  • Name of the CEO/organization owner
  • Legal structure of the organization (corporation, partnership, proprietorship)
  • Year the organization started
  • Primary type of business
  • Total number of employees (full and part time)

Obtaining a DUNS number places your organization on D&B’s marketing list that is sold to other companies. You can request not to be added to this list during your application.

Click here for a checklist for requesting a DUNS Number.

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