Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005


OGE Form 450 FAQs

FAQs for Ethics Officials

The first page of the form contains general instructions about such topics as the filing deadline and the reporting period, and the last page of the form contains examples about how to enter information on the form. Neither of these pages asks for any information from the filer. Am I required to retain these 2 pages with each form that is filed with my office?

        No, you are not. You may discard these 2 pages if the filer submits them with his or her form.

A filer has checked “no” to all 5 statements on the signature page of the form. Am I required to retain Parts I-V of the form, even though the filer had nothing to report?

        No, you are not required to retain Parts I-V under these circumstances. If the filer has answered “no” to all 5 statements on the signature page, you are required to keep only the signature page.

Does the new OGE Form 450 replace the OGE Form 450-A?

        No, it does not. If a filer meets the requirements for filing an OGE Form 450-A, he or she may still file an OGE Form 450-A.

Why can't filers just email the OGE Form 450 to me as an attachment to an email?

        The OGE Form 450 is a legal document that must be signed and submitted by the filer. The employee's signature represents the employee's certification that the information provided is complete and accurate. An email does not contain any legal signature. We plan to allow electronic submission of OGE Form 450s in the future, provided that the filer uses a digital signature that is in conformance with OMB directives.

The new regulation does not require filers to report student loans, credit card debt, or loans from a financial institution or business entity that are granted on terms made available to the public. But these types of debts could pose conflicts for the employees of my agency, and we still need to collect the information about these liabilities. What can we do?

       Under 5 C.F.R. § 2634.901(b), your agency may ask OGE for permission to collect supplemental information such as information about other types of liabilities. 5 C.F.R. § 2634.103 and 5 C.F.R. § 2634.601(b) describe the procedures to follow to obtain OGE approval.