Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0 Section 1 - Introduction 
1.6 On-Line Survey
Table of Contents


Please tell us what you think about the WWW version of the Remediation Technologies Screen Matrix and Reference Guide. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.

The following survey form serves as the primary opportunity for providing feedback on this document. By sending the feedback, you will get the opportunity to be involved in future update and review efforts. You may fill and submit the survey on line. It is easy and only takes about 10 minutes.

1. Is the information in the WWW document:

Easy to find? Excellent Good Fair Poor
User-friendly? Excellent Good Fair Poor
Appropriate to your needs? Excellent Good Fair Poor
Up to date? Excellent Good Fair Poor


2. Please rate the following website attributes:

Page Layout Excellent Good Fair Poor
Internal Links Excellent Good Fair Poor
Hyperlinks to Other Websites Excellent Good Fair Poor
Graphics Excellent Good Fair Poor
Search Engine Excellent Good Fair Poor
Screening Matrix Excellent Good Fair Poor
Image Maps Excellent Good Fair Poor
Synonym Index Excellent Good Fair Poor
Contaminant Search Excellent Good Fair Poor


3. If you have additional comments, what area do you want to comment on? (optional)

Your comments:

4. If you know of additional sources of information or websites that should be linked to this document, or if you are often in need of some related information and don't know how to find it, please make a note below.

5. Suggested Improvements:

6. If you would like to be involved in future update and review efforts, tell us how to get in touch with you:

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E-mail address:
Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

Thank you for your contribution!

You may also print out this form and mail it to:

APG, MD 21010-5401
FAX: (410) 436-6836


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