Bill Summary & Status for the 96th Congress

Congress: 111 | 110 | 109 | 108 | 107 | 106 | 105 | 104 | 103 | 102 | 101 | 100 | 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93

Browse Alphabetical List of Bill Popular and Short Titles

Browse Starting with:
Number of items per page: (maximum is 500)          
Academic Freedom Act of 1979
Accelerated Solar Energy Utilization Act of 1979
Accountability in Regulatory Rulemaking Act of 1979
Acid Precipitation Act of 1979
Acid Precipitation Act of 1980
Acid Rain and National Atmospheric Fallout Act of 1980
Act to Combat International Terrorism
Act to Establish a Special Pension Program for World War I Veterans
Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships
Administrative Practice and Regulatory Control Act of 1979
Administrative Procedure Reform Act of 1979
Administrative Rule Making Control Act
Administrative Rule Making Reform Act of 1976
Administrative Rule Making Reform Act of 1979
Administrative Rule Making Reform Act
Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980
Adoption Identification Act of 1980
Adoption Protection Act of 1977
Adoption Subsidy and Child Welfare Reform Act of 1979
Advanced Battery Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1980
Affirmative Action Program Improvements Act of 1980
African Development Bank Act
African Development Foundation Act
Afro-American Museum Act
Age Discrimination in Employment Amendments of 1979
Age Discrimination in Federal Employment Act of 1979
Agency Accountability Act of 1979
Agency Accountability Act of 1980
Agency Responsiveness Act of 1977
Agricultural Act of 1980
Agricultural Census Amendments of 1980
Agricultural Commodity Export Suspension Act
Agricultural Credit Readjustment Act of 1980
Agricultural Disaster Relief Act of 1980
Agricultural Economic Adjustment Act of 1979
Agricultural Emergency Arbitration Act of 1979
Agricultural Foreign Investment Control Act of 1979
Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of 1979
Agricultural, Forestry, and Rural Energy Act of 1979
Agricultural Land Protection Act
Agricultural Parity Equity Act of 1979
Agricultural Renewable Energy Development and Management Act of 1980
Agricultural Subterminal Facilities Act of 1979
Agricultural Subterminal Storage Facilities Act of 1979
Agricultural Subterminal Storage Facilities Act of 1980
Agricultural Trade Suspension Adjustment Act of 1980
Agricultural Trade Suspension Mitigation Act of 1980
Agricultural Transportation and Distribution Act of 1979
Agricultural Transportation Improvement and Regulatory Reform Act of l979
Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1979
Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1980
Agriculture Emergency Act of 1980
Agriculture Inflation Protection Act of 1979
Agriculture Protection Act of 1980
Agriculture Renewable Energy Development and Management Act of 1980
Air Safety Reorganization Act of 1980
Air Transportation Tax Reduction Act of 1979
Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1979
Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1980
Airport and Airway Revenue Act of 1979
Airport and Airway System Development Act of 1979
Airport Noise Curfew Act
Alaska Federal-Civilian Energy Efficiency Swap Act of 1979
Alaska Federal-Civilian Energy Efficiency Swap Act of 1980
Alaska Lands Amendments Act
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Amendments of 1979
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Amendments of 1979
Alcohol Farm Fuel Use Tax Act of 1980
Alcohol Fuel Act of 1979
Alcohol Fuel Additive Act of 1979
Alcohol Fuel Encouragement Act of 1979
Alcohol Fuel Use Act of 1979
Alcohol Fuels Production Incentive Act of 1979
Alcohol Production Incentive Act of 1979
Alcohol Production Tax Incentive Act of 1979
Alcoholic Beverage Labeling Act Amendment
Alien Education Assistance Act
Alien Education Impact Aid Act of 1980
All Idaho Multiple-Use Land Management Act of 1979
All Savers Tax Incentive Act of 1979
All Volunteer Force Educational Assistance Act of 1980
Allegheny Wilderness Act of 1979
Alternate Energy Commercialization Act of 1980
Alternate Fuels Engine Development Act of 1979
Alternative and Worksite Education Act of 1980
Alternative Budget Act of 1979
Alternative Education Act of 1980
Alternative Energy Incentive Act of 1979
Alternative Energy Production Tax Incentive Act of 1979
Alternative Energy Source and Conservation Tax Incentive Act of 1979
Alternative Mortgage Instruments Act of 1979
Amendments to Section 7 of the Clayton Act of 1979
Amendments to the Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Service Act of 1979
American Council of Learned Societies Endowment Act
American Dream Act
American Federalism Rejuvenation And Renaissance Resolution of 1980
American Fisheries Promotion Act
American Foreign Affairs Western Hemispheric Act
