Bill Summary & Status for the 105th Congress

Congress: 111 | 110 | 109 | 108 | 107 | 106 | 105 | 104 | 103 | 102 | 101 | 100 | 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93

Browse Alphabetical List of Bill Popular and Short Titles

Browse Starting with:
Number of items per page: (maximum is 500)          
10 for 60 Resolution
100 Percent Truth-in-Sentencing Act
1997 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Recovery from Natural Disasters, and for Overseas Peacekeeping Efforts, Including Those in Bosnia
1998 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Recovery From Natural Disasters, and for Overseas Peacekeeping Efforts
1998 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
1998 International Monetary Fund Appropriations Act
1998 Supplemental Appropriations Act for the International Monetary Fund
1998 Supplemental Appropriations Act for the International Monetary Fu%
1998 Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions Act
21st Century Classrooms Act for Private Technology Investment
21st Century Fire and Public Safety Act
21st Century Firearm Technology and Safety Act of 1998
21st Century Patent System Improvement Act
21st Century Retirement Act of 1998
21st Century Retirement Act
21st Century Retirement Savings Act
21st Century Scholars Act of 1997
21st Century Student Financial Aid System Improvement Act of 1997
401(k) Pension Protection Act of 1997
50 States Commemorative Coin Program Act
50 States Commemorative Coin Program Amendments Act of 1998
65th Infantry Regiment Commemorative Coin Act
A+ Accounts for Public and Private Schools Act
A Living Wage, Jobs for All Act
Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Removal Act of 1997
Abandoned Hardrock Mines Reclamation Act of 1997
Abolishing Child Pornography Act
Abortion Coercion Practices bill
Access to College Education (ACE) Act of 1997
Access to Emergency Medical Services Act of 1997
Access to Medical Treatment Act
Access to Safety and Advocacy Act
Access to Women's Health Care Act of 1997
Accessible Health Coverage Act
Accessible Transportation Act of 1997
Accountability for International Bailouts Act of 1997
Accountability for International Bailouts Act of 1998
Accounting Fairness for Physicians and Dentists Act of 1998
Accuracy in Campus Crime Reporting Act of 1997
Accurate Accounting Standards Certification Act of 1997
Accurate Fair Market Rental Demonstration Act
Acid Deposition and Ozone Control Act of 1997
Acid Deposition Control Act
Acquisition of Inholdings and Disposal of Surplus Lands Facilitation Act
Act to Save America's Forests
Adams National Historical Park Act of 1998
Administrative Law Judge Conference of the United States Act
Adolescent Family Life and Abstinence Education Act of 1997
Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997
Adoption Awareness Program Act
Adoption Equality Act of 1998
Adoption Incentives Act of 1997
Adoption Promotion Act of 1997
Adoption Promotion bill
Adoption Report Card of 1997
Adult Basic Education and Literacy Act
Adult Education Act
Adult Education and Family Literacy Act
Adult Education and Literacy Act
Advance Planning and Compassionate Care Act of 1997
Advanced Manufacturing Fellowship Act of 1998
Advancement in Pediatric Autism Research Act
Advisory Committee Termination and Streamlining Act of 1998
Advisory Council on California Indian Policy Extension Act of 1997
Advisory Council on California Indian Policy Extension Act of 1998
Affordable and Quality Child Care Act of 1998
Affordable Child Care Act
Affordable College Act
Affordable Education Act
Affordable Health Insurance Act of 1998
Affordable Higher Education-Through-Pell Grants Act of 1997
Affordable Higher Education through Pell Grants Act
Affordable Housing Barrier Removal Act of 1998
Affordable Housing Improvement Act of 1998
Africa: Seeds of Hope Act of 1998
African-American Civil War Memorial Commemorative Coin Act
African Elephant Conservation Reauthorization Act of 1997
African Elephant Conservation Reauthorization Act of 1998
African Growth and Opportunity Act of 1998
African Growth and Opportunity Act
African Growth bill
After-School Children's Education (ACE) Act
After School Crime Prevention Act
After School Education and Safety Act of 1997
Agricultural Credit Improvement Act of 1998
Agricultural Credit Restoration Act
Agricultural Job Opportunity Benefits and Security Act of 1998
Agricultural Land Preservation Act of 1997
Agricultural Lands Protection Act of 1997
Agricultural Reconciliation Act of 1997
Agricultural Research bill
Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reauthorization Act of 1997
Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1997
Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998
Agricultural Safety Net Act of 1997
Agricultural Trade Emergency Response Act of 1998
Agricultural Water Conservation Act
Agricultural Work Force Stability and Protection Act
Agriculture Disaster and Market Loss Assistance Act of 1998
Agriculture Education Freedom Act
