Emergency Response Action Steps

The first 48 hours can make the difference.

When a natural disaster or other emergency strikes, your collections can be lost. The Emergency Response and Salvage Wheels will help you safeguard collections damaged by water, whether from flood, fire, earthquakes, severe storms or broken pipes. Use the wheels within 48 hours of an emergency when salvage steps are most critical. These guidelines were developed by experts, but remember that this is an easy-reference guide. After an emergency, consult with conservation or preservation specialists as soon as possible.



Emergency Numbers

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Fire Department

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Police Department

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Poison Control Center

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Non-Emergency Numbers

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Local Emergency Management Office

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Local American Red Cross Chapter

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Insurance Representative or Risk Manager

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Staff Emergency Officer

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Nearest Conservator


View the Emergency Salvage Steps

Recovering From and Coping With Flood Damaged Property

© 1997, Heritage Preservation, Inc.

This information is from the Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel, a sliding chart designed for archives, libraries, and museums. It is also a useful tool for home or business and is available in English and Spanish versions. The Wheel was produced by the Heritage Emergency National Task Force, a public-private partnership sponsored by FEMA and Heritage Preservation. For further information or to order the Wheel, please call toll-free 1-888-979-2233.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 15-Aug-2006 10:10:35 EDT