Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
Table of Contents


Sites where inorganic contaminants may be found include artillery and small arms impact areas, battery disposal area, burn pits, chemical disposal areas, contaminated marine sediments, disposal wells and leach fields, electroplating/metal finishing shops, firefighting training areas, landfills and burial pits, leaking collection and system sanitary lines, leaking storage tanks, radioactive and mixed waste disposal areas, oxidation ponds/lagoons, paint stripping and spray booth areas, sand blasting areas, surface impoundments, and vehicle maintenance areas. Potentially applicable remediation technologies are presented in Table 2-6. Typical inorganic contaminants encountered at many sites include the following:

  • Metals
Alumina Cobalt Selenium
Aluminum Copper Silver
Antimony Iron Sodium
Arsenic* Lead Thallium
Barium Magnesium Tin
Beryllium Manganese Titanium
Bismuth Mercury Vanadium
Boron Metallic cyanides Zinc
Cadmium Molybdenum Zirconium
Calcium Nickel  
Chromium Potassium  

* Although arsenic is not a true metal, it is included here because it is classified as one of the eight RCRA metals

  • Other inorganic contaminants

Click here, for further information on specific contaminants: Contaminant Specific Web Sites
Click here, for DOE's Preferred Alternatives Matrices (PAMs): PAMs

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