OGE Logo and Address: U.S. Office of Government Ethics, 1201 New York Ave., NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005-3917            





                                                                                    October 25, 2005





TO:                  Designated Agency Ethics Officials


FROM:            Joseph Gangloff

                        Deputy Director

                        Office of Agency Programs


SUBJECT:       Agencies Focus on Ethical Implications of Emergency Response


On October 18th the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) convened a symposium on the Ethical Implications of Emergency Response. Nineteen ethics officials, representing 14 departments and agencies, met at OGE to begin the difficult and important work of identifying the most pressing ethics issues they face when dealing with emergency response and relief efforts. The group recognized that many of the problems they've encountered, while more acute during an emergency, are not unique to emergency situations.  Solutions to these problems, therefore, would have to address broader and longer-term ethics program goals, such as increasing awareness among employees generally, and making ethics an integral part of the everyday business of government.


Working groups were established to prioritize common needs and to propose solutions that promote transparency, efficiency, accountability, and measurable results.  These groups have committed themselves to continue meeting. They also have tasked themselves with producing, among other things, a frequently asked questions list to provide immediate guidance to agency personnel in the event of an emergency.


To ensure that we understand the full scope of the issues involved, we invite all agencies to participate in this effort. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 1st from 8:30 am until noon in the Main Conference Room at OGE.  Please RSVP Cheryl Kane-Piasecki at clkanepi@oge.gov with the number and identity of attendees. If you are unable to personally attend but would like to contribute to the dialogue, please contact your OGE Desk Officer.


Shared problems require common solutions. We encourage all agencies to take an active part.  We hope to see you on November 1st.