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TSA Grants Blog Overview

Grants Programs FY 2008

The Grants Submission Deadline has been extended to 01/23/09 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Application Forms are now available on

Substantial transparent stakeholder communication is a goal of the TSA Grants Team. In an effort to meet this goal, the office has developed an external communication plan. A key component of this plan is to evolve from presenting information to security partners (e.g., bulletins, e-mails and web pages) to interacting openly and meaningfully with partners (e.g., conferences, conference calls, workshops, and blogs). We have pushed ahead with this communication philosophy resulting in a redesigned website that is more professional and informative. We have moved forward in making our web presence more interactive as well by creating a registration-only blog.

The TSA Grants Web Board/ Blog provides an electronic forum for the freight rail, trucking, bus and mass transit communities to discuss topics relating to Transportation Security Grant Programs with staff from the TSA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The TSA Grants Blog will encourage discussions about the following programs: the Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP), the Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP), the Trucking Security Program (TSP), and the Freight Rail Security Grant Program (FRSGP).

The TSA Grants Blog will be hosted on a TSA WebBoard where users must be registered by TSA to access a general discussion area and potentially one or more transportation mode-specific blogs (a.k.a. conferences) in which grant topics will be discussed. This TSA Grants Blog has a specific focus (that is, information concerning grants related to transportation security) in order to keep discussions centered on topics of immediate concern to the transportation community. Sensitive Security Information (SSI) will not be permitted in the general discussion area. Even though SSI will not be currently permitted in the mode-specific conferences, we would like SSI discussions to be permitted in the mode-specific conferences in the future.

Click here to find out more about our access policy.

Also, note that this is a moderated blog. That means all comments will be reviewed by TSA moderators before posting. Please refer to our comment policy for details on what types of conversation and comments will be permitted on the blog. We will not edit or modify your comments. We only objectively determine if comments adhere to the comment policy before posting. We encourage you to read this policy carefully before starting to comment on the blog.

Click here to find out more about our comment policy.

Request Access to the TSA Grants Blog

After carefully reading the access policy, if the Chief Executive Officer or General Manager, Chief of Police and/or Security Director, Grants Program Administrator or their designee of the eligible grantee or sub-grantee determines that an employee requires access to the TSA Grants Blog, please do the following:

  1. Fill out the Access Request Form completely.

    Click here for the Access Request Form.

  2. The Chief Executive Officer or General Manager, Chief of Police and/or Security Director, Grants Program Administrator or their designee of the eligible grantee or sub-grantee should email that Access Request Form as an attachment to
  3. Log in and start engaging on the blog once you receive a notification email with your username and log in instructions.