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09/30/2004 : Archives Not Destroying Military Personnel Files      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2004 - The National Archives and Records Administration is not destroying any military records, officials here said.
09/30/2004 : Afghan Soldiers Graduate From Language Course  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 30, 2004 - Twenty-seven Afghan National Army officers and noncommissioned officers graduated from the Intensive English Language Course at the Kabul Military Training Center Sept. 2.
09/30/2004 : Iraqis, Coalition Working Out Fallujah Solution, Myers Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2004 - The situation in Fallujah "cannot remain the status quo," the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told National Public Radio in a Sept. 28 interview.
09/30/2004 : Marine's Parents Grateful for Medical Care, Help Received  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2004 - The parents of a Marine seriously injured in an Afghanistan vehicle accident are thankful their son is alive, and especially thankful for the medical care he has received.
09/30/2004 : Review Board Sends 180 Security Detainees Home      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 30, 2004 - About 180 detainees were released from U.S.- run detention facilities in Iraq today as a result of deliberations by the Combined Review and Release Board.
09/30/2004 : ISR Transformation Requires Vast, Advanced Technology      
DENVER, Sept. 30, 2004 - Using data collected through intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to its full potential requires better technology than is currently in place, the director of the Defense Information Security Agency said here.
09/30/2004 : Simulation Prepares Soldier-Medics for Combat      
FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, Sept. 30, 2004 - Move over, Resusci-Annie! Army medics-in-training are preparing for upcoming deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan by treating simulated combat casualties in conditions so realistic that they incorporate the look, sounds and smells of war.
09/30/2004 : Baghdad Bombings Kill One U.S. Soldier, Wound 13      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2004 - A series of car bombings in Baghdad today killed one American soldier and wounded 13 others. The bombings also killed at least two Iraqi policemen and reportedly injured scores of other Iraqis.
09/30/2004 : Cooperation Key to Intel, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Transformation      
DENVER, Sept. 30, 2004 - Transformation is a hot topic in the military community. And this week, transforming the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance model is the theme of the ISR Transformation Government Symposium here.
09/30/2004 : Memo Improves Job Protection for Guardsmen, Reservists      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2004 - Attorney General John Ashcroft and Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao have signed a memorandum of understanding (to ensure that the employment rights of men and women returning from military service are vigorously protected.
09/29/2004 : Despite Challenges, Iraqi Forces 'In the Fight'      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2004 - Although insurgents are making things difficult, the task of training, equipping and deploying new Iraqi security forces is progressing, a senior U.S. military official noted in a Sept. 26 commentary published in the Washington Post.
09/29/2004 : Iraq's Border Enforcement Department Graduates First Cadet Class      
AMMAN, Jordan, Sept. 29, 2004 - Iraq graduated its first class of cadets from the Department of Border Enforcement training course here Sept. 27.
09/29/2004 : Donated Tackle Helps Troops Fish at Saddam's Private Lake  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 29, 2004 - The large man-made lake between Camp al-Tahreer and Camp al-Nasr here was once stocked with fish as part of Saddam Hussein's private hunting reservation, and has since become one of the largest overseas American military bases built since the Vietnam War.
09/29/2004 : Navy Accepts Tactical Tomahawk to Fleet  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2004 - The Navy has placed another arrow in its quiver as it celebrated the acceptance of the Tactical Tomahawk cruise missile to the fleet during ceremonies at the Pentagon today.
09/29/2004 : Armitage Urges Continued Support for Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2004 - Just 10 days before Afghanistan's presidential election, Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage told Congress all signs point toward the successful election of a sovereign government.
09/29/2004 : ISR Transformation Necessary, But Not Simple      
DENVER, Sept. 29, 2004 - The United States, in the face of new threats, is transforming its military. It is moving from a force designed to fight the Cold War to one ready to face a new enemy that is agile and mobile.
09/29/2004 : Afghan Army Chases Terrorists, Seizes Weaponry      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2004 - As Afghan national elections near, Afghan National Army and U.S. troops continue to chase down terrorists and capture enemy weaponry.
09/29/2004 : Air Guard Aircraft Impress Crowds in South Africa  This story contains photos.    
PRETORIA, South Africa, Sept. 29, 2004 - They were daunted by the size of the C-5 Galaxy transport and KC-135 Stratotanker and mesmerized by the sleek, bold designs of the HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter and F-16 Fighting Falcon.
09/29/2004 : Explosive Device Wounds Four Americans in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2004 - Four American troops were wounded today near Riyadh, Iraq, by an improvised explosive device.
09/29/2004 : Pentagon Renovations Progressing With Help of Salvadorans  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2004 - Pentagon renovations are not only humming along, they're also humming along on schedule, according to a foreman on the project.
09/28/2004 : Why I Serve: AF Staff Sergeant Likes Being Part of the Bigger Picture  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28, 2004 - "I just love knowing that I'm part of taking care of this country and making sure that we keep all the freedoms that we have now," said Air Force Staff Sgt. Georgina Baldwin. "I just love it. I love the military. It's just like one big family."
09/28/2004 : DoD Officials Urge Generosity in Annual Giving Campaign      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28, 2004 - Defense Department employees donated $13 million in the 2003 Combined Federal Campaign, and officials here hope to top that number this year.
09/28/2004 : Postal Help Can Start From Any Location      
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Sept. 28, 2004 - I used to think of my letters to friends and family as small, sacred paper packages of shared thoughts, hopes and dreams. That was until I volunteered at the post office while serving on deployment here.
09/28/2004 : Early-Morning Air Strike Targets Zarqawi Operatives      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28, 2004 - Troops from Multinational Force Iraq conducted an early-morning "precision strike" today on a site in southern Fallujah, military officials in Iraq announced in a written statement.
09/28/2004 : Joint Chiefs Chairman's 2004 Voting Message      
In this election year, Sept. 28, 2004 - our men and women in uniform are stationed around the globe serving our Nation and defending democracy. We have both the responsibility and the privilege to participate in our democracy by exercising our fundamental right to vote.
09/28/2004 : Building Renovations Under Way      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 28, 2004 - There are not enough well-equipped medical facilities to heal the injured and sick, too few schools with teachers for children to learn, and too few buildings equipped to conduct the government's business.
09/27/2004 : 27 Tons of Cocaine Seized      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2004 - Two fishing vessels with roughly 27 tons of cocaine aboard were intercepted in the Eastern Pacific, the Department of Homeland Security announced today.
09/27/2004 : Afghan Militia Demobilization Hits High Note      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2004 - The demobilization, disarmament and reintegration program in Afghanistan is moving into high gear, said officials in Kabul.
09/27/2004 : Syria-U.S. Relationship Facing 'Major Deterioration'      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2004 - If Syria doesn't reverse its counterproductive policy in Iraq, then the United States and Syria will have a "major deterioration" in relations, said a senior U.S. government official today.
09/27/2004 : Chairman Poses Question to Counterterror Experts      
ALEXANDRIA, Va., Sept. 27, 2004 - As the United States continues the global war on terrorism, the question officials should ask is, "Are we being as bold and innovative as we need to be?"
09/27/2004 : Iraqis Making 'Tremendous Progress' in Delivering Essential Services      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2004 - Iraqis were kept in "intellectual isolation" for more than 30 years, but now they're making up for lost time, according to one man who worked with Iraqis to rebuild their health-care system.
09/27/2004 : NORTHCOM Warning Center Tracks Threats      
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo., Sept. 27, 2004 - It is called the domestic warning center but the name does not adequately reflect the center's diverse responsibilities.
09/27/2004 : Two Americans Die in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2004 - Two Americans were killed in Iraq today, one day after Secretary of State Colin Powell said the insurrection in the country "is getting worse."
09/26/2004 : Powell Says U.S. is Committed to Full Iraqi Elections      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26, 2004 - Secretary of State Colin Powell told Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday=," today that Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi and the U.S. are committed to full, free Iraqi elections.
09/26/2004 : Afghan Elections Present Opportunities, Challenges      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26, 2004 - In two weeks, Afghanistan will freely choose its next president. The elections will not take place without challenge, Lt. Gen. David Barno said during a news conference in Kabul Sept. 25.
09/26/2004 : War in Iraq Moving in the Right Direction, Says CENTCOM Leader      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26, 2004 - As January elections loom in Iraq, Army Gen. John Abizaid, head of U.S. Central Command, said today the country is headed in the right direction.
09/26/2004 : Wal-Mart Hosts Appreciation Picnic for Walter Reed Patients  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26, 2004 - Good weather, good music and great food combined for one picnic full of thanks and appreciation from Walter Reed Army Medical Center patients.
09/25/2004 : President Praises Iraqi Progress      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25, 2004 - President Bush today promised continued progress toward a stable and self-governing Iraq so that "American troops can come home with the honor they have earned."
09/25/2004 : Marine, Soldier Killed in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25, 2004 - A soldier and a Marine died in separate actions in Iraq, military officials reported today.
09/24/2004 : In Korea, Think Capabilities, Not Numbers, General Says  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2004 - People have to stop thinking of capabilities solely in terms of numbers, the commander of all U.S. forces in Korea said.
09/24/2004 : Why I Serve: Soldier Loves USA, Army, Drums  This story contains photos.    
FORT HOOD, Texas, Sept. 24, 2004 - "I love the United States of America and I love the Army. Serving is the least I can do," said Sgt. Corey W. Wiley, percussion section leader, 4th Infantry Division Ironhorse Band.
09/24/2004 : Fargo Details Pacific Command Posture Plan  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2004 - Strengthening and rebalancing U.S. forces in the Pacific are vital to peace in the region, said Adm. Thomas B. Fargo, the commander of U.S. Pacific Command.
09/24/2004 : N.Y. Mets Honor POW/MIAs; Jennings Throws Out First Pitch  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2004 - A huge black and white POW/MIA flag flew in center field as Jerry D. Jennings, who leads the Pentagon's worldwide mission to account for America's POWs and MIAs, threw out the first ball in Shea Stadium in New York City on Sept. 15.
09/24/2004 : Jones Says Changes to U.S. Posture Will Strengthen Europe  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2004 - The changes contemplated to the U.S. military posture in Europe will help strengthen the North Atlantic alliance and prepare the American military for the missions of the 21st century, the U.S. European Command chief said Sept. 23.
09/24/2004 : U.S. Military Supports South African Trade Show  This story contains photos.    
WATERKLOOF AIR FORCE BASE, South Africa, Sept. 24, 2004 - U.S. military equipment and personnel from the New York Air National Guard will kick off the Aerospace Exhibition, at Waterkloof Air Force Base, in Pretoria, South Africa, on Sept. 25.
09/24/2004 : Idea of Iraqi Elections 'Breathtaking,' Rumsfeld Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2004 - The idea that Iraq is discussing elections in January "is breathtaking," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said today.
09/24/2004 : Navy Official Encourages Military Diversity in Globalized World  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2004 - We are living in a completely different world today, where diversity is a force multiplier in the global war on terrorism, a top Navy personnel official said.
09/24/2004 : Rocket Attack Kills 4 Iraqis, Mortar Rounds Hit Mosque  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2004 - A rocket impacted in northern Baghdad today, killing four Iraqis and wounding 14 others, U.S. military officials there reported.
09/24/2004 : Afghan National Army Recruiting Extends to Northeast  This story contains photos.    
FAIZABAD, Afghanistan, Sept. 24, 2004 - Recruiting for the Afghan National Army extended to the country's northeastern province that touches China with the opening of the newest National Army Volunteer Center Sept. 7.
09/24/2004 : Basement Project Grows in Support of Troops      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2004 - A grassroots effort, started in Connecticut two years ago to support troops fighting the war on terrorism, has grown into a nonprofit organization that has volunteers in several states.
09/23/2004 : Goss Confirmed as CIA Director      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - The Senate confirmed U.S. Rep. Porter Goss to head the CIA on Sept. 23.
09/23/2004 : Bush Promises Allawi U.S. Will Stand by Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - President Bush today vowed to stand by the Iraqi people, following a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi at the White House.
09/23/2004 : White House Breakfast Honors American Indian Servicemembers  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - President Bush took time out today to honor those to whom the newest Smithsonian Institution museum is dedicated.
09/23/2004 : Afghan National Army Activates Second Regional Command  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - The Afghan National Army took another step toward greater security and strengthening the Afghan government with the activation today of a second regional command at Gardez.
09/23/2004 : Marine Killed in Anbar Province      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - A U.S. Marine with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force in Baghdad was killed today while conducting security and stability operations in the Anbar province in Iraq, military officials reported today.
09/23/2004 : Six Military Kids Lead Mom to Start Operation Shoebox      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - Sending care packages to Iraq came naturally to Mary Harper -- she and her husband have five children and a son-in-law on active duty in the Army. And all have spent time deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom.
09/23/2004 : Iraqi Americans Taking Their Stories to U.S. Military Bases      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - Dr. Ali Alattar has some compelling stories to tell, and he believes U.S. military service members and their families need to hear them.
09/23/2004 : Allawi Thanks America, Details Plan for Iraq's Future      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - "Thank you, America," Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi told a joint session of Congress today.
09/23/2004 : U.S., Coalition Casualties Reported, Weapons Caches Found      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - Officials announced Sept. 22 that three U.S. soldiers had been killed and 14 others injured as a result of eight incidents on Sept. 20 where Afghan National Army and coalition forces had engaged anti- coalition militia.
09/23/2004 : Iraqi University Students Learn Democracy      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - Scott Erwin went to Iraq a year ago to do paperwork in preparation for a major donor's conference, but soon realized Iraq was full of opportunities to help change people's lives.
09/23/2004 : Rumsfeld, Myers Discuss Military Global Posture  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2004 - If approved, the U.S. military will bring back 70,000 servicemembers and 100,000 family members and DoD civilians from bases overseas, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told the Senate Armed Services Committee today.
09/22/2004 : Baghdad Blast Kills U.S. Soldier, Wounds Others      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2004 - A vehicle-borne bomb killed one U.S. soldier and injured four others today in Baghdad, officials reported.
09/22/2004 : Why I Serve: Childhood Fascination to Adulthood Calling  This story contains photos.    
YOKOSUKA, Japan, Sept. 22, 2004 - Alex Celaya remembers walking up to the podium at his kindergarten graduation ceremony in his native Philippines and telling his fellow classmates that he was going to grow up to serve in the U.S. Navy.
09/22/2004 : Group Helps Families Achieve American Dream      
DENVER, Colo., Sept. 22, 2004 - A nonprofit organization, Military Housing Assistance Fund, is helping servicemen and women who want to buy a home but can't afford the down payment or closing costs.
09/22/2004 : First Hispanic Woman Grad Credits Academy for Her Success  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2004 - Not only was Linda Garcia Cubero the first Hispanic woman graduate of the Air Force Academy, she was the only Hispanic woman to graduate from any of the nation's service academies in 1980, when the first classes with women graduated.
09/22/2004 : Military Commission Review Panel Takes Oath of Office  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2004 - The first review panel members for military commissions took their oath of office at a Pentagon ceremony Sept. 21.
09/22/2004 : Joint Operation Targets Insurgents in Baghdad      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2004 - U.S. soldiers of Task Force Baghdad, in conjunction with Iraqi intervention forces, are conducting security operations in eastern Baghdad targeting pockets of insurgents and terrorists, a Multinational Force Iraq news release said.
09/22/2004 : New Web Site Offers Extensive Information on Terrorist Incidents, Groups  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2004 - A nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing terrorism on U.S. soil has launched a Web site that provides extensive information on global terrorist incidents and organizations.
09/22/2004 : Soldiers Killed in Separate Attacks      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2004 - Two American soldiers have died in Iraq today in separate attacks.
09/22/2004 : DoD Recognizes Employers Who Support Guard, Reserves  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2004 - With nearly 180,000 reserve-component members on active duty, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz called on employers of National Guard and Reserve members to continue their support.
09/22/2004 : Training Vital at Little Creek Coast Guard Station  This story contains photos.    
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., Sept. 22, 2004 - The scene in a Coast Guard recruiting commercial where a cutter disappears under rolling 20-foot waves in rough seas and miraculously reappears would unnerve the most seasoned boater, but Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Ben Harper doesn't give such perilous situations much thought.
09/22/2004 : Iraqi Translator's Service Comes at High Cost  This story contains photos.    
ANBAR PROVINCE, Iraq, Sept. 22, 2004 - Sally's children were taken away from her more than six months ago. Her husband beat her. Her brother threatened her life while holding a gun to her head. Her own father contracted her death with a $5,000 reward.
09/22/2004 : Abizaid Pledges to Root Out, Destroy Zarqawi Terror Network      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2004 - The U.S. general responsible for U.S. military operations from the Horn of Africa to Central and Southwest Asia pledged today to destroy "piece by piece" the terror network of fugitive Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
09/22/2004 : New Joint Command Stands Ready to Defend Capital  This story contains photos.    
FORT LESLEY J. MCNAIR, D.C., Sept. 22, 2004 - A new headquarters here will concentrate the military mission to help defend the nation's capital.
09/21/2004 : Women's Memorial Honors Native American Women  This story contains photos.    
ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 21, 2004 - Ernest Wahtomy, a Shoshone-Bannock Indian, performed drumbeats and vocables while champion Indian dancers twirled during a special program Sept. 20 at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial.
09/21/2004 : DoD Employees, Servicemembers Must Heed Election Activity Rules      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, 2004 - As the election season swings into high gear, the Office of Special Counsel has filed complaints against two federal employees deemed in violation of the Hatch Act.
09/21/2004 : Bush Calls on U.N. to Unite Against Terror      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, 2004 - In the interests of peace, justice and the rule of law, nations must band together to defeat the scourge of terrorism, President Bush told the United Nations today.
09/21/2004 : Insurgents Attack Abu Ghraib Prison, Kill Detainee      
ABU GHRAIB, Iraq, Sept. 21, 2004 - Anti-Iraqi forces attacked the Abu Ghraib prison complex late tonight with mortars and heavy machine-gun fire that left one Iraqi detainee dead. No other injuries resulted from the attack.
09/21/2004 : Coast Guard Responds to Unprecedented Hurricane Season      
TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 21, 2004 - As southerners stayed glued to radios and television sets, Hurricane Ivan slammed into Gulf Shores, Ala., Sept. 16, with devastating winds clocked at 130 mph, hurling debris throughout the turbulent night and spawning swirling tornadoes and pounding surf.
09/21/2004 : Why I Serve: Cadet Credits Dad, JROTC Instructor  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, 2004 - "My senior Army instructor brought forth the military academy idea. I pursued it, and it ended up being the one college that I pursued the most," said Cadet First Class Jessica C. Tomazic.
09/21/2004 : Vehicle Bomb Wounds Four; Iraqis Thwart Another Attack      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, 2004 - A vehicle bomb wounded four U.S. soldiers today in western Baghdad, hours after Iraqi security forces thwarted another attempted bombing in the Iraqi capital.
09/21/2004 : Home Depot, Government Launch Military Veterans Jobs Initiative  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, 2004 - Home Depot executives and senior government leaders launched a new public-private employment initiative for military veterans and their spouses here today.
09/21/2004 : DoD Fights Human Trafficking With Training, Awareness      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, 2004 - What President Bush referred to as a "special evil" during a 2003 address to the U.N. General Assembly was the topic of a joint hearing here today.
09/20/2004 : Most of Iraq Under Local Control by Year's End, Officials Say      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2004 - If the training and equipping of Iraqi security forces continues apace, then most of the country will be under local control by the end of the year, Pentagon officials said today.
09/20/2004 : Why I Serve: The Memories Keep 'Sarge' Going  This story contains photos.    
LOGISTICS SUPPORT AREA ANACONDA, BALAD, Sept. 20, 2004 - "I've been taking taxpayers' money all these years, and I can't refuse duty. It would be like me telling my mom and dad 'thanks for the money' without giving them anything back for it."
09/20/2004 : Florida Guardsmen Provide Relief in Area Damaged by Tornadoes  This story contains photos.    
PARKER, Fla., Sept. 20, 2004 - Although the western tip of the Florida panhandle took the brunt of damage from Hurricane Ivan, some communities further east in the were ravaged by tornadoes accompanying the storm.
09/20/2004 : Afghans, International Community Prep For National Elections      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2004 - The Afghan military and police are taking actions to ensure a safe environment so that fair and free elections occur as planned, a Combined Forces Command Afghanistan spokesman said today during a news conference in Kabul.
09/20/2004 : Florida Army National Guard Secures Escambia Bay Bridge      
PENSACOLA, Fla., Sept. 20, 2004 - The Escambia Bay Bridge on Interstate 10 is the gateway of travel to points west of Florida, and it serves as the entrance to the Sunshine State for eastbound travelers. Everyone will have to find an alternate route for now.
09/20/2004 : Afghan Army's Kandahar Regional Command Stands Up  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 20, 2004 - The Afghan National Army stood up its first regional command headquarters outside the Kabul area in Kandahar Sept. 19.
09/20/2004 : Precision Strikes Target Fallujah Insurgents      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2004 - U.S. forces conducted a successful precision strike Sept. 20 -- the second within two days -- on construction equipment used by the enemy to build fighting positions outside the Iraqi city of Fallujah, according to a Multinational Force Iraq news release.
09/20/2004 : Pentagon Presented 9/11 'Healing Poles'  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2004 - Washington state's Lummi Indian Nation presented two totem poles carved out of red cedar trees older than the United States to the Pentagon Sept. 19 as a gesture of unity and support to the families of the 184 people who died there in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
09/19/2004 : Two U.S. Soldiers Killed, Several Injured in Attacks      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 19, 2004 - A car bomb attack late Sept. 18 in Baghdad killed two Task Force Baghdad soldiers and wounded eight more, military officials reported.
09/19/2004 : Civilian Leaders End Pacific Visit Remembering the Fallen  This story contains photos.    
HONOLULU, Hawaii, Sept. 19, 2004 - Participants in the defense secretary's Joint Civilian Orientation Conference ended their trip through the Pacific here Sept. 18 much as they started it a week earlier: remembering Americans killed at enemy hands on U.S. soil and vowing to support a strong defense to ensure it never happens again.
09/18/2004 : Civilian Leaders Learn About Marine, Coast Guard Capabilities  This story contains photos.    
HONOLULU, Hawaii, Sept. 18, 2004 - Civilian opinion leaders visiting here from throughout the United States got a firsthand look at the level of marksmanship skill U.S. Marines are using in Iraq and safeguards the Coast Guard is taking to help protect the homeland.
09/18/2004 : Military Growth Anticipated in Guam, Civilian Leaders Learn  This story contains photos.    
ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam, Sept. 18, 2004 - With President Bush dubbing the 21st century "the Pacific century," Guam is expected to become increasingly important to U.S. military operations, officials here told visiting civilian leaders Sept. 17.
09/18/2004 : U.S. Marine Killed; Operations to Halt Insurgency Continue in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18, 2004 - A U.S. Marine was killed Sept. 17 and three U.S. soldiers wounded today as violence continues in Iraq.
09/18/2004 : President Makes Case For Continued Commitments In Iraq, Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18, 2004 - Three years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the United States is still on the offensive to confront terrorist threats to the country, President Bush told radio listeners today during his weekly address.
09/17/2004 : Air Force Working to Combat Stressors      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - The global war on terrorism is placing many stresses on the U.S. Air Force, but the servicemembers are responding well to those stresses and the leadership is working to alleviate them.
09/17/2004 : Chairman's Birthday Message to the U.S. Air Force      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - On the 18th of September, 1947, our Nation created the United States Air Force. Over the last 57 years, the Air Force has changed dramatically, employing new technology and responding to a changing world. Today, we plan and fight as a Joint and Total Force, and the US Air Force is performing all of its missions superbly, from patrolling the skies of America, airlifting supplies to Afghanistan and fighting in Iraq.
09/17/2004 : 82nd Paratroopers to Assist Security for Afghan Elections      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - Army 82nd Airborne Division paratroopers will go to Afghanistan to assist with security efforts for that country's Oct. 9 presidential elections.
09/17/2004 : Troops' Terror War Contributions 'Unbelievable,' Sanchez Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - As commander of Combined Joint Task Force 7 in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez saw the contributions of the soldiers in Iraq firsthand during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Their dedication to democratic principles and to getting the job done drew great praise from him.
09/17/2004 : Fallujah Terror Meeting Hit, Car Bombers Target Baghdad      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - Multinational forces today struck at a terrorist meeting in Fallujah, Iraq, while Baghdad experienced two car bombings.
09/17/2004 : Discussion Needed to Change Interagency Process, Pace Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - The discussion has to start on how best to employ the full strength of the United States government, said Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman Marine Gen. Peter Pace.
09/17/2004 : Leadership, Compelling Mission Keep Air Force Strength High      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - Air Force leadership is struggling with a problem as the service celebrates its 57th birthday Sept. 18.
09/17/2004 : Sanchez Reflects on Hispanics' Role in the Military      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - To commemorate National Hispanic Heritage Month, the U.S. military's highest-ranking Hispanic officer described Hispanics' role in the military as one of mutual benefit.
09/17/2004 : Why I Serve: Petty Officer Gets the Respect He Deserves  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - "This is what I wanted to do when I came into the service," he says. "I like being a mechanic and I like being around the water," claims Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class David Forrest.
09/17/2004 : Some Retirees Could Get Medicare-Surcharge Refund      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 17, 2004 - A collaborative effort between the Department of Defense, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Social Security Administration could prove beneficial to certain Medicare-eligible uniformed services beneficiaries.
09/16/2004 : Strike Kills 60 Terrorists Near Fallujah      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2004 - A precision strike on a compound near Fallujah has killed approximately 60 terrorists, Multinational Force Iraq officials said today.
09/16/2004 : War on Terror Testing, Reinforcing Air Force Concepts      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2004 - The war on terror is teaching the Air Force important lessons and validating others as the service prepares to celebrate its 57th birthday Sept. 18, according to Air Force Secretary James G. Roche.
09/16/2004 : Electric Grid Stabilized After Attack      
BAYJI, Iraq, Sept. 16, 2004 - The Iraq electricity grid stabilized today after a series of explosions here early Sept. 14 left three oil pipelines damaged and one main electrical line severed.
09/16/2004 : Why I Serve: Fulfillment from Helping Wounded Troops  This story contains photos.    
FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, Sept. 16, 2004 - "I enjoyed the camaraderie, the discipline, the interaction between soldiers," said Army Staff Sgt. Heather Martin after three years testing the waters of military life in the Army Reserve in her native Ohio. That was nine years ago, when she opted to dive into active duty service.
09/16/2004 : Military Prepares Help in Ivan's Aftermath      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2004 - Hurricane Ivan carved a swath of destruction through the Gulf Coast region and initial press reports indicate that at least eight people are dead.
09/16/2004 : Air Force Chief Sounds Off as Service Birthday Approaches      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2004 - The threat of terrorism is greater than any threat this nation has ever faced, Air Force Chief of Staff John P. Jumper said. And he believes today's airmen are up to the challenge.
09/16/2004 : Military Astronaut Trainees Excited, Ready  This story contains photos.    
GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, Greenbelt, Md., Sept. 16, 2004 - When Air Force Maj. James Dutton Jr. returns from his first space mission, he hopes to bring back a U.S. flag -- but not just any U.S. flag.
09/16/2004 : White House Ceremony Produces Reunion  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2004 - Ten-year Air Force veteran Capt. Elizabeth Ortiz was thrilled just to be at the White House for the Sept. 15 kick-off for National Hispanic Heritage Month. She never imagined that it would turn into a reunion.
09/16/2004 : U.S. Troops in Afghan Theater Face Ballot Deadline      
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Sept. 16, 2004 - As coalition forces help Afghanistan prepare for its presidential election in October, U.S. servicemembers in that country aren't losing sight of their own upcoming elections.
09/16/2004 : Cutter Crew Eyes Drugs, Migrants, U.S. Ports  This story contains photos.    
PORTSMOUTH, Sept. 16, 2004 - Coast Guard Capt. Charles Allen Mathieu talks proudly of the four paper symbols he calls "snowflakes" that hang on a bulletin board in his small office aboard the Coast Guard cutter Tampa.
09/16/2004 : Wounded Troops Support Upcoming 'Salute Heroes' Conference  This story contains photos.    
FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, Sept. 16, 2004 - Army Spc. B.J. Jackson lost two legs after his Humvee tripped a phosphorous landmine hidden along the road in downtown Baghdad last August. Army Sgt. Joshua Forbess lost part of his nose and ear -- and 17 fellow soldiers -- after a fiery mid-air Black Hawk helicopter collision over Mosul, Iraq, last November.
09/16/2004 : Orthopedics Restores Limbs, Lives      
FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, Sept. 16, 2004 - Orthopedic surgeons here at Brooke Army Medical Center are doing more than restoring limbs for troops wounded in combat. Armed with the latest surgical techniques and state-of-the-art technology, they're giving wounded troops the tools to rebuild their lives.
09/16/2004 : Operations, Professionalism Wow Civilian Leaders  This story contains photos.    
SOUTH CHINA SEA, Sept. 16, 2004 - The crew of USS John C. Stennis treated civilian leaders from throughout the United States today to a demonstration of what Rear Adm. Pat Walsh, commander of Carrier Group 7, called "raw power" able to project U.S. military force anywhere in the world at a moment's notice.
09/16/2004 : Death March Survivor Recalls POW Camp Life  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 16, 2004 - The Pentagon's POW/MIA Recognition Day ceremony Sept. 14 brought back memories of a horrid, week-long march in a scorching malaria-infected jungle, and being starved, kicked and beaten for World War II Bataan Death March survivor Dr. Alex Kelly, 87.
09/15/2004 : Two Marines Killed Providing Security in Anbar Province      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 - Two Marines assigned to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force in Iraq were killed in separate incidents while conducting security and stability operations in Anbar province, Multinational Force Iraq officials reported today.
09/15/2004 : Agencies Must Cooperate to Win Terror War, Pace Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 - In the fields and deserts of the Middle East, Americans already are working toward a joint interagency ideal. They just have to ignore their superiors to make it work, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said here today.
09/15/2004 : Transportation Command Continues 'To Get Things Done'      
MILWAUKEE, Sept. 15, 2004 - Upon receiving a high-level memorandum last year authorizing his command to reach out to improve the military's supply and transportation systems, U.S. Transportation Command's leader interpreted it in just one way.
09/15/2004 : Iraq Jamming Incident Underscores Lessons about Space      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 - As the Air Force prepares to observe its 57th birthday Sept. 18, the nation's youngest military service continues to keep a sharp eye on the future.
09/15/2004 : Work Resumes on Rebuilding Najaf With Sadr Gone      
NAJAF, Iraq, Sept. 15, 2004 - In spite of damage inflicted during clashes between the new Iraqi security forces and radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's militia here two weeks ago, the city now has a smile on its face.
09/15/2004 : Commissaries Help to Raise Voting Awareness  This story contains photos.    
FORT LEE, Va., Sept. 15, 2004 - Commissaries worldwide are joining forces with the Federal Voting Assistance Program and the Defense Department to encourage military members, retirees and their families to register and vote.
09/15/2004 : Commentary: It's Our Job to Keep Terrorists Guessing      
AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy, Sept. 15, 2004 - Sitting one row behind me next to the window, she blended in with the other travelers, casually dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved white shirt layered under a pink short-sleeved shirt.
09/15/2004 : Coalition Denies Taliban Claim of Killing, Capturing Troops      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 - A Taliban claim that anti-coalition militia in Afghanistan had killed five U.S. soldiers and captured three others in an attack in Tarin Kot is "absolutely false," a spokesman for Combined Forces Command Afghanistan said today at news conference in the Afghan capital of Kabul.
09/15/2004 : Sailors, Airmen 'Go Green'      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 - "Go Green" isn't just the slogan of environmentalists anymore.
09/15/2004 : Fisher House Honors Airlines' Support to Families  This story contains photos.    
MILWAUKEE, Sept. 15, 2004 - The wife of the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman praised five U.S. airlines for their support to families of wounded troops during a Sept. 14 award ceremony here.
09/15/2004 : JCOC Visitors Observe Forward-Deployed Navy at Work  This story contains photos.    
YOKOSUKA, Japan, Sept. 15, 2004 - Civilian leaders from throughout the United States got a firsthand glimpse today at the forward-deployed naval force able to quickly respond to threats throughout the massive Pacific region.
09/15/2004 : American Impatience Strength and Weakness, Deputy Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 - Americans are an impatient people, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said, adding that this is both strength and a weakness.
09/15/2004 : Magazine Honors Military Academy Hispanic Women  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 - Four Hispanic-American women in the Class of 2005 at the military academies were lauded as emerging leaders from the Latina community during an awards luncheon here Sept 8.
09/15/2004 : Pentagon Hosts Salute to Hispanic World War II Veterans  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 - Today's generation of Hispanic-Americans owes much to the brave veterans who went before them for paving their way and setting a standard, several Defense Department officials said here today to kick off Hispanic American Heritage Month.
09/15/2004 : Army Fields Faster Tactical Re-Supply System      
MILWAUKEE, Sept. 15, 2004 - The Army is now using satellites to enable units to request needed supplies faster during wartime operations, a senior U.S. officer said here today.
09/15/2004 : Fund Shift Proposed to Beef Up Security in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2004 - The State Department is asking Congress to allow shifting $3.4 billion in Iraq reconstruction funds to help beef up security in the war-torn country.
09/14/2004 : DoD Takes Personnel Recovery to Next Level      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - U.S. government civilians' and contractors' presence in the battlespace is taking DoD personnel recovery to another level and expanding the personnel-recovery mission, said the director of personnel recovery policy for the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office.
09/14/2004 : Mother Nature Could Put Counterdrug Mission on Hold      
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Sept. 14, 2004 - If Hurricane Ivan strikes Florida this week, members of the Florida National Guard Counterdrug Reconnaissance and Aerial Interdiction Detachment team will put aside their counterdrug duties, briefly, to capture images of a different sort; images of destruction caused by Mother Nature.
09/14/2004 : Rumsfeld Lauds 'Screaming Eagles' at Kentucky Base      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld thanked the "Screaming Eagles" of the Army's storied 101st Airborne Division today during a visit to the unit's home at Fort Campbell, Ky.
09/14/2004 : Why I Serve: To Defend Country, Guide Soldiers  This story contains photos.    
FORT CARSON, Colo., Sept. 14, 2004 - "I believe you come into the military for a purpose: to defend your country," Army Staff Sgt. Jose Medrano emphasizes.
09/14/2004 : Vietnam POW Recalls Horrors, Some Smiles From Captivity      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - Nov. 11, 1966, was to have been a red-letter day for Marine Capt. Orson Swindle -- he was flying his 205th, and last, combat mission over North Vietnam. But the mission ended vastly different from the way he'd envisioned.
09/14/2004 : Radio ID Tagging Aims to Improve Military Logistics      
MILWAUKEE, Sept. 14, 2004 - Across-the-board use of high-tech inventory- tracking tags for military shipments should benefit both warfighters and the bottom line, senior U.S. officials said here today.
09/14/2004 : Personnel-Recovery System Needs Transformation      
ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 14, 2004 - Personnel-recovery specialists set an unprecedented record of accounting for every serviceman and woman at the end of major combat operations in the spring of 2003 during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
09/14/2004 : Military Doctors Discuss Humanitarian Assistance      
ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 14, 2004 - Military medical professionals are more and more often called upon to provide aid in humanitarian disasters. The largest organization of military medical professionals in the world is meeting here this week to address this trend.
09/14/2004 : Missing Vietnam Soldier's Sister Grateful for DoD Help  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - In Arlington National Cemetery there's a gravesite marking U.S. Army 1st Lt. Lawrence E. Lilly's passage from this world to the next.
09/14/2004 : DoD Active as Ivan Bears Down on U.S. Gulf Coast      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - With Hurricane Ivan threatening the U.S. Gulf Coast, military units are taking action today to protect their people and aircraft and to ease the effects of the storm's inevitable aftermath.
09/14/2004 : One Task Force Olympia Soldier Killed, 5 wounded      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - One Task Force Olympia soldier was killed and five others were injured today when their patrol was attacked with small-arms fire on the western side of Mosul, Iraq.
09/14/2004 : Urban Warfare, Jointness Raise New Challenges for Rescue      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - Urban warfare fighting from street to street, building to building -- makes it extremely difficult for rescue teams to extract American combatants who are isolated behind enemy lines, said DoD's top official for prisoner of war and missing personnel affairs.
09/14/2004 : War College Professor Urges Examining U.S.-Asian Relationships      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - America needs to examine relations with nations in Asia and must truly reach out across the region and take into account regional sensibilities as it crafts a new policy for the 21st century, said Jonathan D. Pollack.
09/14/2004 : Chairman's POW/MIA Recognition Day Message      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - On September 14th, we will honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women of our Armed Forces who have been prisoners of war, and those who are missing in action. We will also remember their families and friends.
09/14/2004 : DMZ Visit Stresses U.S.-Korea Joint Security  This story contains photos.    
PANMUNJOM, South Korea, Sept. 14, 2004 - Forty years ago, Bill Kelley was a young Army second lieutenant, stationed in the Republic of Korea just south of the demilitarized zone that divides communist North Korea and democratic South Korea.
09/14/2004 : Wolfowitz, Myers Host Pentagon POW/MIA Recognition Ceremony  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2004 - "When one of our own is killed in action, taken prisoner or becomes missing, we lose a member of our military family," the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told attendees today during the Pentagon's National POW/MIA Recognition Day ceremony.
09/13/2004 : America Will Never Forget Its Missing Servicemembers      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2004 - The U.S. government will never forget about its missing personnel and won't stop trying to bring them home to their loved ones, said the Defense Department's top prisoner of war and missing personnel official.
09/13/2004 : Civilian Leaders Learn About Threats, Capabilities in Korea  This story contains photos.    
YONGSAN GARRISON, Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 13, 2004 - The commander of U.S. Forces Korea told civilian leaders visiting here today that U.S. and Republic of Korea troops "are standing shoulder to shoulder" throughout the Korean Peninsula, prepared to defend South Korea from aggression.
09/13/2004 : Patrols, Camp Zulu Attacked in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2004 - A joint patrol Iraqi National Guard and multinational forces soldiers from Multinational Division Central South 1st Brigade Combat Team was attacked with improvised explosive devices during mid- morning operations today.
09/13/2004 : Fargo Outlines Pacific's Security Challenges  This story contains photos.    
HONOLULU, Hawaii, Sept. 13, 2004 - Adm. Thomas Fargo, commander of U.S. Pacific Command, told a group of U.S. civilian leaders Sept. 11 that "the center of gravity of our security interests is moving."
09/13/2004 : Air Strike Hits Zarqawi Terrorist Meeting Site      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2004 - Multinational Force Iraq conducted a successful precision air strike on a confirmed Abu Musab Al Zarqawi terrorist meeting site in Fallujah just before dawn today, according to a Multinational Forces Iraq news release.
09/13/2004 : Joint Command Focuses on America's Missing  This story contains photos.    
HICKAM AIR FORCE BASE, Hawaii, Sept. 13, 2004 - The general charged with providing the fullest possible accounting of missing service members says the military is sending an important message to families of the missing, veterans and, just as importantly, today's men and women in uniform.
09/13/2004 : Unrest Quickly Quashed; Insurgents Killed, Detained      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2004 - Recent unrest in Herat was confined to a small area of the city and was quickly brought under control, according to Combined Forces Command Afghanistan officials.
09/12/2004 : Heroes, Families Treated to Five-Star Lunch  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 2004 - Wounded servicemembers and their families were treated to a five-star luncheon Sept. 11 by Washington's famous Willard Intercontinental Hotel and America's Heroes of Freedom in honor of 9/11 and the sacrifices made by the servicemembers in Afghanistan and Iraq.
09/12/2004 : Attacks Won't Stop Iraqi Elections, Rice Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 2004 - Many other milestone events have taken place in Iraq despite violence in the country, and this winter's scheduled elections are "entirely possible," the president's national security adviser said today.
09/12/2004 : Failed Attack Leaves One Insurgent Dead, Seven Captured      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 12, 2004 - A coordinated attack early today on the Abu Ghraib prison complex included an early-morning mortar attack, a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device and small-arms fire and resulted in the death of one insurgent and the capture of seven others believed to be involved in the attack.
09/12/2004 : Bradley Fighting Vehicle Destroyed in Attack      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 12, 2004 - A Multinational Force Iraq Bradley fighting vehicle was destroyed during an attack this morning on Hayfa Street near the International Zone in Baghdad.
09/12/2004 : Rebuilding Infrastructure Key to Success in Terror War      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 12, 2004 - It will take more than bullets to win the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan; it will take new schools, power plants and infrastructure, a U.S. general said here Sept. 11.
09/12/2004 : Shiia Pilgrimage in Northern Baghdad Proves Progress      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12, 2004 - The annual Shiia pilgrimage to northern Baghdad's Kadimiyah Shrine took place Sept. 11 without incident and without involvement of multinational forces, proving the Iraqi people and their interim government have made progress, military officials said in a news release from Baghdad.
09/12/2004 : Afghanistan Sept. 11 Ceremony Renews Purpose  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 12, 2004 - In a solemn ceremony marked with vivid memories, time-honored traditions, great symbolism and a call to a renewed sense of purpose, Combined Forces Command Afghanistan paused to remember the heinous acts of Sept. 11, 2001, on the third anniversary of the tragedy.
09/12/2004 : Rumsfeld Joins in NASCAR Salute to Armed Forces  This story contains photos.    
RICHMOND, Va., Sept. 12, 2004 - If it weren't for the motorcade, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld would have been just another race fan driving into the Richmond International Raceway here Sept. 11.
09/12/2004 : Armed Services Race Teams Qualify Strong, Race for Troops  This story contains photos.    
RICHMOND, Va., Sept. 12, 2004 - It didn't matter that only one car finished as strongly as it qualified. The crews of three racecars sponsored by different branches of the military raced for the troops here on the third anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
09/11/2004 : Zawahiri Statement Labeled 'Desperate Attempt to Disrupt'      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2004 - A videotaped statement by Osama bin Laden henchman Ayman Al-Zawahiri that coalition forces are "staying in their trenches and refusing to come out" represents a "desperate attempt to disrupt progress in Afghanistan," a coalition military spokesman said today at a news conference in the Afghan capital of Kabul.
09/11/2004 : Two More Electricity Generators Come Online in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 11, 2004 - Two electricity generators in suburban Baghdad that had fallen into disrepair under Saddam Hussein's regime returned to service today, producing enough electricity to fuel 72,000 Iraqi homes.
09/11/2004 : President Reflects on 9/11 in Weekly Radio Address      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2004 - President Bush remembered the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States in his weekly radio address today, and vowed to continue the fight against those who threaten freedom.
09/11/2004 : Iraqi Forces Find Weapons in Sadr's Office Near Shrine      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2004 - Iraqi police and the Iraqi Intervention Force found hundreds of illegal weapons hidden in secret rooms in the Najaf office of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Sept. 9, according to a statement released by Multinational Force Iraq today on behalf of Iraq's interior ministry.
09/11/2004 : Soldier Sentenced After Detainee Abuse Guilty Plea      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2004 - A U.S. soldier charged with conspiracy to maltreat detainees and maltreatment of detainees pleaded guilty to both charges today in a special court-martial in Baghdad, Iraq.
09/11/2004 : Troops on Front Line in War on Terror Reflect on Sept. 11  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 11, 2004 - On a bright, sunny day three years ago today, the world changed forever when terrorists hijacked commercial airliners and transformed them into weapons of mass destruction.
09/11/2004 : Sept. 11 Victims Remembered at Arlington National Cemetery  This story contains photos.    
ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 11, 2004 - Chaquita Young, 21, and her mother Lisa, a staff officer at the Pentagon, were supposed to go to the mall the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001.
09/10/2004 : No Retreat, No Return to Past in War on Terror, Rumsfeld Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2004 - The United States and the world cannot retreat from the threats that emerged following the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said to the National Press Club here today.
09/10/2004 : Pentagon Memorial Donations Rise; $3 Million Raised Thus Far      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2004 - As the third anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack approaches, the Pentagon Memorial Fund is still millions short of the $17.5 million needed to build a memorial honoring those killed that fateful day.
09/10/2004 : Civil-Military Missions Helping Win War on Terrorism  This story contains photos.    
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Sept. 10, 2004 - In some of the most remote areas in Afghanistan, things are changing.
09/10/2004 : 'Rat Patrol' Secures Afghan Mission  This story contains photos.    
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Sept. 10, 2004 - Their name is inspired by a '60s television show, and their concept by the movie "The Dirty Dozen," but there is nothing staged about what this band of cooks, medics, mechanics, and supply and communication specialists are doing at Kandahar Airfield.
09/10/2004 : Why I Serve: Airman Finds True Calling as Part of 'Best Force'  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2004 - "I guess this was a calling," said Air Force Senior Airman Stephanie Henry, of the 1st Communications Squadron based at Langley Air Force Base, Va. "As soon as I signed the papers and I came in, I knew I'm going to make this a career."
09/10/2004 : Task Force Steel Commander Reflects on Pentagon Attack  This story contains photos.    
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Sept. 10, 2004 - While much of the world watched the events of Sept. 11, 2001, unfold on TV screens, Army Lt. Col. Clarence Neason, Task Force Steel commander, saw the damage with his own eyes.
09/10/2004 : Ships Named in Honor of Sept. 11 Heroes, Victims      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2004 - Out of a tragedy comes remembrance in the form of new military might.
09/10/2004 : Pentagon Employees Remember Fellow Workers Who Died on 9/11      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2004 - In the chapel built at the point where American Airlines Flight 77 plowed into the Pentagon, employees today remembered their friends who died in the attack on the building on Sept. 11, 2001.
09/10/2004 : Exercise Planners: Failure Now Could Mean Success Later      
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo., Sept. 10, 2004 - No one wants to fail. But sometimes, failure in the present can lead to success in the future.
09/10/2004 : Lack Of Maritime Security Leaves U.S. Ports Open To Attack      
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo., Sept. 10, 2004 - Though the United States is safer today than it was three years ago from air and land attacks by terrorists, the nation has "a long way to go" to shield itself from seaborne attacks, said Air Force Gen. Ed Eberhart, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command.
09/10/2004 : Services May Keep Separate Exchange HQs Under Streamlining Plan      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2004 - The military services may retain their separate exchange-system headquarters as part of a reorganization plan being developed by a special DoD-appointed task force.
09/09/2004 : Pentagon Worker Sends Musical Tribute to 9/11 Victims, Families  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - Three years after jet planes slammed into the World Trade Center and the building where she works, a Pentagon employee is still asking, "Why?"
09/09/2004 : Detainee Panel Tells Senate Not to Overlook Forest      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - Members of a panel that reviewed DoD detention operations said it is important to "not overlook the forest for the trees."
09/09/2004 : Reserve Component Readiness Highest Ever      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - The state of readiness among today's reserve- component forces is higher than it has been in the nation's history, the official responsible for equipping and training those forces said today.
09/09/2004 : Rumsfeld: Ending Terrorism Could Take Long Time      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - The world will know the war on terror is over when terrorism goes the way of piracy and slavery -- it will become so socially unacceptable terrorists will find no safe havens in the world, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said here Sept. 8.
09/09/2004 : Coast Guard School Tough Swimming, Few Pass Rescue Course  This story contains photos.    
COAST GUARD STATION, Elizabeth City, Sept. 9, 2004 - They are a small group within the U.S. Coast Guard, only about 300 of them servicewide. To join their ranks, candidates must endure physical and mental challenges that rival those facing any potential Army Ranger, Navy SEAL or Air Force pararescueman.
09/09/2004 : SportsCenter to Air From Kuwait Beginning Sept. 11      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - If the troops can't get to ESPN, then ESPN will go to the troops.
09/09/2004 : Why I Serve: Officer Explains Military Life to Hollywood  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - "I got in and decided I really liked it it was the career for me" is how Bob Anderson describes his first impressions of serving in the U.S. Navy.
09/09/2004 : Officers Cite Overwhelming Iraqi Support for U.S. Forces      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - More than 90 percent of the Iraqi people support the efforts of U.S. forces in their war-torn country, a panel of Army and Marine field commanders told the House Armed Services Committee here Sept. 8.
09/09/2004 : Strikes, Operations Help Forces Regain Control      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - Multinational Force Iraq worked to eliminate insurgents with two precision strikes near Fallujah today. Meanwhile, other operations got under way in Tal Afar and Samarra.
09/09/2004 : Secretary of Defense's Patriot Day Radio Message to the Troops      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - I value this opportunity to talk to those of you serving in our armed forces, and I want to thank you, personally, for your commitment to our country.
09/09/2004 : Vehicle Accident Claims Soldier; Crew Survives Helo Crash      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - A soldier was killed and several were injured in two separate Sept. 8 incidents in Iraq, Multinational Force Iraq officials reported.
09/09/2004 : Myers: Military Bearing Pressures 'Extraordinarily Well'      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2004 - The military is bearing a large share of the global war on terrorism and military personnel are handling the pressure "extraordinarily well," the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said here Sept. 8.
09/08/2004 : House Panel Hears Commanders Laud Troops' Performance      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 - Army and Marine Corps field commanders gave high marks to their troops' performance during a House Armed Services Committee hearing here today.
09/08/2004 : U.S. European Command Delivers Aid to Beslan Victims      
STUTTGART, GERMANY, Sept. 8, 2004 - A U.S. Air Force C-130 loaded with more than 10 tons of medical supplies arrived in Vladikavkaz, Russia, today as part of the humanitarian response to the recent terrorist acts at a school in Beslan.
09/08/2004 : Terrorism Targeted Against Freedom, Wolfowitz Says  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 - Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said today that the target of terrorism is not so much America, but freedom itself.
09/08/2004 : Tribunal Finds Guantanamo Detainee Not Combatant; Man to be Sent Home      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 - A tribunal in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has determined a detainee there is not an enemy combatant, and the U.S. government will release the man to his home country soon, the official in charge of the tribunal process said.
09/08/2004 : Stars for Stripes Brings Chely Wright to Iraq, Kuwait  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 - Country music star Chely Wright of "Single White Female" fame is heading to Kuwait and Iraq next week with her band to boost the troops' morale with some foot-stomping entertainment.
09/08/2004 : New Afghan Army Recruiting Center Opens for Business      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 - A new recruitment center for the Afghan National Army opened for business in Faizabad Sept. 7.
09/08/2004 : IEDs Claim 2 Soldiers' Lives, U.S. Troops Grab 3 Suspects      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 - Improvised explosive devices killed two American soldiers in Iraq today, while U.S. 1st Infantry Division troops seized suspected insurgents in separate operations.
09/08/2004 : NFL's Redskins Play Host to Military Youth-Football Teams  This story contains photos.    
LANDOVER, Md., Sept. 8, 2004 - Three military youth football teams were guests of the Washington Redskins for their preseason finale Sept. 3 against the Atlanta Falcons at FedEx Field here.
09/08/2004 : Fewer Troops Won't Reduce Deterrence in South Korea, Rumsfeld Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is "not one slight bit" worried that fewer U.S. troops in South Korea will mean a reduced deterrent capability on the peninsula.
09/08/2004 : Afghan, Iraqi Elections' Approach Likely to Increase Violence      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 - Violence in Iraq and Afghanistan is likely to increase as elections approach and terrorists realize those countries are close to implementing democratically elected governments, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Sept. 7.
09/08/2004 : Joint/Interagency Cooperation Needed in Terror War      
ARLINGTON, Sept. 8, 2004 - Further breaking down barriers to joint operations and increasing cooperation among all branches of the federal government are the Holy Grail of the global war on terrorism, the sea service chiefs said at a conference here Sept 7.
09/07/2004 : 'Chiller Pack' Boosts Power Production Near Najaf  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 7, 2004 - Beads of sweat drip from the foreheads of Iraqi laborers finishing a power plant upgrade north of Najaf. In the wake of war and in 115-degee heat, the team installs a new radiator on a generator air intake. It's an installation that increases electricity output of the machine by more than 15 percent by cooling the hot, dry desert air.
09/07/2004 : Aircrew Training Ensures U.S. Air Superiority  This story contains photos.    
RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas, Sept. 7, 2004 - Superb people and state-of-the- art technology help make the U.S. Air Force the most formidable air power in the world. But the general who oversees flying training for more than 19,000 airmen a year says the biggest single factor that makes America's military stand out from other countries' is its emphasis on training.
09/07/2004 : Pace Proposes Interagency Goldwater-Nichols Act      
ARLINGTON, Va., Sept. 7, 2004 - The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff suggested a Goldwater-Nichols act for all of the federal government to improve the way the country responds to terrorism.
09/07/2004 : Progress Continues in Restoring Iraqi Electricity  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 7, 2004 - Rusted access panels rattle as a rehabilitated electricity generator in a northern suburb here belched hot exhaust into the Iraq sky for the first time in years.
09/07/2004 : Reconstruction Firms Hear Plan for Rebuilding Southern Iraq  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 7, 2004 - Nearly 200 Iraqi and international construction contractors heard Sept. 4 how reconstruction efforts in the country's southern region will soon quicken, providing a renewed infrastructure and additional jobs.
09/07/2004 : Air Force Provides Humanitarian Aid to Russian Victims      
VLADIKAVKAZ, Russia, Sept. 7, 2004 - Two C-130 crews from the 38th Airlift Squadron at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, flew medical and humanitarian supplies here Sept 6.
09/07/2004 : Afghanistan Prepares Rehearsal For Oct. 9 National Election      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, 2004 - The Afghan government is preparing to conduct a dress rehearsal for the country's Oct. 9 presidential election.
09/07/2004 : Najaf, Kufa Take on Sheen of Renewal      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 7, 2004 - The Iraqi sister cities of Najaf and Kufa bustle with activity as Iraqis and U.S. Marines and sailors work together on reconstruction efforts started after fighting in the cities ceased Aug. 28.
09/07/2004 : Four Soldiers Killed During Fierce Fighting Over Past Two Days      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, 2004 - Enemy actions have resulted in the deaths of four U.S. soldiers in Iraq in the past two days. At least five others have been wounded.
09/07/2004 : Rumsfeld Says Russian Tragedy Shows Need to Fight Terrorism      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, 2004 - The tragedy that left more than 300 people dead in Russia last week shows the civilized world must stay on the offensive against terrorism, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.
09/06/2004 : Seven Marines Killed in Fallujah Attack      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 6, 2004 - Seven U.S. Marines and three members of the Iraqi National Guard were killed in a terror attack in the suburbs of Fallujah, officials in Baghdad said today.
09/05/2004 : Mortar Attack Kills Two 13th COSCOM Soldiers      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 5, 2004 - Two soldiers from the 13th Corps Support Command died and 16 were injured as a result of a mortar attack on a multinational force base near Baghdad today, according to a news release.
09/03/2004 : Military Working Dogs Protect Forces, Bases During Terror War      
LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, Texas, Sept. 3, 2004 - Army Col. David Rolfe's military career has gone to the dogs.
09/03/2004 : Patrick Air Force Base, Kennedy Space Center Evacuated      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3, 2004 - The only creatures left on the barrier islands of Florida are alligators and rattlesnakes.
09/03/2004 : Machine Offers Smaller, Lighter, Faster Water Testing in Field  This story contains photos.    
FORT DETRICK, Md., Sept. 3, 2004 - More than a dozen researchers gathered at the U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research here Aug. 25 to see an award-winning water analyzer that cuts in a third the time it takes to tell if water is contaminated.
09/03/2004 : Why I Serve: Marine's Life-Long Dream Comes True  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, Sept. 3, 2004 - "When I graduated from high school, I really wanted to join the Marines and be like my dad, but he didn't want any of his kids anywhere near the military," said Marine Lance Cpl. Bill McStay, a tug and aircraft generator mechanic. "He was a recon Marine in the Korean War, and didn't want his kids to see combat."
09/03/2004 : Iraqi Army Opens $165 Million Base at Numaniyah  This story contains photos.    
NUMANIYAH, Iraq, Sept. 3, 2004 - The Iraqi flag was raised over the newly refurbished and rebuilt forward training base here Sept. 1 in a ceremony on the station's parade grounds, signaling an end to the roughly $165 million coalition project.
09/03/2004 : Anti-Iraqi Forces Injure 1st ID Soldiers, Iraqi Troops      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3, 2004 - Two U.S. 1st Infantry Division soldiers were injured when insurgents attacked their patrol Sept. 2 near Duluiyah, Iraq.
09/02/2004 : Military Readies for Frances' Fury      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2, 2004 - Hurricane Frances is going to be very bad storm.
09/02/2004 : AFN's New 'Niche' Programming Begins Sept. 3      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2, 2004 - TV junkies overseas, rejoice!
09/02/2004 : Burn Center Restoring Wounded Troops' Lives  This story contains photos.    
FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, Sept. 2, 2004 - Army Staff Sgt. Michele Mitchell's journey here to the Defense Department's only center committed to treating burn victims began in late April, when she was riding in an up-armored Humvee near Baghdad as part of a five-vehicle convoy dispatched to pick up troops.
09/02/2004 : Women's Equality Highlighted in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM, Afghanistan, Sept. 2, 2004 - The ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on Aug. 26, 1920, was a turning point for America. The amendment officially acknowledged all U.S. citizens, regardless of gender, as equal. Most importantly, it gave women the right to vote.
09/02/2004 : U.S., Iraqi Forces Capture Insurgents, Find Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2, 2004 - U.S. soldiers and Iraqi National Guard members operating near Muqdadiyah today captured two suspected insurgents and found a weapons cache.
09/02/2004 : Why I Serve: Band Musician Ready for Deployment  This story contains photos.    
DEVENS, Mass., Sept. 2, 2004 - "The thing is, I am a soldier first, and that's all there is to it."
09/02/2004 : NATO Air Chiefs Converge at Ramstein Air Base      
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany, Sept. 2, 2004 - A NATO Air Chiefs Conference held here Aug. 30-31 brought together the top leaders of NATO's air forces to discuss their favorite subject -- air power.
09/02/2004 : U.S. Realigning, Redeploying Military Forces in South Korea      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2, 2004 - Within the next several years, one-third fewer American soldiers will be stationed in the Republic of Korea. But, senior officials say, even that reduced number of soldiers will be better able to meet U.S. commitments to the nation's Korean allies.
09/01/2004 : Use Electronic Voting From Overseas As 'Last Resort,' Official Says      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1, 2004 - Some overseas servicemembers have another way to vote in the upcoming Nov. 2 elections, but they should use it as a last resort, a senior Defense Department official said here today.
09/01/2004 : Multinational Force Attacks Zarqawi Operating Location      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1, 2004 - Multinational Force Iraq conducted a "precision attack" in southwest Fallujah tonight, targeting an operating location used by the network of fugitive terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, officials announced in a news release.
09/01/2004 : Tricare Officials Offer Tips for Contract Transition      
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1, 2004 - Some beneficiaries of the military's Tricare health care system may experience long wait times when calling their new regional contractors.
09/01/2004 : Soldiers Give Food to Iraqis Affected by Insurgents      
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Sept. 1, 2004 - As militants fueled an uprising in southern Iraq, fighting spilled over into places like Sadr City and adjoining areas, setting back ongoing efforts to improve the lives of Iraqis.
09/01/2004 : Today's Service Members Carry on Vets' Legacy      
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Sept. 1, 2004 - Today's servicemembers are carrying on the American Legion's idea of selfless service, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the veterans group's convention here today.
09/01/2004 : Myers Tells Fort Campbell Combat Vets to 'Walk Tall'  This story contains photos.    
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky., Sept. 1, 2004 - "Walk tall," Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers told a theater full of combat veterans here Aug. 31. "Your country and I couldn't be prouder of your professionalism, courage and dedication."
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