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American Forces Press Service
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04/30/2002 : Bush: America Must Fight Terror, Defend Its Values      
WASHINGTON, April 30, 2002 - The United States has a special mission to defend justice and advance freedom, President Bush said today.
04/30/2002 : 'On the Edge' with Rumsfeld in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
HERAT, Afghanistan, April 30, 2002 - Security agents tasked to protect Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld described his recent meeting with Ismail Khan here as a situation "on the edge."
04/30/2002 : Navy Announces DD(X) Design Contract Winner      
WASHINGTON, April 30, 2002 - The Navy has selected Ingalls Shipbuilding and Northrop-Grumman Ship Systems to design the next-generation DD(X) family of ships.
04/30/2002 : Retired Soldier Named National Teacher of the Year  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 30, 2002 - President Bush named a retired soldier the 2002 National Teacher of the Year in a White House ceremony April 24.
04/30/2002 : U.S., Canada Partner to Obtain Licensed Stockpile of Smallpox Vaccine      
WASHINGTON, April 30, 2002 - DoD scientists and contractors are working to obtain U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for a smallpox vaccine developed by the military a decade ago, according to an Army medical researcher at Fort Detrick, Md.
04/30/2002 : U.S. Troops in Georgia to Begin Counterterrorism Training    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, April 30, 2002 - The first 20 U.S. service members have arrived in Tbilisi, Georgia, and will begin training the Caucasus republic's troops in counterterrorism operations, Defense Department officials said April 30.
04/30/2002 : Service Members Discuss Patriotism, Freedom on School's National Web Cast  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 30, 2002 - A soldier, a Marine and an Air Force bomber pilot discussed patriotism and freedom with middle school students nationwide during an unusual April 30 Web cast here.
04/29/2002 : Army War Games Provide Azimuth For DoD's Future Force      
WASHINGTON, April 29, 2002 - War gamers at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., are testing the envisioned capabilities of the U.S. military of tomorrow -- a quickly-deployable, interoperable, high-tech force with global reach -- today.
04/29/2002 : Patton's Creed: 'People, Passion, Performance'  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 29, 2002 - You wouldn't expect to find Popeye, Kermit the Frog, Gumby and Pokey prominently displayed in a senior military leader's office. Yet, that's what you find when you enter the world of Vincent W. Patton III, master chief petty officer of the U.S. Coast Guard.
04/29/2002 : Rumsfeld, Ivanov Meet in Moscow  This story contains photos.    
MOSCOW, Russia, April 29, 2002 - The relationship between the United States and Russia today goes beyond arms control, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.
04/29/2002 : Mainers Bring Stars and Stripes Ice Cream to Pentagon  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 29, 2002 - The verdict is in. Stars and Stripes ice cream is good stuff.
04/28/2002 : Kazakhstan Offers More Support for War on Terror      
ASTANA, Kazakhstan, April 28, 2002 - Kazakhstan is ready to do more in the global war against, April 28, 2002 - ASTANA, Kazakhstan, April 28, 2002 - Kazakhstan is ready to do more in the global war against terrorism, top government officials here told Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today.
04/28/2002 : Turkmenistan Thanked for Saving Afghan Lives      
TURKMENBASHI AIRPORT, Turkmenistan, April 28, 2002 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld today thanked the people of Turkmenistan for their support in the fight against terrorism and for providing humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan.
04/27/2002 : Rumsfeld Thanks Kyrgyzstan for Support  This story contains photos.    
BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, April 27, 2002 - The people of Afghanistan are in far better circumstances today because Kyrgyzstan opened Manas International Airport to U.S. and coalition forces, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here this morning.
04/27/2002 : Rumsfeld Salutes Troops, Meets Afghan Leaders  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, April 27, 2002 - "Afghanistan is a proving ground for the global war on terrorism," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told American and coalition troops here today.
04/26/2002 : Sergeant Who Saved Sailor Gets Soldier's Medal  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 26, 2002 - Then-Navy Lt. Kevin Shaeffer remembered seeing the sky and the Army sergeant who would save him after staggering out of the blasted offices of the Navy's Pentagon command center just after the terrorist-hijacked airliner struck the building.
04/26/2002 : Korea, Pacific Command Nominees Testify      
WASHINGTON, April 26, 2002 - The war on terrorism, living conditions for service members in Korea and shipbuilding were among the questions senators asked of President Bush's nominees to be the new U.S. Pacific Command chief and United Nations Command chief.
04/26/2002 : Thrift Plan Open Season a Military Success      
WASHINGTON, April 26, 2002 - The first open season for service members to sign up for the Thrift Savings Plan was a huge success, said defense officials.
04/26/2002 : Rumsfeld to Troops: 'Give Me an Easy One'  This story contains photos.    
BISHKEK, Kyrghyzstan, April 26, 2002 - BISHKEK, Kyrghyzstan, April 25 –American and coalition troops here at Ganci Air Base had a chance today to ask the U.S. defense secretary questions. And they were ready for him.
04/26/2002 : U.S., Coalition Troops 'Stand Against Evil'  This story contains photos.    
BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan, April 26, 2002 - U.S. and coalition forces stand against "an evil of mass murderers" that aims to kill large numbers of innocent people, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.
04/26/2002 : Spring Thaw Likely to Spark Attacks in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
SHANNON, Ireland, April 26, 2002 - The spring thaw in Afghanistan may mean more al Qaeda and Taliban attacks on U.S. and coalition forces, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Thursday on his way to Central Asia.
04/26/2002 : Tax Change Means More Service Members Qualify for Earned Income Credit    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 26, 2002 - Tax changes affecting reportable income for this year will mean more service members qualify for the earned income tax credit, said Defense Department officials.
04/25/2002 : Webcast to Feature Service Members Discussing Patriotism and Freedom      
WASHINGTON, April 25, 2002 - You can join a panel of military personnel and citizens April 30 at 11 a.m. EDT as they share their views on patriotism and freedom during a one-hour Internet webcast and satellite transmission.
04/25/2002 : 'War Letters' Giveaway Highlights Legacy of Letters  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 25, 2002 - Sometimes the dead still speak to us, and sometimes the Moms and Dads and Grandpas and Grandmas we know today take on the voices of young men and women.
04/25/2002 : The Defense Point Man for Homeland Security  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 25, 2002 - If trouble lies ahead, Pete Verga is a good guy to have around.
04/24/2002 : Attacks Continue in Afghanistan; Philippines Training Under Way      
WASHINGTON, April 24, 2002 - U.S. forces continue to encounter sporadic attacks in eastern Afghanistan, but it's difficult to pinpoint exactly where they're coming from, Air Force Brig. Gen. John W. Rosa said at a Pentagon briefing this morning.
04/24/2002 : No Sidelines, 'We're All Vulnerable,' Myers Says of War on Terror      
WASHINGTON, April 24, 2002 - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will use his upcoming visit to Asia to re- emphasize that all freedom-loving countries must unite against terrorism.
04/24/2002 : Rumsfeld Bound for Afghanistan      This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 24, 2002 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is slated to depart tomorrow on a trip to visit U.S. forces in Afghanistan and coalition partners in the region.
04/24/2002 : Rumsfeld Calls Army Brigade Combat Teams Important to Transformation  This story contains photos.    
FORT LEWIS, Wash., April 24, 2002 - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld says transformation is more than an objective, it's a state of mind.
04/23/2002 : Holocaust Survivor Says Turkish Muslim Saved His, Other Jews' Lives  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 23, 2002 - As a child on the island of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea, Bernard Turiel remembers listening to his parents and their friends talk about Jews being executed in concentration camps in Germany and Europe.
04/23/2002 : Flying an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle      
WASHINGTON, April 23, 2002 - The Predator is just like every other aircraft, you just don't ride in it.
04/23/2002 : WMDs Raise Stakes as Anti-Terror War Continues    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 23, 2002 - The fact that terrorist states and networks are striving to acquire weapons of mass destruction has heightened the stakes in the global war on terrorism, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said here today.
04/23/2002 : Name New 'Beetle Bailey' Character, Win Free Travel  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 23, 2002 - Mort Walker is adding a new character to his famous comic strip "Beetle Bailey," and you can win a pair of airline tickets by coming up with a name for the new character.
04/22/2002 : U.S. 'Stepping Up to the Plate' to Help Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, April 22, 2002 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today vehemently denied America isn't doing enough to help stabilize the Afghan government.
04/22/2002 : Military Olympians Visit Pentagon  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 22, 2002 - Eleven military members who represented the United States in the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, visited the Pentagon today.
04/22/2002 : Army Gives Marines the Boot  This story contains photos.    
NATICK, Mass., April 22, 2002 - Whether Marines are wading through desert sands or jungle rivers, the Improved Jungle- Desert Boot will keep their feet better protected and more comfortable than ever. Taxpayers will like the money saved, and supply sergeants will like not having to store two kinds of boots.
04/20/2002 : DoD Looking at Services' Troop Level Increase Requests      
WASHINGTON, April 20, 2002 - DoD is considering senior military leaders' requests for more troops, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said here April 19.
04/19/2002 : Myers: New UCP Addresses Security Issues, Not Politics      
WASHINGTON, April 19, 2002 - The U.S. military's senior officer said April 18 that other countries will be geographically aligned with U.S. unified commands in order to better address mutual security issues, not for political reasons.
04/19/2002 : Rumsfeld at TRANSCOM: Transformation Moves Forward  This story contains photos.    
SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill., April 19, 2002 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told a joint-service audience here April 18 that the transformation of the Department of Defense cannot be put on hold while the nation pursues the global war on terrorism.
04/19/2002 : Rumsfeld Talks Philippines Mission, Middle East Peacekeeping at Lewis      
WASHINGTON, April 19, 2002 - DoD doesn't anticipate hiking current levels of U.S. military support to the Philippines as part of efforts to suppress terrorists, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today at Fort Lewis, Wash.
04/19/2002 : Girl Scouts' 'Operation Thin Mint' Supports Operation Enduring Freedom  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 19, 2002 - Operation Enduring Freedom troops who missed this year's Girl Scout cookie sale are about to be deluged by more than 104,000 boxes of Thin Mints or other favorites.
04/18/2002 : Rumsfeld Surmises 2 "New" Bin Laden Tapes Use Old Video      
WASHINGTON, April 18, 2002 - Two videos shown this week on Arab television networks allegedly show Osama bin Laden praising the results of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. But U.S. officials said they believe the shots of bin Laden in the tape weren't taken recently.
04/18/2002 : Bataan Group Sailed Into Uncertainty, Came Back to Kudos  This story contains photos.    
CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C., April 18, 2002 - When the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit deployed aboard the USS Bataan, the USS Shreveport and the USS Whidbey Island on Sept. 20, 2001, no one knew what to expect.
04/18/2002 : U.S. Marines Return From Afghanistan Tour      
CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C., April 18, 2002 - They stepped off their air-cushion landing craft, but their feet didn't touch the ground.
04/18/2002 : Bombing Accident Kills Four Canadian Soldiers in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, April 18, 2002 - Four Canadian soldiers were killed early today and eight others seriously injured when an U.S. fighter jet dropped at least one 500-pound bomb on their position near Kandahar, Afghanistan, Canadian defense officials said.
04/17/2002 : Soldier Wounded in Face in Kandahar, Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, April 17, 2002 - A U.S. soldier received a gunshot wound to the face near the Governor's Mansion in Kandahar, Afghanistan, today at about 3 a.m. Eastern time.
04/17/2002 : A Mom, a Recruit and a War on Terror  This story contains photos.    
MOUNT STERLING, Ohio, April 17, 2002 - When Sonya Schilling learned terrorists had attacked the United States, her first thought was of her 18-year-old son, Joseph Parenti.
04/17/2002 : 'Hot Zone' Draws Volunteers  This story contains photos.    
MOUNT STERLING, Ohio, April 17, 2002 - Entering a contaminated "hot zone" is deadly business, as Army Maj. David Seitz and his team of 21 Ohio Army and Air National Guardsmen are well aware.
04/17/2002 : Rumsfeld Dismisses Tora Bora Speculation      This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 17, 2002 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld dismissed as speculation assertions that U.S. forces should have captured al Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden during the fighting around the Tora Bora cave complex in December.
04/17/2002 : U.S. Northern Command to Debut in October  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 17, 2002 - Defense officials today announced the establishment of U.S. Northern Command as part of the changes in the Unified Command Plan.
04/17/2002 : Bush Cites Progress, Way Ahead in War on Terror    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, April 17, 2002 - It's not enough for America to win the war on terrorism, the country must help secure the peace, President Bush said April 17.
04/17/2002 : Financial Stability, Family Support Top QOL Issues in '03 Budget Request      
WASHINGTON, April 17, 2002 - Military quality-of-life issues include much more than pay and housing, and if DoD wants to win the war on terrorism, it needs to give its people a strong quality of life.
04/17/2002 : Korean Religious Leaders Donate $110,000 For Sept. 11 Memorial  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 17, 2002 - Members of a South Korean religious delegation today presented DoD Comptroller Dov S. Zakheim with a check for $110,000 to be used for a new Pentagon memorial meditation area sponsored by military chaplains.
04/16/2002 : From U.S. Civil War to Afghanistan: A Short History of UAVs      
WASHINGTON, April 16, 2002 - During the American Civil War, both sides tried to use rudimentary unmanned aerial vehicles.
04/16/2002 : Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Proving Their Worth Over Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 16, 2002 - For years, military thinkers have tried to harness the power of unmanned aerial vehicles. Changes in technology mean that members of today's military are able to put that promise to work.
04/16/2002 : British Troops Assist in 'Mountain Lion' Operations    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 16, 2002 - A detachment of 1,700 British marines are assisting U.S. and other coalition troops in the continuing search for al Qaeda forces in eastern Afghanistan, senior DoD officials said today
04/15/2002 : Four U.S. Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan Explosion      
WASHINGTON, April 15, 2002 - Four American soldiers were killed and another injured in Afghanistan this morning when a 107 mm rocket exploded while the troops were destroying captured weapons near Kandahar, according to U.S. Central Command officials.
04/15/2002 : At Least 3 Killed in Afghan Ordnance Disposal Accident      
WASHINGTON, April 15, 2002 - At least three U.S. service members died in an accident near Kandahar, Afghanistan, DoD officials said.
04/15/2002 : Rumsfeld Unsure Weapons Inspectors Could Be Effective in Iraq    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 15, 2002 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld expressed doubts today that weapons inspectors in Iraq could find solid evidence that Saddam Hussein is building weapons of mass destruction.
04/15/2002 : Terrorist Suicide Bombers Are 'Killers,' Wolfowitz Says  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 15, 2002 - Terrorist suicide bombers who have killed hundreds of Jews during months-long fighting between Israelis and Palestinians are "killers," Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz said here today.
04/15/2002 : AAFES Gets New Weapon in Fight Against Shoplifting      
WASHINGTON, April 15, 2002 - The Army and Air Force Exchange Service can start demanding more compensation from those caught shoplifting thanks to a program written into the fiscal 2002 defense budget.
04/12/2002 : Rumsfeld Details Progress In War on Terror      
WASHINGTON, April 12, 2002 - The United States has foiled a number of terrorist attacks since the war on global terrorism began, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said at the Pentagon April 12.
04/12/2002 : U.S. Focusing Afghan Reconstruction Efforts      
WASHINGTON, April 12, 2002 - U.S. State Department officials are pleased with the progress being made in Afghanistan, but said more must be done to accelerate these positive changes and make them permanent.
04/12/2002 : DoD Remembers the Holocaust  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 12, 2002 - The Defense Department joined 21 other federal agencies at the ninth annual Federal Interagency Holocaust Remembrance observance here at the Lincoln Theater April 11.
04/11/2002 : Agency Cooperation Vital in Counterterrorism Technology Advances      
WASHINGTON, April 11, 2002 - One of the America's greatest strengths is the ability to develop and deliver new, effective technologies to the battlefield, but experts in various agencies need to coordinate their efforts better, Sen. Mary Landrieu said April 10.
04/11/2002 : Contract Seeks Blueprint for Transforming DoD Finances    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 11, 2002 - The Defense Department has signed an agreement that will fundamentally transform the way the department does business.
04/11/2002 : Franks: Relationships with Gulf States 'Strong and Good'    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 11, 2002 - America's relationships with countries in the Persian Gulf region are solid in spite of escalating violence between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Gen. Tommy Franks said today.
04/10/2002 : Rumsfeld Speaks About Meeting the Press    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 10, 2002 - How does a major U.S. Cabinet official deal with the press and public while in the midst of a war?
04/10/2002 : Military Works to Meet Transformation Goals    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 10, 2002 - No one knows what threats the future holds. So defense officials must prepare for the unexpected.
04/10/2002 : Help Wanted: Military Seeks Creative Minds    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 10, 2002 - It's not necessarily a bad thing if your thinking is somewhat different from your peers and superiors. You might be one of the creative minds America's armed forces need, according to Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz.
04/10/2002 : Team Hears 'We've Been Waiting for You' When Public Safety's at Risk  This story contains photos.    
NEW YORK, April 10, 2002 - Members of the 2nd Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team have spent a lot of time at Yankee Stadium, but they haven't had any chances to relax and take in a ball game.
04/10/2002 : Wolfowitz: 'Fight Today, Invest for Tomorrow'    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 10, 2002 - Computers, instant communications and global networking can transform the U.S. military just as they have the commercial world, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz told Congress April 9.
04/09/2002 : Hunt Continues for Holdout Al Qaeda, Taliban; Hamdi Moved to Norfolk    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 9, 2002 - U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan continue searching for al Qaeda and former Taliban, Brig. Gen. John Rosa said at a Pentagon briefing here today.
04/08/2002 : Bush Defends Military Budget Request, Warns Both Sides in Middle East      
WASHINGTON, April 8, 2002 - President Bush today defended his fiscal 2003 defense budget request and re-emphasized America's in the fight against terrorism for the long haul during a stop in Knoxville, Tenn.
04/08/2002 : Electrified BDUs Definitely Aren't Your Father's Fatigues  This story contains photos.    
NATICK, Mass., April 8, 2002 - Using a finger of his glove, a soldier determines if water is safe to drink. He takes a rolled- up cloth keyboard from his pocket, plugs it in and starts typing a message. Calling for support, his radio sends and receives signals using an antenna blended into his uniform.
04/08/2002 : Terrorists Who Would Target America Are Dangerous Enemies, Myers Says      
HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass., April 8, 2002 - The nation's top military officer told a Harvard University audience April 4 that the fight against terrorism is the most important assignment given the U.S. military in his 37-year career.
04/08/2002 : Six Months Into War: Rumsfeld, Myers Assess Progress, Future    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 8, 2002 - Six months and a day after American military actions began Oct. 7 in Afghanistan, the two men leading those actions assessed the progress so far.
04/07/2002 : Myers Discusses Mideast Terror, Iraq and the Way Ahead in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, April 7, 2002 - America's top military leader said there is probably an infrastructure behind the terrorist bombings in the Middle East and that al Qaeda is still a viable force.
04/05/2002 : Rumsfeld Praises Pentagon Construction Workers  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 5, 2002 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld praised construction workers and autographed hard hats today in appreciation of their round-the-clock efforts to get terrorist-damaged portions of the Pentagon ready for occupancy by Sept. 11, 2002.
04/05/2002 : Franks Says 'Much Achieved, Much Remains'      
WASHINGTON, April 5, 2002 - Much has been achieved in the six months since U.S. forces began combat operations in Afghanistan, yet much remains to be done, "and it will continue to be dangerous business in the days ahead," Army Gen. Tommy Franks said today.
04/04/2002 : Wolfowitz: Military 'Has Come a Long Way' Since Gulf War      
WASHINGTON, April 4, 2002 - Quadrennial Defense Review stratagems that emphasize change are helping the U.S. military and its allies to win the war against global terrorism, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz told national security students April 1.
04/04/2002 : U.S. not an Invader in Afghanistan, Wolfowitz Says      
WASHINGTON, April 4, 2002 - U.S. defense officials are aware that Afghan tribes historically put their differences aside to unite against invaders, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz said April 1 in Syracuse, N.Y.
04/04/2002 : President to Send Powell to Middle East      
WASHINGTON, April 4, 2002 - President Bush is sending Secretary of State Colin Powell to the Middle East to work toward ending the violence between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
04/04/2002 : Argo Family Captures Second Win in YMCA Art Contest  This story contains photos.    
SPRINGFIELD, April 4, 2002 - Sixth-grader Meghan Argo recently took the news of winning the Armed Services YMCA Art Contest 2002 with squeals of delight. Last year at about the same time, she was the one who answered a similar call to learn two of her sisters had taken first- and second-place prizes.
04/04/2002 : American Found Among Detainees in Guantanamo    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, April 4, 2002 - A 22-year-old man believed to be a U.S. citizen has been identified among the detainees at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
04/03/2002 : Reforming Financial Management System Can Save Big      
WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002 - When you hear the term "reforming the military financial management system," chances are you just turn off.
04/03/2002 : Early Enrollment Opens for Long-Term Care Insurance Program      
WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002 - A period of early enrollment into the new Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program is now open. Federal personnel managers estimate as many as 20 million people are eligible to use this new benefit.
04/03/2002 : Guardsmen Help America Regain Confidence After 9-11  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002 - Americans began their recovery from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks when they saw National Guardsmen keeping watch at airports, according to a top Defense Department official.
04/03/2002 : Greatest Show on Earth Visits Pentagon Day Care  This story contains photos.    This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002 - The children at the Pentagon Day Care Center received a special show from the performers of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus April 3.
04/03/2002 : Rumsfeld: 'Suicide Bombing Is Terrorism'    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002 - "What's happening in the Middle East is terrible. It is a tragedy. It is terrorism," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said at the Pentagon today. "Innocent people are being killed -- men, women and children of all religions."
04/03/2002 : Al Qaeda Leader Zubaydah to Remain in U.S. Control    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002 - The United States has no intention of turning over al Qaeda terrorist Abu Zubaydah to any other nation, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told reporters here today.
04/02/2002 : U.S. Policy on Africa Seeks Stability to Counter Terror    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 2, 2002 - Poverty, unemployment and hopelessness create breeding grounds for terrorists, President George W. Bush has said.
04/02/2002 : Rumsfeld Confirms Capture of Senior Al Qaeda Leader  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 2, 2002 - A senior al Qaeda leader captured by the Pakistanis last week will be turned over to U.S. officials for questioning, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told reporters here today.
04/01/2002 : Creating This 750-Pound Giant Was a Piece of Cake  This story contains photos.    
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., April 1, 2002 - Families of the sailors aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt had a lot to celebrate at the homecoming reception March 27, and the Naval Air Station Oceana Commissary made sure the celebration cake approached aircraft-carrier size.
04/01/2002 : Rumsfeld Singles Out Iraq, Iran, Syria    This story contains audio.  This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, April 1, 2002 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld singled out Iraq, Iran and Syria as countries that are encouraging terrorists while oppressing their own populations.
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