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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service
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03/31/1997 : U.S. Forces Evacuate Americans from Albania      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 1997 - U.S. forces evacuated nearly 900 people from Albania after civil unrest erupted following the collapse of a financial pyramid scheme. The fledgling democracy is the poorest nation in Europe, according to a DoD spokesman.
03/31/1997 : Military Shooters Named to U.S. World Cup Team      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 1997 - Eighteen Army and Air Force sharpshooters have been named to the U.S. National World Cup shooting team.
03/31/1997 : Clinton, Cohen Meet with Bosnian President      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 1997 - President Clinton reaffirmed his commitment to withdrawing U.S. troops from Bosnia by July 1998 -- just before he met with Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic on March 26.
03/28/1997 : U.S. Deploys Troops to Central Africa      
WASHINGTON, March 28, 1997 - About 350 U.S. troops have deployed to Africa to prepare for a possible evacuation of Americans from Zaire.
03/27/1997 : Kennedy Nominated Army's First Female Lieutenant General  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 27, 1997 - A former cryptologic staff officer has "broken the code" on three-star rank for female Army generals.
03/27/1997 : Force XXI Commander Heads New Age Brigade  This story contains photos.    
FORT IRWIN, Calif., March 27, 1997 - Changing the way the military thinks, trains and fights is a major undertaking. Ask Maj. Gen. Paul Kern. The Army's 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) commander will readily admit change is hard.
03/27/1997 : DeCA Builds Student Career Program      
FORT LEE, Va., March 27, 1997 - The Defense Commissary Agency is embarking on a cooperative program that allows students to earn school credit while they learn the grocery business -- the DeCA way.
03/26/1997 : Cohen, Reimer Visit Force XXI Battlefield  This story contains photos.    
FORT IRWIN, Calif., March 26, 1997 - Information, rather than military muscle, will dominate battlefields of the 21st century, William S. Cohen said after glimpsing the future at the Army's National Training Center here.
03/26/1997 : First Hawaii, Now All of Pacific Comes Under TRICARE      
TRIPLER ARMY MEDICAL CENTER, Hawaii, March 26, 1997 - What began as TRICARE Hawaii, DoD's managed health plan for the 50th state, now delivers medical coverage to service members and their families throughout the Pacific theater.
03/26/1997 : Pacific Lifeline: Tripler Medics Treat Island Ills      
TRIPLER ARMY MEDICAL CENTER, Hawaii, March 26, 1997 - From thousands of islands -- tiny specks in the vast Pacific Ocean -- they come seeking treatment for the rarest diseases. The United States pays their way to and from Oahu and pays, too, for the life-changing -- sometimes life-saving -- care they need. They are thankful, as the smiles on their faces reveal in the photos Army Dr. (Col.) Donald Person keeps of them.
03/26/1997 : Army Captures Sixth Straight Wrestling Title  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 26, 1997 - Army earned its sixth straight wrestling title at the 1997 armed forces wrestling championships held March 22-22 at Pensacola Naval Air Station, Fla.
03/25/1997 : Clinton, Yeltsin Confer on NATO, Security Issues      
WASHINGTON, March 25, 1997 - President Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin agreed to disagree on NATO expansion, but not let their opposing views stand in the way of other measures to improve relations.
03/24/1997 : Red Cross Modernizes Armed Forces Emergency Services      
WASHINGTON, March 24, 1997 - Budget restraints and technology upgrades are changing the way the American Red Cross will support troops in the 21st century. However, Armed Forces Emergency Services officials are reassuring service members the planned upgrades will not affect their support to them.
03/21/1997 : Albright Says NATO Expansion to Benefit East, West      
WASHINGTON, March 21, 1997 - NATO expansion will benefit Russian security as well as that of Western Europe, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recently told Russian officials.
03/20/1997 : Kaminski Gives Acquisition Reform Report      
WASHINGTON, March 20, 1997 - The impetus behind acquisition reform all comes down to supporting warfighters, DoD's top acquisition official said March 14.
03/20/1997 : Pentagon Hosts Russian Minister      
WASHINGTON, March 20, 1997 - After 50 years of Cold War, America's former foe recently entered the Pentagon's inner sanctum.
03/19/1997 : DoDDS to Meet National Standards      
WASHINGTON, March 19, 1997 - DoD Dependents Schools students will be among the first to take nationally standardized exams as part of a campaign to make American education the world's best.
03/19/1997 : Civilian Personnel Builds STAIRS to Future      
WASHINGTON, March 19, 1997 - Sometimes finding a job in the federal government is like climbing an endless flight of stairs. Postings are limited and difficult to find, application forms are lengthy and confusing, and you may wait months for a response. You cross your fingers, hoping for an objective review of your qualifications.
03/19/1997 : Anderson, Martinez Medal at U.S. National Boxing Tourney      
WASHINGTON, March 19, 1997 - Army boxing team members Spc. Olanda Anderson and Sgt. Bradley Martinez of Fort Huachuca, Ariz., captured medals at the 1997 U.S. National Boxing championships.
03/18/1997 : Preparing for Closure: Seneca Depot Faces Huge Task  This story contains photos.    
ROMULUS, N.Y., March 18, 1997 - Large flatbed trucks daily continue to enter and exit the Seneca Army Depot here. Drivers pass through security gates, then wend their way along the narrow, two-lane roads to either heavy equipment warehouses or ammunition storage areas.
03/18/1997 : DoD Launches Acquisition Reform Week      
WASHINGTON, March 18, 1997 - Pentagon officials launched Acquisition Reform Week March 17, vowing to enhance cooperation between the department and private industry and keep the momentum for reform going.
03/18/1997 :  Shorts #6      
WASHINGTON, March 18, 1997 - The Armed Services YMCA has extended the deadline for its Young Readers Project contest to accommodate requests from local installation libraries. In addition, the U. S. Savings bond prizes for younger students has been increased to $500.
03/13/1997 : DoD Will Commit $140 Million Budget to Recruiting      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1997 - DoD is proposing a $140 million recruiting effort as part of the fiscal 1998 defense budget in the department's efforts to bolster enlistments.
03/13/1997 : Military Launches New Anti-terrorism Training      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 1997 - The Joint Staff recently launched a four- tiered training initiative that mandates every DoD member receive force protection training prior to moving or serving overseas.
03/12/1997 : New Allegations Made In Aberdeen Sex Harassment Case      
WASHINGTON, March 12, 1997 - DoD will look at the latest allegations about the Army's handling of the sexual misconduct investigation at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., but it is the Army's responsibility to deal with it, said Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon.
03/12/1997 : Clinton, Cohen Address Gulf War Illness Issues      
WASHINGTON, March 12, 1997 - President Clinton has ordered federal agencies to take three new actions in their investigation of Gulf War Illnesses.
03/11/1997 : Commissary Agency Announces Reorganization      
FORT LEE, Va., March 11, 1997 - The Defense Commissary Agency is resizing from seven regions to four in the wake of a $48.5 million budget cut.
03/11/1997 : April Commissary Sale Benefits Special Funds      
FORT LEE, Va., March 11, 1997 - A worldwide Defense Commissary Agency promotion in April will benefit two nonprofit organizations with military connections.
03/10/1997 : Cohen: Military Succeeds in Bosnia, Civil Side Must Focus  This story contains photos.    
CAMP DOBOL, Bosnia, March 10, 1997 - As a U.S. Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter carries William S. Cohen above northern Bosnia, clouds of pale gray smoke slowly waft skyward. Farmers below burn their fields, clearing old growth and detonating land mines with the fires of spring.
03/10/1997 : Cohen Says NATO Will Accept New Members      
BRUSSELS, March 10, 1997 - NATO plans to extend Europe's zone of security and stability to the East, according to U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen.
03/10/1997 : Acquisition Reform Week Planned March 17-21      
WASHINGTON, March 10, 1997 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen has proclaimed March 17-21 as Acquisition Reform Week throughout the Defense Department.
03/07/1997 : U.S., British, Germans Commit to Bosnia Deadline      
BONN, GERMANY, March 7, 1997 - U.S., British and German defense officials are committed to pulling out of Bosnia at the end of NATO's 18-month stabilization force mission. "The president said the mission will end in June 1998, and I intend to see to it that directive is carried out," U.S. Defense Secretary Bill Cohen said.
03/07/1997 : Cancer Patients Gain Access to Latest Therapies      
WASHINGTON, March 7, 1997 - TRICARE/CHAMPUS-eligible patients will gain access to new cancer therapies under an agreement between DoD and the National Cancer Institute.
03/05/1997 : Cohen's Journey from Capitol Hill to the Pentagon  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 5, 1997 - Becoming defense secretary was the furthest thing from Bill Cohen's mind as he retired from the Senate. But when President Clinton called and offered him the job, he said, it was impossible to turn down.
03/05/1997 : Defense IG to Investigate Missing Gulf War Logs      
WASHINGTON, March 5, 1997 - The DoD inspector general will lead an investigation into missing chemical weapons logs from the Persian Gulf War.
03/05/1997 : Maxwell Civilian Employee Earns National Award  This story contains photos.    
MAXWELL AFB, GUNTER ANNEX, Ala., March 5, 1997 - She didn't win an election. She's not a lobbyist or a diplomat. And though she may see a few of Washington's attractions while in the area, she isn't even going as a tourist. Alma J. Bowen of the Headquarters Standard Systems Group is venturing to the nation's capital to accept the Government Employees Insurance Company's annual Public Service Award.
03/05/1997 : DFAS Lane Provides Wealth of Information      
WASHINGTON, March 5, 1997 - Over 175,000 Defense Finance and Accounting Service customers a month are finding answers to their pay questions and other DFAS-related questions right at their fingertips.
03/04/1997 : Cohen Tells Trainees Teamwork is Key  This story contains photos.    
LACKLAND AFB, Texas/FORT JACKSON, S.C., March 4, 1997 - Military recruits and the nation's 20th defense secretary have something in common: They are all "trainees."
03/04/1997 : Mixed Training Sites Impress Cohen  This story contains photos.    
LACKLAND AFB, Texas/ FORT JACKSON, S.C., March 4, 1997 - Integrated training -- men and women training in the same units -- is working well at the two military training centers he visited Feb. 27 and 28, said Defense Secretary William Cohen.
03/04/1997 : Most Force Separation, Transition Assistance Programs to  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 4, 1997 - Even with the military drawdown near completion, defense officials said they will continue offering service members early retirement and transition assistance in fiscal 1998.
03/04/1997 : Cohen Says DoD Will Enforce Gay Policy      
WASHINGTON, March 4, 1997 - DoD will enforce the "don't ask, don't tell" homosexual policy adopted three years ago, said Defense Secretary William Cohen.
03/04/1997 : Forsee, Collins Win Laurels at Blue Angel Marathon      
WASHINGTON, March 4, 1997 - Bridget Collins of Naperville, Ill., and David Forsee of Indianapolis claimed top honors at the 14th annual Blue Angel Marathon, held Feb. 22 in Pensacola, Fla.
03/04/1997 : Shalikashvili: Troops Must Protect Themselves From Terrorism      
WASHINGTON, March 4, 1997 - Terrorism is more complex and a bigger international threat than ever, and military members therefore must be better prepared to protect themselves, Gen. John M. Shalikashvili warned.
03/03/1997 : Navy, Army Join With Floating Warehouses  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1997 - "Moving soldiers is easy," said Army Brig. Gen. Wade H. McManus Jr. "It's their equipment that's hard to move."
03/03/1997 : DoD Airs Case Study on Gulf War Investigation      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1997 - The first DoD case narrative on Gulf War illnesses, released Feb. 25, describes U.S. military destruction of Iraqi munitions after the war. It details subsequent U. N. Special Commission inspections of the weapons storage site at Khamisiyah, Iraq, which revealed the presence of chemical weapons, and the ongoing public inquiry.
03/03/1997 : Trades School Meets All Services' Training Needs      
SHEPPARD AIR FORCE BASE, Texas, March 3, 1997 - You graduate from Navy boot camp. You're assigned a specialty -- carpentry. You'll have to go to school to learn your new trade. What Navy installation will you go to? Surprise! You're going to the Air Force.
03/03/1997 : Missing or Lost Federal Tax and Wage Statements      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1997 - Service members and federal civilians who have not received their Federal Tax and Wage Statements (Form W-2) should contact the appropriate finance offices.
03/03/1997 : Buy Back Needed to Add Military Time for Retirement      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1997 - Waiting until the last moment before thinking about retirement might end up costing some civilian federal employees more than stress. Civilian employees with prior military service may not have as many years of federal service for retirement as they thought.
03/03/1997 : Air Force Marathon Slated for Wright-Patterson      
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio, March 3, 1997 - The first U.S. Air Force marathon, in celebration of the Air Force's 50th anniversary, will be run here Sept. 20. All levels of marathoners, including those in wheelchairs, are invited to participate.
03/03/1997 : Community Support Update      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1997 - The Defense Departments's campaign to improve service and family members' quality of life continues.
03/03/1997 : DoD Spotlights Quality of Life      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1997 - Pentagon officials are putting more money into community support programs and studying ways to make military lifestyles more consistent across the services.
03/03/1997 : Clinton Seeks Answers to Handling of Chem Weapons Info      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1997 - When did the Army know about chemical weapons at Khamisiyah, Iraq, and what did it do about them?
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