Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0 Section 1 - Introduction 
1.1 Objectives
Table of Contents


The goal of remedial investigation/feasibility studies (RI/FS) and hazardous waste cleanup projects is to obtain enough information on a site to consider and select practicable remedial alternatives. Gathering this information can require considerable time, effort, and finances. In some cases, it is possible to focus on specific remedies that have been proven under similar conditions.

This reference guide provides a "yellow pages" of remediation technologies. It is intended to be used to screen and evaluate candidate cleanup technologies for contaminated installations and waste sites in order to assist remedial project managers (RPMs) in selecting a remedial alternative. To reduce data collection efforts and to focus the remedial evaluation steps, information on widely used and presumptive remedies is provided. Figure 1-1 illustrates the trend toward reduction in the degree of site characterization through screening and the use of presumptive remedies.

Presumptive remedies, as established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), are preferred technologies for common categories of sites, based on historical patterns of remedy selection and EPA's scientific and engineering evaluation of performance data on technology implementation. Use of presumptive remedies will allow a RPM to focus on one or two alternatives: decreasing the site characterization data needs and focusing the remedial evaluation steps, resulting in less time and effort. Conversely, sites with extensive data needs will require a more thorough characterization and evaluation of many remedial alternatives.

The unique approach used to prepare this guide was to review and compile the collective efforts of several U.S. Government agencies into one compendium document. For each of several high-frequency of occurrence types of sites, the guide enables the reader to:

  • Screen for possible treatment technologies.
  • Distinguish between emerging and mature technologies.
  • Assign a relative probability of success based on available performance data, field use, and engineering judgment.

This reference guide allows the reader to gather essential descriptive information on the respective technologies. It incorporates cost and performance data to the maximum extent available and focuses primarily on demonstrated technologies. However, emerging technologies may be more appropriate in some cases, based upon site conditions and requirements. All levels of remediation technologies are included in this guide. The final selection of a technology usually requires site-specific treatability studies. As more is learned about developing technologies, this guide will be updated accordingly. These technologies are applicable at all types of site cleanups: Superfund, DoD, DOE, RCRA, state, private, etc.

A primary audience for this document is RPMs and their supporting contractors and consultants. This audience also includes the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) installation commanders, environmental coordinators, trainers at DoD and federal installations, agencies, researchers, Congressional staffers, public interest groups, and private sector consultants.

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