United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

life insurance

Servicemembers' & Veterans' Group Life Insurance

Servicemembers' and Veterans' Group Life Insurance Handbook


APPENDIX B: Addresses for Branch of Service Casualty Offices
APPENDIX C: Premium Rate Tables for VGLI
APPENDIX D: Premium Rate Tables for Spousal Coverage
APPENDIX E: Premium Rates for SGLI and Traumatic Injury Coverage
APPENDIX F: Conditions Excluded from TSGLI Coverage


1. SGLV 8283, Claim for Death Benefits (SGLI/VGLI)
2. SGLV 8283A, Claim for Family Coverage Death Benefits (SGLI)
3. SGLV 8284, Servicemember/Veteran Accelerated Benefits Option Form
4. SGLV 8284A, Servicemember Family Coverage Accelerated Benefits Option Form
5. SGLV 8285, Request for Insurance (SGLI)
6. SGLV 8285A, Request for Family Coverage for Spouse (SGLI)
7. SGLV 8286, Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Election & Certificate*
8. SGLV 8286A, Family Coverage Election (SGLI)
9. SGLV 8700, Report of Death of Family Member
10. SGLV 8714, Application for Veterans' Group Life Insurance
11. SGLV 8721, Beneficiary Designation Form (VGLI)
12. Application for SGLI Disability Extension

13. GL.2005.261 - Traumatic SGLI Certification Form

APPENDIX B: Addresses for Branch of Service Casualty Offices

  Active Duty Reserves/National Guard
Army US Army Human Resources Command
Casualty Operations Division
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, VA  22331
U.S. Army Human Resources Command
9700 Page Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63132-1547
Navy Bureau of Naval Personnel Casualty Section, PERS-623
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-0621
Bureau of Naval Personnel Casualty Section, PERS-623
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055-0621
Marine Corps

Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
HQ, U.S. Marine Corps
Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Casualty Section (MRC)
3280 Russell Road
Quantico, VA 22134-5143

Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps
HQ, U.S. Marine Corps
Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Casualty Section (MRC)
3280 Russell Road
Quantico, VA 22134-5143

Air Force & Air Reserves/National Guard Department of the Air Force  Attn:  AFPC/DPWCS   
550 C Street West, Suite 14
Randolph Field AFB
San Antonio, TX  78150-6001          
Entitlements & Casualty Branch
6760 East Irvington Place #4000
Denver, CO 80280-4000
Coast Guard Commandant (G-WPM-2)
U.S. Coast Guard
2100 Second Street, NW
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Public Health Service Public Health Service
Attn: Division of Commissioned Personnel
Parklawn Building
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20852
Commissioned Personnel Division
1315 East-West Highway
Room 12100
Silver Spring, MD  20910-3285


APPENDIX C: Premium Rate Tables for VGLI

(for policies with effective/renewal dates before 10/01/02)

  Age Group 0-29 Age Group 30-34 Age Group 35-39
Coverage Monthly Quarterly Semi-annually Annually Monthly Quarterly Semi-annually Annually Monthly Quarterly Semi-annually Annually
$250,000.00 20.00 58.50 115.50 228.00 27.50 80.44 158.81 313.50 35.00 102.38 202.13 399.00
240,000.00 19.20 56.16 110.88 218.88 26.40 77.22 152.46 300.96 33.60 98.28 194.04 383.04
230,000.00 18.40 53.82 106.26 209.76 25.30 74.00 146.11 288.42 32.20 94.19 185.96 367.08
220,000.00 17.60 51.48 101.64 200.64 24.20 70.79 139.76 275.88 30.80 90.09 177.87 351.12
210,000.00 16.80 49.14 97.02 191.52 23.10 67.57 133.40 263.34 29.40 86.00 169.79 335.16
200,000.00 16.00 46.80 92.40 182.40 22.00 64.35 127.05 250.80 28.00 81.90 161.70 319.20
190,000.00 15.20 44.46 87.78 173.28 20.90 61.13 120.70 238.26 26.60 77.81 153.62 303.24
180,000.00 14.40 42.12 83.16 164.16 19.80 57.92 114.35 225.72 25.20 73.71 145.53 287.28
170,000.00 13.60 39.78 78.54 155.04 18.70 54.70 107.99 213.18 23.80 69.62 137.45 271.32
160,000.00 12.80 37.44 73.92 145.92 17.60 51.48 101.64 200.64 22.40 65.52 129.36 255.36
150,000.00 12.00 35.10 69.30 136.80 16.50 48.26 95.29 188.10 21.00 61.43 121.28 239.40
140,000.00 11.20 32.76 64.68 127.68 15.40 45.05 88.94 175.56 19.60 57.33 113.19 223.44
130,000.00 10.40 30.42 60.06 118.56 14.30 41.83 82.58 163.02 18.20 53.24 105.11 207.48
120,000.00 9.60 28.08 55.44 109.44 13.20 38.61 76.23 150.48 16.80 49.14 97.02 191.52
110,000.00 8.80 25.74 50.82 100.32 12.10 35.39 69.88 137.94 15.40 45.05 88.94 175.56
100,000.00 8.00 23.40 46.20 91.20 11.00 32.18 63.53 125.40 14.00 40.95 80.85 159.60
90,000.00 7.20 21.06 41.58 82.08 9.90 28.96 57.17 112.86 12.60 36.86 72.77 143.64
80,000.00 6.40 18.72 36.96 72.96 8.80 25.74 50.82 100.32 11.20 32.76 64.68 127.68
70,000.00 5.60 16.38 32.34 63.84 7.70 22.52 44.47 87.78 9.80 28.67 56.60 111.72
60,000.00 4.80 14.04 27.72 54.72 6.60 19.31 38.12 75.24 8.40 24.57 48.51 95.76
50,000.00 4.00 11.70 23.10 45.60 5.50 16.09 31.76 62.70 7.00 20.48 40.43 79.80
40,000.00 3.20 9.36 18.48 36.48 4.40 12.87 25.41 50.16 5.60 16.38 32.34 63.84
30,000.00 2.40 7.02 13.86 27.36 3.30 9.65 19.06 37.62 4.20 12.29 24.26 47.88
20,000.00 1.60 4.68 9.24 18.24 2.20 6.44 12.71 25.08 2.80 8.19 16.17 31.92
10,000.00 0.80 2.34 4.62 9.12 1.10 3.22 6.35 12.54 1.40 4.10 8.09 15.96

VGLI Premium Rate Chart
(for policies with effective/renewal dates of 10/01/02 or later)
  0-29 30-34 35-39
$400,000 $32.00 $93.60 $184.80 $364.80 $44.00 $128.70 $254.10 $501.60 $56.00 $163.80 $323.40 $638.40
390,000 $31.20 $91.26 $180.18 $355.68 $42.90 $125.48 $247.75 $489.06 $54.60 $159.71 $315.32 $622.44
380,000 $30.40 $88.92 $175.56 $346.56 $41.80 $122.27 $241.40 $476.52 $53.20 $155.61 $307.23 $606.48
370,000 $29.60 $86.58 $170.94 $337.44 $40.70 $119.05 $235.04 $463.98 $51.80 $151.52 $299.15 $590.52
360,000 $28.80 $84.24 $166.32 $328.32 $39.60 $115.83 $228.69 $451.44 $50.40 $147.42 $291.06 $574.56
350,000 $28.00 $81.90 $161.70 $319.20 $38.50 $112.61 $222.34 $438.90 $49.00 $143.33 $282.98 $558.60
340,000 $27.20 $79.56 $157.08 $310.08 $37.40 $109.40 $215.99 $426.36 $47.60 $139.23 $274.89 $542.64
330,000 $26.40 $77.22 $152.46 $300.96 $36.30 $106.18 $209.63 $413.82 $46.20 $135.14 $266.81 $526.68
320,000 $25.60 $74.88 $147.84 $291.84 $35.20 $102.96 $203.28 $401.28 $44.80 $131.04 $258.72 $510.72
310,000 $24.80 $72.54 $143.22 $282.72 $34.10 $99.74 $196.93 $388.74 $43.40 $126.95 $250.64 $494.76
300,000 $24.00 $70.20 $138.60 $273.60 $33.00 $96.53 $190.58 $376.20 $42.00 $122.85 $242.55 $478.80
290,000 $23.20 $67.86 $133.98 $264.48 $31.90 $93.31 $184.22 $363.66 $40.60 $118.76 $234.47 $462.84
280,000 $22.40 $65.52 $129.36 $255.36 $30.80 $90.09 $177.87 $351.12 $39.20 $114.66 $226.38 $446.88
270,000 $21.60 $63.18 $124.74 $246.24 $29.70 $86.87 $171.52 $338.58 $37.80 $110.57 $218.30 $430.92
260,000 $20.80 $60.84 $120.12 $237.12 $28.60 $83.66 $165.17 $326.04 $36.40 $106.47 $210.21 $414.96
250,000 $20.00 $58.50 $115.50 $228.00 $27.50 $80.44 $158.81 $313.50 $35.00 $102.38 $202.13 $399.00
240,000 $19.20 $56.16 $110.88 $218.88 $26.40 $77.22 $152.46 $300.96 $33.60 $98.28 $194.04 $383.04
230,000 $18.40 $53.82 $106.26 $209.76 $25.30 $74.00 $146.11 $288.42 $32.20 $94.19 $185.96 $367.08
220,000 $17.60 $51.48 $101.64 $200.64 $24.20 $70.79 $139.76 $275.88 $30.80 $90.09 $177.87 $351.12
210,000 $16.80 $49.14 $97.02 $191.52 $23.10 $67.57 $133.40 $263.34 $29.40 $86.00 $169.79 $335.16
200,000 $16.00 $46.80 $92.40 $182.40 $22.00 $64.35 $127.05 $250.80 $28.00 $81.90 $161.70 $319.20
190,000 $15.20 $44.46 $87.78 $173.28 $20.90 $61.13 $120.70 $238.26 $26.60 $77.81 $153.62 $303.24
180,000 $14.40 $42.12 $83.16 $164.16 $19.80 $57.92 $114.35 $225.72 $25.20 $73.71 $145.53 $287.28
170,000 $13.60 $39.78 $78.54 $155.04 $18.70 $54.70 $107.99 $213.18 $23.80 $69.62 $137.45 $271.32
160,000 $12.80 $37.44 $73.92 $145.92 $17.60 $51.48 $101.64 $200.64 $22.40 $65.52 $129.36 $255.36
150,000 $12.00 $35.10 $69.30 $136.80 $16.50 $48.26 $95.29 $188.10 $21.00 $61.43 $121.28 $239.40
140,000 $11.20 $32.76 $64.68 $127.68 $15.40 $45.05 $88.94 $175.56 $19.60 $57.33 $113.19 $223.44
130,000 $10.40 $30.42 $60.06 $118.56 $14.30 $41.83 $82.58 $163.02 $18.20 $53.24 $105.11 $207.48
120,000 $9.60 $28.08 $55.44 $109.44 $13.20 $38.61 $76.23 $150.48 $16.80 $49.14 $97.02 $191.52
110,000 $8.80 $25.74 $50.82 $100.32 $12.10 $35.39 $69.88 $137.94 $15.40 $45.05 $88.94 $175.56
100,000 $8.00 $23.40 $46.20 $91.20 $11.00 $32.18 $63.53 $125.40 $14.00 $40.95 $80.85 $159.60
90,000 $7.20 $21.06 $41.58 $82.08 $9.90 $28.96 $57.17 $112.86 $12.60 $36.86 $72.77 $143.64
80,000 $6.40 $18.72 $36.96 $72.96 $8.80 $25.74 $50.82 $100.32 $11.20 $32.76 $64.68 $127.68
70,000 $5.60 $16.38 $32.34 $63.84 $7.70 $22.52 $44.47 $87.78 $9.80 $28.67 $56.60 $111.72
60,000 $4.80 $14.04 $27.72 $54.72 $6.60 $19.31 $38.12 $75.24 $8.40 $24.57 $48.51 $95.76
50,000 $4.00 $11.70 $23.10 $45.60 $5.50 $16.09 $31.76 $62.70 $7.00 $20.48 $40.43 $79.80
40,000 $3.20 $9.36 $18.48 $36.48 $4.40 $12.87 $25.41 $50.16 $5.60 $16.38 $32.34 $63.84
30,000 $2.40 $7.02 $13.86 $27.36 $3.30 $9.65 $19.06 $37.62 $4.20 $12.29 $24.26 $47.88
20,000 $1.60 $4.68 $9.24 $18.24 $2.20 $6.44 $12.71 $25.08 $2.80 $8.19 $16.17 $31.92
10,000 $0.80 $2.34 $4.62 $9.12 $1.10 $3.22 $6.35 $12.54 $1.40 $4.10 $8.09 $15.96



APPENDIX D: Premium Rate Table for Spousal Coverage

Monthly Premium Rates - Effective July 1, 2006

Amount of Insurance Age of Spouse
Under 35 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 & Over
$100,000 $5.50 $7.00 $9.00 $14.00 $27.00 $40.00 $52.00
$90,000 $4.95 $6.30 $8.10 $12.60 $24.30 $36.00 $46.80
$80,000 $4.40 $5.60 $7.20 $11.20 $21.60 $32.00 $41.60
$70,000 $3.85 $4.90 $6.30 $9.80 $18.90 $28.00 $36.40
$60,000 $3.30 $4.20 $5.40 $8.40 $16.20 $24.00 $31.20
$50,000 $2.75 $3.50 $4.50 $7.00 $13.50 $20.00 $26.00
$40,000 $2.20 $2.80 $3.60 $5.60 $10.80 $16.00 $20.80
$30,000 $1.65 $2.10 $2.70 $4.20 $8.10 $12.00 $15.60
$20,000 $1.10 $1.40 $1.80 $2.80 $5.40 $8.00 $10.40
$10,000 $0.55 $0.70 $0.90 $1.40 $2.70 $4.00 $5.20

APPENDIX E : Premium Rates for SGLI and Traumatic SGLI Coverage

  Basic SGLI Traumatic Injury Coverage

$.070 per $10,000 per month

This equates to a monthly premium of:

$3.50 for $50,000 of coverage

$7.00 for $100,000 of coverage

$10.50 for $150,000 of coverage

$14.00 for $200,000 of coverage

$17.50 for $250,000 of coverage

$21.00 for $300,000 of coverage

$24.50 for $350,000 of coverage

$28.00 for $400,000 of coverage

$1.00 per month

You must have Basic SGLI coverage to obtain Traumatic Injury coverage.


$.070 per $10,000 per year

This equates to an annual premium of:

$3.50 for $50,000 of coverage

$7.00 for $100,000 of coverage

$10.50 for $150,000 of coverage

$14.00 for $200,000 of coverage

$17.50 for $250,000 of coverage

$21.00 for $300,000 of coverage

$24.50 for $350,000 of coverage

$28.00 for $400,000 of coverage

Funeral Honors Duty Premium: 

$.25 per $100,000

1 Day Muster Premium:

$.25 per $100,000

$1.00 per year

Funeral Honors Duty Premium: 

Free - No charge

1 Day Muster Premium:

Free - No charge

APPENDIX F: Conditions Excluded from TSGLI Coverage

The TSGLI benefit will not be paid if a scheduled loss is due to a traumatic injury:

Caused by:

  • The member's attempted suicide, while sane or insane
  • An intentionally self-inflicted injury or an attempt to inflict such injury
  • Medical or surgical treatment of an illness or disease
  • Willful use of an illegal or controlled substance, unless administered or consumed on the advice of a medical doctor; or

Sustained while a member was committing or attempting to commit a felony.

Additionally, the benefit will not be paid for a scheduled loss resulting from:

  • A physical or mental illness or disease, whether or not caused by a traumatic injury, other than a pyogenic (wound) infection or physical illness or disease caused by biological, chemical, or radiological weapons or accidental ingestion of a contaminated substance; or
  • A mental disorder whether or not caused by a traumatic injury.


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