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QUERI Project

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DII 99-206
Periodontal Care and Glycemic Control in Diabetes
Judith A. Jones DDS MPH DSc
VA New England Health Care System
Bedford, MA
Funding Period: January 2000 - September 2003

Diabetes is a prevalent and costly disease among users of VA care. Goals of diabetes care include the prevention and/or delay of complications via adequate glycemic control. Improvements in periodontal status may also improve diabetes control.

This project will determine the efficacy of a program of periodontal screening and therapy in improving the level of glycemic control in poorly controlled diabetics.


We completed data analyses in three areas: withdrawals at four months and adverse events

This study will provide new information on the efficacy of periodontal care as an adjunctive therapy for diabetes care. Our findings on AE emphasize the need to closely monitor subjects in any clinical trial. VA patients who receive doxycycline or CHX should be carefully informed and monitored for AE.


Journal Articles

  1. McCoy LC, Wehler CJ, Rich SE, Garcia RI, Miller DR, Jones JA. Adverse events associated with chlorhexidine use: results from the Department of Veterans Affairs Dental Diabetes Study. The Journal of The American Dental Association. 2008; 139(2): 178-83.
  2. Cunha-Cruz J, Hujoel PP, Kressin NR. Oral health-related quality of life of periodontal patients. Journal of Periodontal Research. 2007; 42(2): 169-76.

DRA: Chronic Diseases, Health Services and Systems
DRE: Etiology, Quality of Care
Keywords: Chronic disease (other & unspecified), Diabetes, Screening
MeSH Terms: none