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HSR&D Study

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MRR 02-114
Pilot Just-In-Time IRB Review Evaluation
P. Adam Kelly PhD MBA
VA Medical Center
Houston, TX
Funding Period: April 2002 - March 2003

Just-in-Time (JIT) management practices have long been regarded as both a tool for organizational cost-effectiveness and a hallmark of Total Quality Management.

VA HSR&D has recognized this and, in keeping with its mission to achieve excellence in all areas of health services delivery to veterans, will implement JIT merit review on a pilot basis for the period of April 1, 2002 through March 31, 2003. We propose to evaluate the effectiveness of this JIT implementation, with the intent of highlighting the cost-effectiveness and accompanying enhancements to merit review quality that JIT engenders, while alerting the HSR&D Management Consultation Program of actual or potential pitfalls that may arise as unintended consequences of JIT merit review.

Under the pilot JIT merit review program, Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval will only be sought for projects that have received approval for funding from the Scientific Review and Evaluation Board (SREB). To find answers to these unknowns, we propose using these evaluation methods: 1) Quantitative tracking of proposals, IRB staffing, PI research/administrative staffing, 2) Qualitative categorization of proposals, 3) Individual interviews: SREB reviewers, IRB reviewers, PI's, Research/Administrative Staff, 4) Surveys of PI's and Research/Administrative Staff, 5) Observation of SREBs, and 6) Triangulation with results from NIH.

None at this time.

Not yet available.

None at this time.

DRA: Health Services and Systems
DRE: Resource Use and Cost
Keywords: Ethics, Management
MeSH Terms: none