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HSR&D Study

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CPG 97-039
A Randomized Trial to Implement the AHCPR Smoking Cessation Guideline
Anne M. Joseph MD MPH
VA Medical Center
Minneapolis, MN
Funding Period: September 1998 - August 2001

Among veterans, smoking is the single most important risk factor for preventable mortality and morbidity, and studies suggest a higher prevalence of smoking among veterans than the general population. The VHA has encouraged adoption of the AHCPR Guideline for Smoking Cessation, yet most hospitals have poorly developed smoking cessation programs.

The present study is designed to investigate the effectiveness of an organizational strategy to increase compliance with the AHCPR guideline. Short term goals of the study include increasing the rate of identification of smokers and increasing the delivery of brief smoking cessation interventions. Long term goals include reducing tobacco consumption among veterans.

Twenty VAMC’s with active primary care clinics have been randomly assigned to either control (usual practice; UP) or intervention (organizational support; OS) groups. The intervention hospitals receive staff training and site consultation; all hospitals will receive the AHCPR guideline. Rate of identification of smokers in the medical record, smoking cessation rates, provision of smoking cessation services (e.g., NRT, counseling), and costs of NRT will be determined via telephone interviews with patients, chart review, and electronic records.

We hypothesize that our organizational intervention will result in a higher rate of identification of smokers and delivery of smoking cessation services, as well as higher smoking cessation rates when compared to UP hospitals. Results are not yet available.

We hypothesize that our intervention will lower smoking rates among veterans, thus decreasing veteran morbidity and mortality.


Journal Articles

  1. Joseph AM, Arikian NJ, An LC, Nugent SM, Sloan RJ, Pieper CF. Results of a randomized controlled trial of intervention to implement smoking guidelines in Veterans Affairs medical centers: increased use of medications without cessation benefit. Medical Care. 2004; 42(11): 1100-10.

DRA: Health Services and Systems, Substance Abuse, Addictive Disorders
DRE: Communication and Decision Making, Resource Use and Cost
Keywords: Clinical practice guidelines
MeSH Terms: Guidelines