Patents > Search Collections > MPEP > 400 Representative of Inventor or Owner

400 Representative of Inventor or Owner

400 Representative of Inventor or Owner
401 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Cannot Aid in Selection of Attorney [R-5]
402 Power of Attorney; Acting in a Representative Capacity [R-5]
402.01 Exceptions as to Registration [R-5]
402.02 Appointment of Associate Attorney or Agent [R-3]
402.05 Revocation [R-5]
402.06 Attorney or Agent Withdraws [R-5]
402.07 Assignee Can Revoke Power of Attorney of Applicant and Appoint New Power of Attorney [R-5]
402.08 Application in Interference
402.09 International Application [R-3]
402.10 Appointment/Revocation by Less Than All Applicants or Owners [R-5]
403 Correspondence - With Whom Held [R-5]
403.01 Correspondence Held With Associate Attorney [R-3]
403.02 Two Patent Practitioners for Same Application [R-5]
404 Conflicting Parties Having Same Patent Practitioner [R-5]
405 Patent Practitioner Not of Record [R-5]
406 Death of Patent Practitioner [R-5]
407 Suspended or Excluded Patent Practitioner [R-5]
408 Telephoning Patent Practitioner [R-5]
409 Death, Legal Incapacity, or Unavailability of Inventor [R-5]
409.01 Death of Inventor [R-5]
409.01(a) Prosecution by Administrator or Executor
409.01(b) Proof of Authority of Administrator or Executor
409.01(c) After Administrator or Executor Has Been Discharged
409.01(d) Exception in Some Foreign Countries
409.01(e) If Applicant of Assigned Application Dies
409.01(f) Intervention of Executor Not Compulsory
409.02 Insanity or Other Legal Incapacity [R-3]
409.03 Unavailability of Inventor [R-3]
409.03(a) At Least One Joint Inventor Available
409.03(b) No Inventor Available
409.03(c) Legal Representatives of Deceased Inventor Not Available
409.03(d) Proof of Unavailability or Refusal [R-3]
409.03(e) Statement of Last Known Address
409.03(f) Proof of Proprietary Interest
409.03(g) Proof of Irreparable Damage
409.03(h) Processing and Acceptance of a 37 CFR 1.47 Application [R-3]
409.03(i) Rights of the Nonsigning Inventor [R-3]
409.03(j) Action Following Acceptance of a 37 CFR 1.47 Application [R-3]
410 Representations to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office [R-5]

400 Representative of Inventor or Owner

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