Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
Appendix E Description of Source Documents
Table of Contents


A list of U.S. Government reports documenting innovative and conventional site remediation technologies that are incorporated into this compendium guide is presented in Table E-1. These documents are described in greater detail below.


Government Sponsoring Agency Title
U.S. Army Environmental Center (USAEC) Environmental Quality Technology Demonstration, Evaluation and Transfer Activities, Annual Report, USAEC, 2000
Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable Synopses of Federal Demonstrations of Innovative Site Remediation Technologies, Third Edition, August 1993

Accessing Federal Data Bases for Contaminated Site Clean-Up Technologies, Fourth Edition, October 1995

Federal Publications on Alternative and Innovative Treatment Technologies for Corrective Action and Site Remediation, Fourth Edition, October 1995

FRTR Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide, Version III, November 1997

EPA The Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program: Technology Profiles, Tenth Edition, 1999
DOE Technology Catalogue, Second Edition, April 1995
USAF Remedial Technology Design, Performance, and Cost Study, July 1992
California Military Environmental Coordination Committee Treatment Technologies Applications Matrix for Base Closure Activities, Spring 1996
EPA/U.S. Navy EPA/Navy CERCLA Remedial Action Technology Guide, November 1993
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