Cardaria spp. (Whitetop)


Information Last Reviewed June 2007




Family: Brassicaceae


Symbol: CARDA2


Home Range/U.S. Introduction:


Cardaria spp. are native to Eurasia and are widespread throughout the United States except in the Southeast.


U.S. Range Map:




Species description:


Cardaria spp. are erect perennial herbs, usually pubescent, which spread by horizontal rootstocks. Basal leaves are petiolate, lyrate when young. Upper leaves are sessile, elliptical to lanceolate, with auriculate or sagittate bases which clasp the stem. The flowers are perfect and produced in numerous dense racemes. The petals are white to cream colored and clawed. The 3 Cardaria species are distinguished by their texture and the shape of their fruits.


Species   Surface  Shape of fruit


C. pubescens   pubescent  inflated, subreniform to obovate

C. draba   glabrous  compressed, cordate

C. chalepensis   glabrous  compressed, subreniform to obovate


Growth characteristics:


Cardaria spp. are aggressive perennials that can reproduce by seeds or rhizomes. They are common in fields, pastures, roadsides, and waste areas.




The aggressive nature of the plants allows them to outcompete and displace native species.