United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Provider Education & Training

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Continuing Education/CME
Journal Articles

Continuing Education/CME

bulletAmerican Medical Association CME Select
Offers online, live, and print CME opportunities. Site also features a CME locator.
bulletCenters for Disease Control and Prevention: Continuing Education
CDC-sponsored online continuing education activities, including accredited CME, CEU, and CNE programs.
bulletDepression and Its Impact in Hepatitis C Infection (VA Intranet only)
Independent study course offered by the VA Employee Education System.
bulletHepatitis Web Study
Interactive, case-based modules related to the clinical care of persons with viral hepatitis, from the University of Washington.
bulletManagement of Chronic Hepatitis B (VA Intranet only)
Case-based program that reviews diagnosis and treatment guidelines, selection of appropriate antiviral therapy, and associated monitoring parameters.
bulletMedscape's Hepatitis C Resource Center CME program
Free registration required.
bulletProjects in Knowledge: Initiative in Infectious Diseases
Continuing education modules on hepatitis C and HIV/HCV coinfection.


bulletEvaluating Liver Test Abnormalities: Web Course
Self-directed web course from the VA Hepatitis C Resource Centers tailored to providers who are non-liver specialists, particularly mid-level healthcare providers.
bulletNational Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers
CDC-funded network dedicated to increasing the knowledge and skills of health professionals through provision of a spectrum of state-of-the-art educational opportunities, including experiential learning with an emphasis on prevention. Viral hepatitis is included in core curricula.

Journal Articles

bulletOrganizational Change in Management of Hepatitis C: Evaluation of a CME Program
Garrard J, et al. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 2006 (2) Spring; 26:145-160.