United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Hepatitis C Resource Centers (HCRC) Products

For more information on these products (format, availability on Web and in print), click on links below.
Guidelines and Recommendations
Provider Education and Training
Clinician Tools (Pocket Cards, Posters, Screening Tools)
Field Practice and Data
Patient Education (Toolkits, Slideshows, Videos)
Patient Handouts (Brochures, Flyers, Wallet Cards)
How to Order Print Materials

Guidelines and Recommendations

Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C Viral Infection
Description:Review of management, treatment, patient selection and monitoring
Print:Am J Gastroenterol 2006;101:2360-2378 (PDF version)

Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in HIV-Infected Adults
Description:Recommendations from the Veterans Affairs Hepatitis C Resource Center Program and National Hepatitis C Program Office
Print:Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Oct;100(10):2338-54. Erratum in: Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Nov;100(11):2609. (PDF version)

Treatment of Patients with Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension
Format:56-page reference document
Description:Literature review and summary of recommended interventions, 2003; updated version available in 2009
(also available as PDF)
Print:Copies available from Hines (#IB 10-177, P95969); ordering information (VA Intranet only)

Provider Education and Training

Depression and Its Impact in Hepatitis C Infection
Format:Web-based course
Description:For midlevel health care providers
Web:vaww.hepatitis.va.gov/vahep?page=prtop03-ed-04 (VA Intranet only)
Print:Not available

Evaluating Liver Test Abnormalities: Understanding the Pathophysiology of Liver Disease
Format:Web-based course
Description:For midlevel health care providers
Print:Not available

Initiating and Maintaining a Hepatitis C Support Group
Format:48-page guide-book
Description:Provides rationale, development process, sample documents, resources.
(also available as PDF)
Print:Copies available from Hines (#IB 10-176, P95968); ordering information (VA Intranet only)

Reducing Alcohol Use with Brief Intervention
Format:Teaching guide, counseling card, patient brochure, drinking diary and change plan template
Description:Provider toolkit using a clinical approach to reduce alcohol use among patients with hepatitis C.
Web:www.hepatitis.va.gov/vahep?page=prtop03-wp-01-res (guide available as PDF).
Print:Contact John.Davison@va.gov. (Not yet available through EES.)

Clinician Tools (Pocket Cards, Posters, Screening Tools)

Description:3-item version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) to identify persons with hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption.
Print:Not available

Evaluation and Management of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
Format:Pocket card (8 sides, folded)
Description:Covers risk factors, management, prevention, vaccination, treatment.
Print:Copies available from EES (#DXCLN-EES-J258); ordering information (VA Intranet only)

Vaccination Against Hepatitis A and B
Format:Pocket card and poster
Description:Includes chart of who should receive these vaccines.
Print:Copies available from EES; ordering information (VA Intranet only)

Field Practice and Data

Survey to Assess Hepatitis C Care in VHA (2007)
Description:Results of 2007 HCRC survey of hepatitis C clinicians
Web:vaww.hepatitis.va.gov/vahep?page=prin-survey-hcv (VA Intranet only)
Print:Not available

Patient Education (Toolkits, Slideshows, Videos)

All About Your Liver
Format:48-page guide-book
Description:A toolkit for educating patients with special learning needs
Print:Guides and CD/DVD available in every VA library. Copies available from EES (#F60645); ordering information (VA Intranet only).

Hepatitis C Education Class
Format:Course guide, slide set & script, slideshow & audio
Description:Tool for health providers to use with patients covering what hepatitis C is, risk factors, liver health, treatment.
Web:www.hepatitis.va.gov/vahep?page=prtop05-pe-01 (Course guide available as PDF)
Print:Conducting and Coordinating a Patient Education Class on Hepatitis C (course guide) available in every VA library. Copies available from Hines (#F60644); ordering information (VA Intranet only).

Living with Hepatitis C: Patient HCV Education Video
Format:26-min streaming video & transcripts
Description:4 parts on the liver; hepatitis A, B, and C; treatment; and healthy living

Patient Handouts (Brochures, Flyers, Wallet Cards)

Hepatitis C: An Introductory Guide for Patients
Format:32-page patient handbook
Description:A primer on hepatitis C, including information on the liver's functions, laboratory tests, and treatment
Print:Copies available from Hines (#IB 10-122, P96229); ordering information (VA Intranet only).

Cirrhosis: A Patient's Guide
Format:30-page patient handbook
Description:Explains basic facts about the liver and the liver disease cirrhosis
Print:Copies available from Hines (#IB 10-199, P96211); ordering information (VA Intranet only).

Considering a Liver Transplant: From a Veteran's Point of View
Format:20-page patient booklet
Description:Explains the liver transplant process from evaluation through recovery
Print:Not available

Do You Have Hepatitis C? It Takes 2 Different Tests to Know for Sure
Description:Patient flyers on the need for confirmatory tests

Drinking Diary and Change Plan
Description:Wallet card for patients to record their alcohol use over a 4-week period as a way to monitor their drinking behavior
Web:www.hepatitis.va.gov/vahep?page=prtop03-alc_walletcard and PDF)
Print:Contact John.Davison@va.gov. (Not yet available through EES.)

Hepatitis C and Alcohol Brochure
Description:Tri-fold patient educational brochure highlighting the dangers of heavy alcohol use on liver disease
Web:www.hepatitis.va.gov/vahep?page=prtop03-alc_brochure and PDF
Print:Copies available from Hines (#IB 10-205, P96217); ordering information (VA Intranet only).

Managing Side Effects of Hepatitis C Treatment
Description:Guide intended to help patients understand and manage the side effects they may experience while on interferon therapy
Web:www.hepatitis.va.gov/vahep?page=treat-effects-booklet(booklet available as PDF)
Print:Not available

Motivational Counseling Card
Description:Scripts offering a helpful way to begin a patient-centered discussion about lifestyle issues impacting liver health, such as heavy drinking
Web:www.hepatitis.va.gov/vahep?page=prtop03-alc_counselcard and PDF
Print:Contact John.Davison@va.gov. (Not yet available through EES.)

Patient Education Brochures
Format:29 individual four-color brochures
Description:Topics include hepatitis A, B, and C, lab tests, drug therapy, and general information on the liver.
Print:Copies available from EES (check website link above for order numbers); ordering information (VA Intranet only).

Patient Education Wallet Cards
Description:Wallet-sized cards on hepatitis A, B, and C, healthy living, transmission, and testing
Print:Not available


All About Your Liver
A toolkit for educating patients with special learning needs

The 3-item version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT); resource for Reducing Alcohol Use with Brief Intervention

Cirrhosis: A Patient's Guide
Patient handbook explaining basic facts about the liver and the liver disease cirrhosis

Conducting and Coordinating a Patient Education Class on Hepatitis C
Course guide for Hepatitis C Education Class

Considering a Liver Transplant: From a Veteran's Point of View
Patient booklet on liver transplant

Depression and Its Impact in Hepatitis C Infection (VA Intranet only)
Web-based course for midlevel health care providers

Do You Have Hepatitis C? It Takes 2 Different Tests to Know for Sure
Patient flyers on the need for confirmatory tests

Drinking Diary Card and Change Plan
Patients can record their alcohol use over a 4-week period on this wallet card as a way to monitor their drinking behavior; resource for Reducing Alcohol Use with Brief Intervention

Evaluation and Management of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
Pocket card covering risk factors, management, prevention, vaccination, treatment.

Evaluating Liver Test Abnormalities: Understanding the Pathophysiology of Liver Disease
Web-based course for midlevel health care providers

Hepatitis C: An Introductory Guide for Patients
A primer on hepatitis C, including information on the liver's functions, laboratory tests, and treatment

Hepatitis C and Alcohol
Tri-fold patient educational brochure highlighting the dangers of heavy alcohol use on liver disease; resource for Reducing Alcohol Use with Brief Intervention

Hepatitis C Education Class
Course guide, slide set & script, slideshow & audio covering what hepatitis C is, risk factors, liver health, treatment

Initiating and Maintaining a Hepatitis C Support Group
48-page guide-book for providers

Living with Hepatitis C: Patient HCV Education Video
26-min streaming video & transcripts

Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C Viral Infection
Recommendations from the VA Hepatitis C Resource Center Program and the National Hepatitis C Program Office

Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in HIV-Infected Adults
Recommendations from the VA Hepatitis C Resource Center Program and National Hepatitis C Program Office

Managing Side Effects of Hepatitis C Treatment
A 33-page patient booklet that describes ways to help manage the more common side effects of interferon treatment

Motivational Counseling Card
Scripts offering a helpful way to begin a patient-centered discussion about lifestyle issues impacting liver health, such as heavy drinking; resource for Reducing Alcohol Use with Brief Intervention

Patient Education Brochures
29 four-color brochures on hepatitis A, B, and C, lab tests, drug therapy, and general information on the liver

Patient Education Wallet Cards
Wallet-sized cards on hepatitis A, B, and C, healthy living, transmission, and testing

Reducing Alcohol Use with Brief Intervention
Provider toolkit using a clinical approach to reduce alcohol use among patients with hepatitis C

Survey to Assess Hepatitis C Care in VHA (VA Intranet only)
Results of 2007 survey of hepatitis C clinicians

Treatment of Patients with Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension
Literature review and summary of recommended interventions

Vaccination Against Hepatitis A and B
Pocket card and poster for providers

How to Order Print Materials

Instructions on how to order from the VA Employee Education System (EES) or Hines Depot (VA Intranet only).