United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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About Us

Web Site Contributors
Technology Accessibility Statement


Welcome to the Department of Veterans Affairs National Hepatitis C Program Web site, designed to be an informational and educational resource on viral hepatitis for health care providers inside and outside the VA system, veterans, and the general public. The site leverages the expertise of the VA National Hepatitis C Program and the VA Hepatitis C Resource Centers (HCRC).

The site is a product of a collaboration between the VA's Public Health Strategic Health Care Group (PHSHG) and Center for HIV Information (CHI) at the University of California San Francisco.

We hope the layout and navigation of the site allow for quick access to the materials you need. Please consult the Search engine (located in the top banner) or the Site Map for assistance. For details on the technologies we use, please read our Technology Accessibility Statement below.

Questions or feedback related to the site may be directed to the Web support staff via the Contact Us page.

Web Site Contributors

The following have contributed to the content of the site:

bulletJoseph Awad, MD
bulletChristiane Baker, RN
bulletChristopher Chermansky, MD
bulletJulie Currier-Gooden, RN
bulletVictoria Davey, RN, MPH
bulletLawrence R Deyton, MD
bulletLorna Dove, MD
bulletRena Fox, MD
bulletCharlotte Graeber
bulletKim Hamlett-Berry, PhD
bulletJennifer Hillygus
bulletLennox Jeffers, MD
bulletV. Troy Knighton, EdS, LPC
bulletPatricia Long, MS
bulletKevin Montegrande
bulletAlexander Monto, MD
bulletTimothy Morgan, MD
bulletChristopher O'Brien, MD
bulletMichael Rigsby, MD
bulletStephen Rossi, PharmD
bulletKristine Stick, RN, MS, GNP
bulletSuzanne Stone
bulletTeresa Wright, MD

Special thanks to the VA Web Operations Office.

Technology Accessibility Statement

Our site is hosted on a Sun Enterprise 280R. Our production server is a Sun T2000. Both servers are running Sun Solaris 10, Orion version 2.0.5, the Lucene search engine, and Java 1.5.0_11.

CHI strives to connect with the largest audience possible and, at the same time, to take advantage of cutting-edge technology that provides maximum efficiency and flexibility. Our sites are "dynamic," meaning that information can be stored in one place but also can be easily presented at multiple locations and in different ways. While this makes the inner workings of our projects fairly complex, we aim for a clean, simple, and accessible exterior. We approach this goal in several ways.

bulletWe attempt to comply with HTML 4.01 standards on our Web sites.
Our content is accessible to people using older browsers.
bulletWe manage site updates with an eye toward the latest browsers, protocols, and security alerts.
Users have access to the latest versions of our files, regardless of their personal browser versions or settings.
bulletWe minimize the use of JavaScript and unnecessary images.
Our sites work well with slower connections and older computers.
bulletWe appreciate feedback from users as to what works for them and what doesn't.