Funding News - Persons with Focal Dystonia Sought for Study

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Scientists at NINDS are seeking persons with focal dystonia for an outpatient research study comparing the structure of the brains of people with and without the disorder.  Dystonia is a disease that involves muscle contractions along with twisting movements and abnormal postures.  Focal dystonia affects a single body part.  Participation in this study may include providing a  medical history, having a physical examination, laboratory testing, and non-invasive brain imaging using MRI. 

Eligible persons must be diagnosed with focal dystonia (blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, or hand dystonia [writer’s cramp]), 18 years old or older, healthy, eligible to have an MRI, and willing to abstain from caffeine and alcohol for 48 hours before the MRI.  Persons who are pregnant or claustrophobic may be ineligible.

The study will be conducted at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD.  There is no cost for participation.  Time commitment consists of two visits lasting two hours each.

For more information, contact Muslimah ‘Ali Najee-ullah at 301-402-3494.  Please refer to study number 02-N-0132.