A number of resources were developed just for Poison Help. But other organizations have developed useful materials as well. This section of the Poison Help Web site is an online library of poison-related information. The information was provided by teachers, researchers, and developers of poison prevention programs.
In this section, you’ll find:
• Communication Tools developed for Poison Help, including
- brochure
- seasonal tip sheets
- educational calendar
- digital ads.
• Data from HRSA-funded activities
• Links to other Web sites with information about poison prevention
• Additional Resources
You can download and view or print any materials developed for Poison Help.
You can find out more information about your regional poison center.
Please note that inclusion of third party sources on this list does not constitute any sort of endorsement of a product's quality or effectiveness by Poison Help, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or any other parties involved with Poison Help.
Visit the Adobe Reader Web site and follow the instructions to download the appropriate version of Adobe Reader for your operating system.
Poison Prevention Jingles
Learn the Poison Help (1-800-222-1222) jingle in English and Spanish. Use these jingles to learn the 1-800-222-1222 Poison Help number, learn about poisons and when to call the poison center in your area. There are two 60 second English versions of the jingle, one 60 second Spanish version and an English and Spanish 30 second version. |
Attention— These jingles were developed for your use. Local organizations can contact their local radio stations to sponsor airing of the jingle(s). At the end of each jingle, we have provided space for you to record a customized announcement.
We suggest –
This message is brought to you by the (INSERT POISON CENTER NAME) and HRSA.
Now you can download our free ringtone to your mobile phone! Simply
fill out the form below or navigate to the following URL using the web
browser on your mobile phone: poisonhelp.hrsa.gov/ringtone/
Preview the ringtone on your computer.
Poison Help English Version 2
Poison Help Spanish Version
CD/DVD Label
Download a color label for CD and DVD-ROM disks to provide the Poison Help jingles to radio outlets. The file is PDF format, and created for output with standard laser printers and Avery® disk label templates.
Disk Label (PDF - 100 KB)
Visit the Apple Web site and follow the instructions to download the appropriate version of iTunes for your operating system.
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