United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

life insurance

Servicemembers' & Veterans' Group Life Insurance

Family SGLI Procedures Guide

Part IV - Restoring FSGLI Coverage

General Information
Restoring FSGLI Coverage

General Information

SGLV Form 8285A must be completed in order to restore FSGLI coverage. The "good health" of the spouse is an issue in being eligible to restore FSGLI coverage. The health questions must be answered.

An election to restore coverage made on SGLV Form 8285A takes effect upon the date the form is received by the service member's unit - if "good health" is not an issue. If a determination of "good health" is necessary by the Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (OSGLI), the coverage does not go into effect until an affirmative decision is made.) A premium is due for the month the unit receives the election, once "good health" is established.

Restoring FSGLI Coverage

FSGLI coverage can be restored, after it has been ended, due to the following events:

  1. Service member's change in duty status * begins automatic maximum coverage
  2. Service member elects to restore SGLI coverage
  3. Service member elects to restore FSGLI coverage, if SGLI coverage is still in effect

1) Service member's change in duty status begins automatic maximum coverage

After a service member has declined SGLI coverage and/or FSGLI coverage, a change in duty status* will automatically begin both SGLI and FSGLI coverage at the maximum level. The member is not required to complete SGLV Form 8285 and/or SGLV Form 8285a in this situation.

2) Service member elects to restore SGLI coverage

After a service member has declined member's SGLI coverage (and therefore, FSGLI coverage), he/she must complete a SGLV Form 8285 in order to restore his/her member's SGLI. However, FSGLI coverage is not automatic in this case. If the service member wishes to have FSGLI coverage restored, he/she must also complete a SGLV Form 8285A

All of the health questions pertaining to the spouse must be answered. If any of the questions are answered "Yes", the election must be referred to the Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (OSGLI) for a decision on coverage. No premiums are due until OSGLI determines coverage is approved. If coverage is approved, premiums are due back to the month the election was received by the service.

3) Service member elects to restore FSGLI coverage, if SGLI coverage is still in effect

After a service member has declined FSGLI coverage and elects to restore coverage, he/she must complete a SGLV Form 8285A. and all the spouse's health questions must be answered.

All of the health questions pertaining to the spouse must be answered. If any of the questions are answered "Yes," the election must be referred to the Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (OSGLI) for a decision on coverage. The premiums are not due until OSGLI determines coverage is approved. If restored coverage is approved, the premiums are due back to the month the election was received by the service.

The same rules of coverage level apply to an election to restore coverage as apply to the automatic coverage discussed earlier - the coverage level can be from $100,000 to $10,000 in increments of $10,000, however the spouse's coverage cannot be more than the service member's coverage level (i.e. if a service member has $50,000 of SGLI coverage, then the spousal coverage can be no more than $50,000).

Example: Based on a prior election, FSGLI spousal coverage was ended. The service member's election to restore the spousal coverage is received on February 8, 2002. Assuming all health questions are answered as "No", the premium deduction begins immediately with the February pay. If any health question is answered as "Yes", OSGLI must approve the coverage before premiums begin. If OSGLI approves the coverage, the premiums begins with the February pay.