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Church members also need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables at church events.
Body & Soul is most effective when the church sets a good example. The congregation needs to hear the pastor speak about health. They also need to get information about healthy eating. But sermons, handouts, and even classes are not enough. Church members also need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables at church events. Serving more fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods at church shows that the church “practices what it preaches.” The church is committed to the health of the congregation and healthy eating becomes a part of church life.

Serve more fruits and vegetables after church services and in church programs, especially those that involve children IDEAS FOR A HEALTHY CHURCH ENVIRONMENT
Successful Body & Soul programs bring more fruits and vegetables into the church.
Here are some examples:
  • Set up church policies that ensure more fruits and vegetables are served at church functions. The policies should include vending machines and church stores as well.
  • Make changes in the church kitchen. These can include training the kitchen committee, changing recipes and menus, and stocking the pantry with more fruits and vegetables.
  • Encourage members to share the bounty of their gardens with the church family.
  • Give bags of fruits and vegetables to sick and shut-in church members.
  • Sponsor a farmers’ market at your church.
  • Ask your local market or convenience store to sell more fruits and vegetables.
  • Start a garden committee to support a church garden.
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