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How to Apply

Individual hospitals do not apply to HRSA for this grant. Instead, State Offices of Rural Health (SORHs) help rural hospitals to participate in the program. To facilitate the awards process, eligible hospitals submit an application form (provided by SORH) to their SORH. The SORH will then prepare and submit a single grant application (PHS Form 5161) to the Federal Government (HRSA) on behalf of all hospital applicants in the State. Eligible hospitals receive their award from their SORH. Annual funding will be available for up to a three-year project period, with funding contingent upon: a) availability of Federal funds; b) satisfactory performance by the grantee and c) submission of a Progress Report within 90 days after the end of each grant year.

For more information on eligibility and application forms for the FY 06 SHIP grant program: click here.