Notification and Federal Employee Anti-Discrimination and Retaliation
Act (No Fear Act)

President George W. Bush signed the No Fear Act on May 15, 2002.
The purpose of the No Fear Act is to increase federal agencies
accountability regarding discriminatory acts and retaliation filed
with them. The No Fear Act of 2002 requires agencies to post certain
statistical information on their public websites concerning employment
discrimination complaints. Agencies are also required to post current
fiscal year information on a cumulative basis with quarterly updates.
Additionally, year-end statistical data for the previous five years
must be posted for comparison purposes. The No Fear Act is very
comprehensive and covers all phases of the complaint process. The
report that follows depicts the formal complaint activity for the
National Science Foundation as outlined below:
Complaint data by fiscal year for previous five year period
- Total number of complaints
- The status of these complaints
- The amount of funds expended for settlement
- The amount of attorney's fees
- Number of employees disciplined
- Current complaint data (End of 4th Qtr. FY 08)
- Total number of complaints
- Total number of employees filing complaints
- Total number of employees filing multiple complaints
No FEAR Act Notice
No FEAR Data