Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings on the Kansas Appointment of U.S. Special Education Director Alexa Posny
Archived Information

May 10, 2007
Contact: Jim Bradshaw
(202) 401-2310

U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today released the following statement upon the announcement by the Kansas State Board of Education that it had appointed Alexa Posny, director of the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs, to be Kansas commissioner of education, beginning July 1.

"I want to extend my congratulations to Alexa for her appointment as the chief state school officer in Kansas. She'll be a great asset to the people of Kansas, and we'll miss her expertise here at the department. During her time at the department, we have come to appreciate her grasp of special education with all of its intricacies and her deep knowledge of the No Child Left Behind Act, along with leadership skills and engaging personality. We wish her the best of luck and look forward to working with her to better the education for all our students."



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Last Modified: 05/10/2007

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