OGE Seal  
U.S. Office of Government Ethics
Gifts Employee Crossword Puzzle
TIP: Be sure the clue you want to solve on the crossword puzzle grid is highlighted and shaded before you type in the letters. For an explanation of the answers, click on the links in the clues located beneath the crossword puzzle.

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3. Accepting gifts too ________, even when permitted under the gift exceptions, is a bad idea
5. When the rules do not permit you to accept a gift, you cannot tell the donor to give the gift to your ________ instead
6. A cup of this is not a gift
7. Generally, you can’t give your ________ a gift
11. An annual occasion when you may give your supervisor a gift worth $10 or less
12. Accepting gifts worth ________ dollars or less from outside sources is usually ok


1. As a general rule, don't accept gifts from employees who make less ________ than you do if you are in their chain of command
2. Generally, don’t accept gifts given because of your official ________
4. One type of prohibited source is someone who does ________ with your agency
8. Generally, don’t accept gifts from this type of source
9. Collecting money for an employee's retirement gift? You may ask for ________ contributions for a group gift
10. This type of gift is permitted when your supervisor is a bride


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