Federal Coordinating Officers and Defense Coordinating Officers

Federal Coordinating Officers

Role of the Federal Coordinating Officer in Disaster Operations

FCO Bill Vogel explains FEMA's progress and role in the disaster relief efforts for Iowa to Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez Federal Coordinating Officers (FCOs) are appointed to manage the Federal resources during a disaster.  They have a prominent role in helping FEMA accomplish its core missions of saving lives, preventing suffering, protecting property, and conducting recovery operations  Their primary mission is to coordinate the timely delivery of Federal assistance to State and local governments, individual victims and the private sector.

In Region II the FCOs are: Marianne C. Jackson, Justo Hernández,  William L. Vogel, Stephen DeBlasio, Sr.  and Jaime Forero.

Defense Coordinating Officer

Role of Defense Coordinating Officer in Disaster Operations

Col. Robert Freehill, Defense Coordinating Officer, with Regional Administrator and Federal Coordinating Officer, Justo HernandezThe Defense Coordinating Officer serves as the Federal Emergency Management Agency's single point of contact for the Department of Defense's support in the Regions.

The DCO has a Defense Coordinating Element (DCE) consisting of a staff and military liaison officers to facilitate coordination and support to activated Emergency Support Functions (ESFs).  Specific responsibilities include:

Leadership:  Colonel Robert Freehill

Last Modified: Tuesday, 16-Sep-2008 11:12:20 EDT