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Dan L. Longo, M.D., F.A.C.P., Senior Investigator
Chief, Lymphocyte Cell Biology Unit
Laboratory of Immunology
and Scientific Director, NIA

1966 - Graduated high school with highest honors
1970 - A.B., Washington University, honors research in biology
1975 - M.D. cum laude, University of Missouri-Columbia
Board Certification:
1976 - Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners
1978 - Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
1979 - Diplomate, Subspecialty, Medical Oncology
Brief Chronology of Employment:
1972-1973 - Post-Sophomore Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri
1974-1975 - Research in the Laboratory of Dr. Victor Herbert, Department of Pathology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York
1975-1976 - Medical House Officer, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
1976-1977 - Assistant Resident in Medicine, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
1975-1977 - Clinical Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
1977-1978 - Clinical Associate, Medicine Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland
1978-1980 - Clinical Associate, Laboratory of Immunology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Bethesda, Maryland
1980-1982 - Senior Investigator, Medicine Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland
1982-1985 - Head, Experimental Immunology Section, Medicine Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland
1985-1995 - Director, Biological Response Modifiers Program, Associate Director, Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, Maryland
1995-Date - Scientific Director, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore and Bethesda, Maryland
Military Service:
U.S. Public Health Service, Commissioned Officer, 1977 to 2005
Rank - Medical Director (Captain) - 06 grade
Sigma Xi, 1970
Alpha Omega Alpha, 1974
American Federation for Clinical Research, 1974
Phi Kappa Phi, 1975
American Society for Microbiology, 1977
American College of Physicians, 1978, Fellow, 1982
MKSAP IX Oncology Subspecialty Committee, 1989-1991
MKSAP XII Oncology Subspecialty Committee, Chair, 1998-2000
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1978
New York Academy of Sciences, 1979
American Institute of Nutrition, 1980
American Society for Clinical Nutrition, 1980
American Society of Clinical Oncology, 1980
Program Committee, 1986, 1990, 1995
Awards Committee, 1989-1992
Education Committee, 1995-1997
American Association of Immunologists, 1980
American Association for Cancer Research, 1981
Program Committee, 1991
Awards Committee, 1995
American Society of Hematology, 1984
Scientific Subcommittee on Neoplasia, 1989-1992, Chair 1990
Program Committee, 1994, 1996
American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1985
Clinical Immunology Society, 1987, Councilor 1987-1990
Society for Leukocyte Biology, 1992
International Cytokine Society, 1994
Molecular Medicine Society, Fellow, 1995
American Society for Cell Biology, 1997
American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 1998
American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, 1999
Honors and Other Special Scientific Recognition:
1965, Harvard Book Award
1966, University of Missouri Curators Award
1975-76 and 1976-77, Radiology Case-of-the-Week Award, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital
At the University of Missouri School of Medicine:
1971, Physiology Award
1972-3, Post-Sophomore Fellowship in Pathology
1973, Lange Book Award
1974, Alpha Omega Alpha
1974, Lange Book Award
1975, Phi Kappa Phi
1975, Internal Medicine Award
1987, Young Physician Award (by Alumni Association)
1997, Citation of Merit for Contributions to Medicine (by Alumni Association)
United States Public Health Service:
1984, Outstanding Unit Citation
1987, Commendation Medal
1988, Unit Commendation
1992, Outstanding Service Medal
1993, NIH Merit Award
1996, NIH Director's Award
Other Awards:
1992-1993, Listing in The Best Doctors in America, First Edition, Edited by Naifeh, S. and Smith, G.W., Woodward/White, Inc. Publishers, pp. 165.
1992, Listing in Good Housekeeping Magazine "400 Best Cancer Doctors", October Issue
1992, Tovi Comet-Walerstein Award, Cancer AIDS and Immunology Research Institute,
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel--presented June 6, 1993
1994-1995, Listing in The Best Doctors in America, Second Edition, Edited by Naifeh, S. and Smith, G.W., Woodward/White, Inc. Publishers, pp. 269.
1996-1997, Listing in The Best Doctors in America, Third Edition, Edited by Naifeh, S. and Smith, G.W., Woodward/White, Inc. Publishers
Plenary or Named Lectures:
1986 - Don Monti Lecture, North Shore Hospital, Long Island, New York
1989 - "Biologic Response Modifiers in Breast Cancer", Plenary Lecture, 12th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, Texas
1992 - "The Development of IL-1 and IL-2 in Cancer Treatment", 1992 Patricia Trost Friedler Oncology Lectureship, Touro Infirmary, New Orleans, Louisiana
1992 - "Treatment of Aggressive Lymphoma: Recent Progress and Future Prospects", 8th Nagoya International Symposium on Cancer Treatment - Cancer Chemotherapy Challenges for the Future, Nagoya, Japan
1993 - "Rappaport's Legacy: Order from Chaos and Its Influence on the Clinical Approach to Lymphomas", Colloquium on Lymphoproliferative Disease, Honoring Henry Rappaport, M.D., Distinguished Physician on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday, City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, California
1993 - "The Treatment of Aggressive Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas", Sixth Annual Meltzer
Lecture, Atlanta, Georgia
1995 - "Tumor-Induced Alterations in T-Cell Function", 1995 Symposium on Receptor Editing, University of Maryland Immunology Group, Baltimore, Maryland
1995 - Bartell Visiting Professor, University of California, San Diego Cancer Center,
La Jolla, California
1996 - Jonas Lecture, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri
1996 - Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina
1997 - Presidential Symposium, American Society of Clinical Oncology 33rd Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado
Other Academic Activities:
1981 - 1991 Assistant Editor, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
1985 - 1999 Editor, Clinical Oncology Alert
1987 - 1999 Editor, Cancer Chemotherapy and Biological Response Modifiers Annual
1987 - 1999 Associate Editor, Cancer Research
1987 - present Associate Editor, Journal of the National Cancer Institute
1988 - 1995 Associate Editor, Year Book of Oncology
1988 - 1992 Associate Editor, Journal of Immunology
1989 - 1997 Associate Editor, Journal of Immunotherapy
1990 - present Editorial Board, Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology
1991 - 1993 Editorial Board, <>Clinical Digest Series-Oncology
1992 - 1996 Associate Editor, Therapeutic Immunology
1993 - 1997 Editorial Board, Blood
1993 - present Editorial Board, International Journal of Oncology
1994 - present Associate Editor, Clinical Cancer Research
1995 - present Editorial Board, Annals of Oncology
1995 - present Editor, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
1995 - present Editor, Cancer Chemotherapy and Biotherapy: Principles and Practice
1996 - 1998 Editorial Board, Oncology
1996 - present Editorial Board, Stem Cells
1997 - 1999 Associate Editor, Cancer Therapeutics
1997 - present Associate Editor, Blood
1998 - present Editorial Board, American Journal of Medicine
1998 - present Section Editor, Aging, Clinical Immunology
Service on Advisory Boards:
1987 - 1989 Scientific Advisory Board to University of Kansas and Kansas State University for the Wesley Foundation Scholars Program, Kansas City
1994 - present Honorary Medical Board, Lymphoma Research Foundation of America, Los Angeles
1996 - present Scientific Advisory Board, Institute for Advanced Studies in Immunology and Aging, Washington, D.C.
1998 - present Medical and Scientific Committee, Leukemia Society of America, New York
Patents held:
#5,296,353 - Ochoa, et al. "Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Progressive Immunosuppression, issued 3/22/94
#5,455,032 - Kenny, et al. "Use of Phosphocholine Hapten Conjugates in Vaccines", issued 10/3/95
#5,583,002 - Ochoa, et al. "Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Progressive Immunosuppression," issued 12/10/96
#5,674,492 - Armitage, et al. "Method of Preventing or Treating Disease Characterized by Neoplastic Cells Expressing CD40," issued 10/7/97
#5,725,855 - Ochoa, et al. "Method of Treating Tumors with CD8 Enriched or Depleted or CD4 Enriched or Depleted T-Cell Populations," issued 3/10/98
#5,861,158 - Kwak, et al. "Method and Composition for Transfer of Active Tumor-specific Immunization from an Immunized Allogeneic Bone Marrow Donor," issued 1/19/99
#5,889,143 - Ochoa, et al. "Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Progressive Immunosuppression," issued 3/30/99
#5,965,366 - Ochoa, et al. "Methods of Identifying Patients Having an Altered Immune Status," issued 10/12/99
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