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A screen shot of 'The Skyscrapers of New York'

Watch "The Skyscrapers of New York" filmed by Fred A. Dobson in 1906

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Cameraman Fred A. Dobson Began Filming "The Skyscrapers of New York"
November 8, 1906

Don't look down, Dobson! On November 8, 1906, cameraman Fred A. Dobson began filming "The Skyscrapers of New York" atop an uncompleted skyscraper at Broadway and 12th Street. The American Mutoscope and Biograph Company, an early rival of Thomas Edison's motion picture company, sponsored this stunt-filled melodrama. The movie tells the story of a construction foreman who fires a crew member for fighting. The angry employee turns to stealing.
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VIDEO CREDIT: American Mutoscope and Biograph Company, "The Skyscrapers of New York." 1906. The Life of a City: Early Films of New York, 1897-1906, Library of Congress.