Title:Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research II (CECCR II) (P50)


Bradford W. Hesse, Ph.D.
Chief, Health Communication and Informatics Branch
Behavioral Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Boulevard, EPN Room 4068, MSC 7365
Bethesda, MD 20892-7365 (for U.S. Postal Service express or regular mail)
Rockville, MD 20852 (for non-USPS delivery)
Telephone: (301) 594-9904
FAX: (301) 480-2198
E-mail: hesseb@mail.nih.gov

Objective of Project:

Cancer communication science plays important roles in health and quality of life for individuals and populations (e.g., at the level of provider-patient interactions as well as the community and societal level through traditional mass media and emerging diverse electronic channels). The objective of this RFA is to promote information and communication research that would aid the reach, efficiency, and effectiveness of cancer control efforts by funding Centers of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research (CECCRs).

Description of Project:

The centers are expected to create nodes of “critical mass”, in which scientists from different disciplines would come together to investigate in a transdisciplinary fashion problems associated with cancer communication in a rapidly changing communication environment. Each funded center will be required (1) to have a minimum of three major research projects, one of which with distinct emphasis on research that is directly relevant to clinical settings; (2) to provide career development opportunities for new investigators or established investigators wishing to pursue a career in cancer communication research; (3) to manage developmental funds for innovative pilot projects; and (4) to interact with other centers on a regular basis to share information, evaluate scientific progress, coordinate on projects of collaborative interest, identify common data elements, and respond to emerging opportunities in cancer communication and informatics research.