Biden meets with top economic advisors

Vice President-elect Joe Biden made the case for a bold economic recovery package in a meeting in Washington this morning with the Obama-Biden administration’s top economic advisors.

“Economists rarely agree, but on this score there’s overwhelming agreement that we need a robust and sustained economic recovery package,” he said at the meeting. “There’s virtually no disagreement on that point, with economists from left to right agreeing that the greater threat to our economy lies in doing too little.”

Biden was flanked by Larry Summers, Director-designate of the National Economic Council, and Melody Barnes,  Director-designate of the Domestic Policy Council, both of whom highlighted the areas the plan’s job-creation initiatives will focus on: health care, schools, infrastructure, and energy.

“We think it’s an opportunity to turn crisis into opportunity to make sure ... that mobility and opportunity are in fact the hallmark of this administration,” Director-designate Barnes said.

Vice President-elect Biden also noted several times that though the package is likely to be very large, there will be strict accountability and no earmarks.

“I know it’s Christmas but President-elect Obama and I are absolutely determined that this economic recovery package will not become a Christmas Tree,” he said.

View photos from the meeting below.

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